Category Archives: Newsletter

Any post that is intended to edn up in the bi-monthly news letter

Summer Volunteer Opportunities at the MSU Community Music School

Each summer, the MSU Community Music School (CMS) offers summer camps that appeal to a range of interests, from choral music to rock to music therapy. All camps are held at either the MSU Community Music School or on the … Continue reading

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Questions From The Trenches

For this installment of APA Questions From The Trenches, we asked APA President Maury Koffman to highlight the answers to questions raised by members regarding the conclusion of the lump sum payments dispute with MSU. What is the gross payment members will … Continue reading

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APA Prevails and Compels Full Payout of the January 2014 and 2015 Lump Sum Bonus Payments

by Maury Koffman, APA President The APA is proud to have led the negotiations with MSU that resulted in lump sum bonus payments for every member of the APA in January 2014 and January 2015. However, in a disappointing series … Continue reading

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by Dennis Seybert, Elections Committee Chair Per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the annual APA Executive Board election shall be conducted by March 31 of each year. The 2016 election is scheduled to run from March 14 – March 29, … Continue reading

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Update: January 2014 and January 2015 Lump Sum Bonus Payments

by Maury Koffman, APA President The APA is proud to have recently received a binding ruling by an arbitrator, citing a unilateral violation of the APA contract by MSU and compelling the University to issue payment of the withheld funds … Continue reading

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Know Your Contract – Benefits

by Melissa Sortman, MEA Uniserv Director This month’s More You Know information session is Benefits: Health Care and Beyond. Wages and health coverage are typically the top issues for APA members, but the other benefits in a union contract can … Continue reading

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Your Fellow APs

Interview by Laura Wise, APA Executive Board Your Fellow AP in this newsletter is Andrea Worful, an Administrative Assistant at the Community Music School. What is your job title? Administrative Assistant II, but the work that I perform at the … Continue reading

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Making a difference, One coat at a time!

by Nicole Proctor, Community Based Events Committee Chair The 2015 APA Coat Drive was an amazing success. A warm thank you to all of the volunteers that made this possible. From the 23 plus site hosts that either put bins … Continue reading

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