Category Archives: Newsletter

Any post that is intended to edn up in the bi-monthly news letter

APA Annual Picnic

APA Annual Picnic May 22 4:30pm-7:00pm We continue our tradition of gathering in the spring for the annual picnic. APA members and their families are invited to a picnic on May 22 4:30pm-7:00pm at Patriarche Park, 960 Alton, East Lansing, … Continue reading

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2018 APA Election Results

2018 APA Election Results At the April board meeting, the executive board voted to accept and certify the results of the March APA Election.   A total of 301 ballots were cast in this year’s election, which equates to 14.49% of … Continue reading

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“Free College” for you and your family with your APA membership!

Today, college affordability is on everyone’s mind.  In fact, studies show that only half of Americans who begin college will be able to finish – largely due to financial, work and life barriers.  However, APA and MEA can provide you, … Continue reading

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Know Your Contract

Family Medical Leave Act, FMLA In general, most members will take FMLA for a serious health condition or to care for a family member with a serious health condition; however, FMLA covers more than illness.     All members who … Continue reading

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The APA needs you…

For our Area Representative (AR) program. We are starting a new series of AR training classes in March and invite you to join the program. Our goal is to have an AR in every building where we have members and … Continue reading

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Meet a Fellow APA Member

Meet Britany Benson, our highlighted APA member.   What is your job title? Public Engagement Coordinator.   How long have you been at MSU? I first stepped onto campus almost nine years ago when I started my undergraduate studies. .  … Continue reading

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MEA Scholarship

If you have a dependent who will be attending college (not necessarily MSU) in fall 2018 (could be a freshman or upper classman) or pursuing vocational training at an institution that grants a degree, certification or license, they are eligible … Continue reading

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Federal Attack on Student Loan Forgiveness and Proposed Free Community College

Portions of this article are reproduced from NEA’s Legislative Action Center The original goal of the Higher Education Act was to ensure that every American has access to higher education, regardless of income or zip code. Disinvestment in higher education after the … Continue reading

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