Legislative Chair Update

Please reach out to Becky Jo Farrington, your APA Legislative Committee Chair at [email protected] or 810-623-5093 with questions and to learn how you can engage in these efforts with the MSU APA!

Summary of Resource Links

MEA’s Political Action Committee and Recommended Candidates: meavotes.com

VOTER INFORMATION including how to register to vote, polling locations, absentee voting and much more: https://michigan.gov/vote

MEA Legislative Information – up to date information on legislative efforts related to education in both Lansing and Washington https://mea.org/legislation/

MSUAPA.org – Information regarding your APA Legislative Committee: https://msuapa.org/about/committees/legislative-committee/

2024 statewide election dates in Michigan

  • Tuesday, Aug. 6: Michigan primary election
  • Tuesday, Nov. 5: Michigan general election


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