Category Archives: Uncategorized

House Bill 4770 – OEI Benefits

House Bill 4770 – Does it Apply to APA Members? Several members have contacted the APA office inquiring about the passage of Michigan House bill 4770 that prohibits a public employer from affording domestic partner health care benefits, raising concern … Continue reading

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Your Fellow APAs

Interview with APA member Jodi Potter Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office  |  MSU College of Education How long have you been at MSU? I started working at MSU in the fall of 2008 at CSTAT (Center for Statistical Training and Consulting). … Continue reading

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Community Based Events Update

The APA Community Based Events Ad-Hoc Committee is proud to announce over 600 books were collected during the November 30 – December 2 children’s book drive. Members contributed books at 15 locations across campus with the support of APA members … Continue reading

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MSU Moves

Have you signed up for MSU Moves yet? If not, now is the time as you can register for the first MSU Moves Me 2012 Challenge! Registration is open until January 19, 2012. The challenge runs from January 23, 2012 … Continue reading

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March Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA Executive Board Meeting Agenda March 3, 2009 1.    Call to Order a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending b.    Approval of agenda c.    Approval of minutes 2.    Reports a.    President b.    Treasurer c.    Committee Reports … Continue reading

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New MSU APA Website Under Way!!!

Please be patient as we continue to develop the new MSU APA website. The site is currently under construction and will under go several changes over the next few days as the site is developed and content is added. When … Continue reading

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