Need help navigating the Office of Institutional Equity?  Contact APA!

If you are not familiar with the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), you may not be alone, as OIE has completed only their second academic year on campus.  The purpose of OIE is to review all concerns of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking under MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy and MSU’s Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct.  In addition, OIE can provide information, resources and training on both policies.  


As staff of MSU, you can request either informal or formal assistance from OIE.  In the informal process, OIE’s function is to consult, advise and facilitate alternative dispute resolution.  When a formal complaint is filed, OIE will act as a neutral party to all individuals involved in the process, while providing a thorough investigation and analysis of each claim.  OIE does not act as a representative for either side; rather, it serves as a neutral fact-finder for determining whether the Anti-Discrimination Policy or Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct was violated.


If the OIE determines that the requirements are met for a formal investigation, OIE will promptly notify the individual, office, or unit against whom the claim is filed.  OIE will notify the party of the initiation of the investigation, the potential policy violation at issue, the right to participate in the investigation, the timeframe for responding and that the investigation may proceed without either party. If appropriate, the applicable unit administrator will also be notified of the investigation.


As OIE does not act as an advocate, APA members can request representation from APA.  Whether you need to file a claim or find that you have been contacted by OIE to participate in an investigation, APA will consult with you and, if requested, attend the initial meeting with you.


You can file an OIE Report here.  Please note that your completed report will go directly to OIE and the MSU Police.


If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].

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