Category Archives: Newsletter

Any post that is intended to edn up in the bi-monthly news letter

Annual Membership Meeting 

The APA held its Annual Membership Meeting the evening of November 10th. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, we held this year’s meeting virtually and it was well attended by members. In addition to a report out from APA President Martin McDonough, members were … Continue reading

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New Committee within APA Union, Diversity Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 

By Darius Bradley, Communications Chair    The MSU APA union has created a new committee in which our members can participate and become engaged. We currently have two Co-Chairs for this group, they are Elbony Hawkins and Jeremy Romel. I have conducted a … Continue reading

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APA Executive Board bids farewell to board member Laura Wise 

In November 2020, APA Executive Board member Laura Wise announced she had accepted a new position which would move her from her APA position. She joined the ranks of the APA in 2012 and took a position as an Area Representative in 2013. She was … Continue reading

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APA works to extend protections during pandemic 

On May 6, 2020, your Administrative Professional Association (APA), with the support of our partner the Michigan Education Association (MEA), signed a Furlough Letter of Agreement (LOA) with MSU which was a first for both parties. As the effects of the COVID-19 crisis began, the concept of furloughs … Continue reading

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New COVID Information

MDHHS Epidemic Order 10 29 20 Social_Gathering_Guidance_Final_10 29 20 10-29_Epidemic_Order_Infographic_10 29 20

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight

Tiffany Norwood, AR – In – Training   What is your job title?  Executive Staff Assistant to the Senior Associate Vice President of Research and Innovation    What area of campus (this refers to the area rep info on the APA website, … Continue reading

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Your Fellow APs

  Meet Fellow APA Lisa D. Frugé    What is your job title? – Project Event Coordinator    How long have you been at MSU? – 24 years    Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? – No    What … Continue reading

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APA 2018 – 2021 Health Care & Wage Increases 

The APA has confirmed that the base wage increases for this year and the next year of our joint wage and health care agreement will be 2.75%. Those increases will be realized for all APA members in October 2020 and 2021. These are contract raises and … Continue reading

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