Category Archives: Newsletter

Any post that is intended to edn up in the bi-monthly news letter

New Facebook Group for APA Members    Hello APA members,  Your Communications Committee has been working on a new Facebook group that will allow you to have another source to receive official information from your APA Union. This group will be open for you to join beginning … Continue reading

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Calling for Advocates!

Calling for all Advocates   Check all the qualities you believe you possess  You are good at your job & respected by your colleagues People ask for your advice  You have a strong sense of justice & clear principles You are responsible  You … Continue reading

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New Member Gift Bag Drawings 

Submitted by Kandy Slack, APA Membership Chair    The APA held a contest from August 1 – November 30.  Any new members joining were automatically entered for a chance to win one of 22 gift bags full of MSU Gear, … Continue reading

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APA Member Feature:  Earline Ling 

What is your job title? Graphic artist    How long have you been at MSU? 2 years.    Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? I joined shortly after starting my position at MSU.     What department do you work in, … Continue reading

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Longevity Payments 

By Darius Bradley Communications Chair    Longevity pay recognizes long-term employment and is provided after six years of continuous service with the university. Employees who are eligible to receive longevity will receive their payment on Tuesday, Dec 1. This is a separate check that will … Continue reading

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Salary Schedules and APL 

By Kandy Slack, APA Membership Chairperson    Salary Progression Program     Salary Progression increase consideration will be given to Employees who have completed at least one (1) year of service on the effective date of the increase, whose most recent … Continue reading

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“Anti-bias Training: Moving Dr. King’s message forward in a 2020 platform” 

By Elbony Hawkins, DEI Commitee Co-Chair    Please join us for an interactive and engaging presentation on “Antibias Training: Moving Dr. King’s message forward in a 2020 platform”. Kia Hagens (MEA) will facilitate this discussion and encourage dialogue among the … Continue reading

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An Update from our Legislative Chair

Dear Members,    I want to thank all of you, who voted in last month’s election.   Due to your participation, we had the highest number voters to participate in the voting process. If you did not participate, please note that … Continue reading

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