Category Archives: Newsletter

Any post that is intended to edn up in the bi-monthly news letter

Calling Advocates – Area Representatives Needed

Check all the qualities you believe you possess: You are good at your job & respected by your colleagues People ask for your advice You have a strong sense of justice & clear principles You are responsible You are honest You … Continue reading

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MSU APA Trivia

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight — Chuck Rivers

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Your Fellow APAs

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APA Executive Boards meets with NEA President, Becky Pringle

Meeting with Becky Pringle By Gerlind Kiupel, Communications Committee Member On September 17th, members of the APA Executive Board attended a roundtable discussion with NEA President Becky Pringle and MEA President Paula Herbart.  Attendees of the roundtable: Left to right, … Continue reading

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APA 2021 Health Care & Wage Increase

APA 2021 Health Care & Wage Increase The APA has confirmed that the base wage increase, for the year 2022 of our joint wage and health care agreement will be 2.00%. This increase will be realized for all APA members … Continue reading

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A Word from the APA President September – October

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MSU APA Trivia

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