Area Representative (AR) Spotlight – Juan Flores-Soto

By John Resotko, Communication Committee Member  

What is your job title? 
Student Success Initiatives Coordinator Level 12 

What area of campus (this refers to the area rep info on the APA website, like, East, South, North, etc.) building and department do you work in?  
I work in North area of campus, specifically in Student Services building. 

How long have you been at MSU?
I have been here since my freshman year 2001 and professionally since 2008 after earning my Master’s degree.  

How long have you been an Area Representative in training? 
I have been an area rep in training since December 2020. 

What do you enjoy most about being an AR?  What is the most rewarding part of being an AR? 
Having benefited from union membership, I look forward to the opportunity to share it’s value and assist colleagues across campus with challenges they may encounter. The training that I have participated in so far have been valuable.  Conversations with union members have shown me that this union is serious about worker’s rights and is not afraid to go above and beyond for us. It is an honor for me to be part of a team that’s values diversity, equity, inclusion for all its members regardless of race, gender identity, political affiliation, and other differences in our work environments.  

Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring?
I did not realize how important the union was until I needed it. Three years ago I left a job on campus for another one that turned out to be completely different than what I was sold on. That’s when I realized that because I am a union member, I could go back to my union job without any penalties. Then the pandemic hit. Folks on campus had to take a pay decrease and lose half of their retirement match. I was preparing for the worst but luckily the union came through again and fought for us. These experiences lead to my realization that being a union member is a tremendous deal for workers. The union is there for us when we need them. The union gives me peace of mind and knowing that I have representation available when I need it. The union helps me be brave in my work environment, to ensure that my colleagues and students we serve are treated fairly and with respect. 

What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU?
My advice for all new hires is to get involved right away and appreciate the union. Participate in events and activities, pay your dues and utilize union services. Don’t be like me and wait 10 years to get involved. Remember that without the union we wouldn’t have the benefits package that we have or the representation that is fearless and ready to fight for our rights.  

What do you love about working at MSU?
I value the opportunity to cross paths with so many students at Michigan State University on their journey to success. I value the opportunity to work on initiatives that aim to close the achievement gaps that exist for students from Marginalized backgrounds. The initiatives I work in provide awareness on diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice issues that exist to provide a warm and welcoming environment for all.  

What do you like to do when you are not at work?
When I’m not at work I spend my time with my wife and two children. I also like to run, read, and reflect on social media. Follow me on Instagram Juale1313 🙂 


 The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to 


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