Don’t Let Stress Get the Best of U!

Do you feel stressed out?  Are you going through a personal or job-related circumstance that is weighing you down?  Did you know that as an MSU employee there are many resources available to help you?

“We live in a culture that encourages us to be really stressed out and anxious, frustrated and competitive.  It really is learning to live against the cultural norm and to see that it’s not necessary.” – Lisa Laughman Davidson

I met with APA member Lisa Laughman Davidson to find out more about what the University has to offers its employees.  Lisa, along with Jonathon Novello, is one of two full-time MSW counselors on staff at the MSU Employee Assistance Program.  I first became aware of Lisa through Human Resources Development’s Breaking Free From Stress class, which I found to be hugely helpful in my own personal journey.  I was surprised to find out just how many resources are available to MSU employees.

“I think that one of the best preventative health measures people can do is to be intentionally strengthening their own relaxation response, to be involved in the emotional wellness classes we have though Health4U and the EAP – to be having conversations on how to increase their ability to relax more moment to moment.  I think if people do that and walk that path, they will see a positive outcome in their heath.” -LLD

MSUeap counselors can see people for a wide variety of personal or work concerns, with no cost to the employee.   The Mission of MSUeap is to support and enhance the emotional health of the campus community.   Counselors will see the employee or family member for 1-6 sessions per event.  If longer-term counseling is needed, they can offer a referral to someone in the community, making the getting connected process a lot easier than just looking though the phone book or searching the internet.  MSUeap does not operate as an ongoing counseling center, as they want to be as open as possible to the people coming in who need access to someone sooner rather than later.  MSUeap counselors can see people for anything they see fit – work-related or personal, with no cost to the employee.

“The link between stress and heart disease, stress and diabetes is being explored.  Behind any major health problem, it’s back there.  Why would you not take advantage of the University resources that are so plentiful here?  It’s not really talked about, but there are some great resources if you want to strengthen your capacity to experience less stress and your ability to relax and navigate your current stressors.” – LLD

Breaking Free From Stress and Navigating Life Effectively are two courses that Lisa teaches with Milly Gillin through Human Resources Development.   Both courses give attendees an opportunity to take time out and learn how to best navigate their circumstances.  People often feel that others are making them crazy, job or home circumstances.  These classes seek to share the understanding that each of us creates our own personal experience moment to moment and that our reactions are more about our thinking then the circumstances.  This understanding allows people to see when they are caught up in a stress reaction and can help them open up to new thinking that might help them best respond to the person or event that is challenging them.

Lisa spoke to me about a fellow APA member who spent significant time in Breaking Free From Stress and other learning opportunities.  After a visit to a chiropractor, she was told not to come back, since she was no longer out of alignment.  She was no longer spending so much time constricted and tense.  The more she relaxed, the less her body assumed the stress position and that lead to a very tangible outcome.

“I think that one of the best preventative health measures people can do is to be intentionally strengthening their own relaxation response, to be involved in the emotional wellness classes we have though Health4U and the EAP to be having conversations on how to increase their ability to relax more moment to moment.  I think if people do that and walk that path, they will see a positive outcome in their heath.” -LLD

Please see the selection of upcoming offerings from Health4U, HRD and resources that you can look into.  Information on the MSU Employee Assistance Program can be found here: |  517-355-4506  |  1-888-280-9478  |  [email protected]

Upcoming Health 4U Classes: |  517-353-2596  |  [email protected]
Offered at no cost to the employee, but registration is required.

Power of Belief – Tuesdays over the lunch hour beginning March 27
This four session series, which is based on Ray Dodd’s book The Power of Belief, is designed to help you realize the hidden impact your belief system has on your day to day life experience.
Explore the Following:

  • How beliefs create internal barriers to success and happiness
  • What’s behind self defeating behavior
  • Becoming aware of your beliefs
  • Letting go of old, outdated, unhelpful beliefs
  • Practical ways to create new beliefs

The Healing Power of Guided Imagery – Wednesdays over the lunch hour beginning March 21
Guided imagery is a form of directed day-dreaming that relaxes the mind and engages the senses in the physical and emotional healing process. It has been shown to alleviate pain, reduce depression and boost the immune system.

Trance of Scarcity – Wednesdays over the lunch hour beginning May 30
If a person has the ability to notice and attend to their state of being/mind they are more able to take action when they are centered and at their best and less likely to take action when they are in a low mood, reactive, problem oriented etc. A person’s ability to be more able to operate from a high quality state of mind allows them to be optimally effective as an employee, spouse/partner, parent, family member, team member, community member, etc. It will also help them be a more wise and effective leader of their personal and professional lives. Living from this perspective reduces stress and therefore likely impacts chances of developing stress related illnesses.

Upcoming Human Resources Development Class: |  517-355-0183  |  [email protected]
$290 investment -  you may use your Educational Assistance Benefit
Breaking Free from Stress – Tuesdays May 1, 8, 15 and 22 1-4:30pm
External circumstances such as potential job loss, anger in the workplace, too much to do in too little time, financial concerns, relationship changes, loss of a loved one and other events can have a significant impact on our lives. In this course, created by Lakeside Consulting, Inc., you will learn the basic principles that will help you see how to be less reactive to people and events and how to live your life from a deeper perspective of common sense and wisdom.

Self-Learning Opportunities:

Lisa’s Book Recommendations
The Happiness Trap – Dr. Russ Harris
The Confidence Gap – Dr. Russ Harris
The Gifts of Imperfection – Brene Brown
The Mindfulness and Acceptance Workbook for Anxiety – John P. Forsyth
The Trance of Scarcity – Victoria Castle
Slowing Down to the Speed of Life – Richard Carlson
You Can Be Happy No Matter What – Richard Carlson

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