APA Area Representative Program

Where Do I Turn For Answers?

What does my contract guarantee?  How do MSU procedures affect me?  Can my supervisor do that? These and countless other questions are asked every day by APA members about the wages, benefits, terms and working conditions of their MSU employment.  The instinct of most people is to ask a colleague we hope is knowledgeable and trustworthy.  However, if you cannot get the answer you need, do you assume your supervisor will provide an unbiased answer, attempt to find and interpret all the relevant policies and procedures, or do you give up and make the best of things?

APA is here to help fill any knowledge gap in a way designed to help YOU first.

The APA Membership Committee has been working hard to create more resources to meet the every day information needs of our fellow members. A primary focus has been expanding the Area Representative program.  The Committee analyzed the membership data and divided MSU into five (5) large areas (map). The APA has several appointed Area Representatives, but more ARs are currently undergoing an extensive education series to add to the cadre. A training series is also planned for Fall 2012.

Q:  What does an Area Representative do?

A:  Area representatives are members meant to be local, first points of contact with other APA members. ARs typically welcome new members to the Area, assist in organizing APA events, answer basic member questions, connect members with the right resources at APA and MSU, and provide information updates about the APA/MEA/NEA.

Q:  How do I contact an Area Representative?

A:  The APA website has a page devoted to the AR program (Area Representatives). Please feel free to contact any area representative listed, regardless of Area, but try your local one if you’re not sure! New ARs will be continually added to the site as they finish the training.  Any of them will be glad to hear from you.

Q:  Does my boss have to know I contacted an Area Representative?

A:  No!  You are well within your rights to ask questions of a union official, even if no grievance results. ARs will always be discrete and will not discuss your circumstances with anyone else, other than to ask further questions to the APA Officers and Staff. ARs understand the importance of your privacy.

Q:  If my boss informs me to contact my union representative, whom do I contact?

A:  Please call the APA Office right away 517-353-4898. ARs may aid the APA Officers and Staff, but will rarely replace them.

Q:  How do I learn more about or volunteer to become an Area Representative?

A:  Please contact the APA Membership Committee Chairperson, Nick Bourland at [email protected] for more information about the AR Program.

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