Questions from the Trenches

What is the probationary period for a new employee in the APA?


APA members new to campus or entering into APA from other University employment serve a twelve-month probationary period. The probationary period can be completed earlier than twelve months by your supervisor.


Do I have to serve a probationary period if my position was reclassified into an APA position?


A member whose current position was simply reclassified is not required to serve either a probationary or a trial period.


How do I get professional feedback on my work performance while I’m on probation?


Under the APA contract, after a six-month time period, an interim written evaluation should be prepared by your supervisor and reviewed with you so you have adequate time to address any concerns.


When am I eligible for benefits and leave time?


Your contractual benefits commence at the start of your employment. Health care and dental benefits begin on the first day of the month following your hire date. Benefits beginning immediately include: vacation accrual, sick leave, bereavement rights, pro-rated personal leave, matching contributions to 403(b) retirement plans (if enrolled), ability to contribute to a 457 supplemental retirement plan, and coverage by/access to contractually agreed insurances.


If you are age 35 or older, you must contribute 5% of your base salary to your 403(b) plan and the University will contribute an additional 10% of your annual salary to your plan.  There is no vesting period for the retirement plans.


What changes once I have successfully completed my probationary period?


Job Protection

Just cause is in place for all discipline following completion of the probationary period. Just cause is contractually guaranteed and enforced job protections requiring all discipline be based on just, equitable and reasonable actions.


Compensation Increases

After one year of service, a member whose salary is less than the progression level salary for the grade level and has satisfactory performance will receive a progression level raise.  Members also receive annual wage increases during their probationary period. To find your progression level amount go to and review contract Article 17.


In addition, an annual wage increase is provided each year on our contract year with the October paycheck.  Departments may also give out-of-cycle wage increases.  The contract provides a minimum base wage, not a maximum.


Education Assistance

Members are eligible for educational assistance after 12 months of continuous full-time equivalent service months.  The educational assistance benefit covers a percentage of MSU tuition fees at the life long learning credit hour rate, for up to 14 credits per academic year. The percentage of coverage is based on graduate or undergraduate class level.


For non-credit courses and technology/certificate training, Human Resource Development classes are offered and members have up to $800 that may be used per year.


How do I get more information about APA?

  • Go to for a copy of your contract, the most recent newsletter, and pertinent information related to your work environment.
  • Call the APA office at 517-353-4898.
  • Email [email protected] if you would like to get more involved with the APA.
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