Calling Advocates – Area Representatives Needed

Check all the qualities you believe you possess:

  • You are good at your job & respected by your colleagues
  • People ask for your advice
  • You have a strong sense of justice & clear principles
  • You are responsible
  • You are honest
  • You are compassionate
  • You are a good listener
  • You like solving problems as a team
  • You put interests of the whole first, ahead of your individual concerns
  • You respect group decisions
  • You are knowledgeable about MSU and your contract
  • You can stay cool under pressure
  • You handle stress well 

If you checked 5 or more of the above, your APA-Administrative Professional Association wants you! 

For more information on how to get started as an Area Representative (AR), Contact: Pat Hampton at [email protected]

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MSU APA Trivia

APA-MSU Trivia Question of the Month 

 There will not be a trivia question this month.


The winner from the last newsletter was: 

Jenny Rivers


**MSU-APA Board members and Area Reps are not eligible to participate in the contest.**

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight — Chuck Rivers

Area Representative (AR) Spotlight Chuck Rivers 

By John Resotko, Communications Committee Member 


  1. What is your job title? Director, Community Relations, Southeast Michigan, Government Relations
  2. What area of campus (this refers to the area rep info on the APA website, like, East, South, North, etc.) building and department do you work in? I retain southeast Michigan offices primarily in Wayne, Macomb & Oakland Counties
  3. How long have you been at MSU? Seventeen years
  4. How long have you been an Area Representative In Training? Approx. one year
  5. Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring? I desired to have a sense of job security and wanted to be sure that the university would not make unfair and arbitrary decisions about my employment. I look to the union to ensure that my job is duly protected against lay offs, recall, promotion, etc.
  6. What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU? That they should seriously consider joining and becoming a union member. The union works to negotiate and enforce all contracts with the university that guarantees the things they (most likely) would care about like decent raises, affordable health care, job security, and a stable schedule. They help guarantee better workplaces and working conditions for members, without the fear of retaliation.
  7. What do you love about working for MSU? The vast wealth of resources available to assist almost every aspect of our local, state, national and international communities. Also, the numerous employees who are so committed to making those resources available.
  8. What do you like to do when you are not at work? I like to ne actively engaged with individuals and organizations. 

 Optional getting to know you questions. 

  1. In high school I was known for: nothing specifically
  2. People would be surprised to know I am skilled at:vocal & organ performance
  3. I have no pets
  4. I like classical music and my favorite band is The Boston Symphony & Pops
  5. My favorite area restaurant is Charlie Kangs and my favorite dish is Szechuan shrimp with chicken.
  6. My hobbies include: swimming & gardening
  7. My favorite junk food is: Popeyes chicken sandwich because it appeals to my southern cultural roots 

The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to

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Your Fellow APAs

Meet Fellow APA Member Laraine Owens 

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communication Committee Member 

  1. What is your job title? Administrative Assistant 
  2. How long have you been at MSU? 6 years in November 
  3. Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? I have.
  4. What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?  This is an interesting question without a short answer. I am employed in the CMSC (Composite Material and Structures Center) in the Engineering College. I work in Corktown in the Scale up Research Facility which is the only R&D facility of its kind in North America. We are tasked with lightweighting vehicles, hence the Detroit location. Being that I am the only individual in the office, I do EVERYTHING. 
  5.  What brought you to your job at MSU?  I was in search of something new. I had more than 20 years of experience in healthcare but was becoming disenchanted with the work that I was doing.
  6. What do you enjoy most about working at MSU?  This is a very difficult question to answer. There are so many things that I enjoy about my job. The work itself is ever-changing, which I find rewarding. I also work with a phenomenal group of individuals that are really great at what they do. We all bring something a little bit different to the table.
  7. What do you like to do when you are not at work?  I started my own business as an independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay at the end of January 2021. I hosted my launch party in March and really started working my business in June. Since that time, I have grown my team and customer base, have received two advancements, was Queen of Sales for my unit last fiscal year (June 2020, July 2021) and am on target for my first career car.
  8. I have 2 dogs, a chihuahua and a yorkie.
  9. I like several different genres of music. I have a 17-year-old daughter, so…
  10. My favorite area restaurant is the Olive Garden, and my favorite dish is cheese ravioli.
  11. My hobbies include boating and spending time with my family.
  12. My favorite junk food is pizza because leftovers make great breakfast.
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APA Executive Boards meets with NEA President, Becky Pringle

Meeting with Becky Pringle

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communications Committee Member

On September 17th, members of the APA Executive Board attended a roundtable discussion with NEA President Becky Pringle and MEA President Paula Herbart. 

Attendees of the roundtable: Left to right, front row: Jamie Lynn Marks, Pat Hampton, Becky Pringle (NEA), Paula Herbart (MEA); back row: Martin McDonough, Darius Bradley, Kandy Slack, Shannon Alston (MEA); Nicole Proctor-Kanyama, Gerlind Kiupel, Brett Smith (MEA) 

APA is affiliated with MEA/NEA which means that each member of the APA is also a member of the Michigan Education Association (MEA), the largest single public employee union in the state of Michigan and the third largest education association in the United States. APA members are also a member of the National Education Association (NEA). the nation’s largest professional employee organization. 

We discussed higher education issues and opportunities, for instance having APA members attend NEA conferences. We raised the point that our members are a special group within MEA and NEA, because we are supporting higher education in a variety of ways. Our members include IT professionals and engineers, administrative assistants, and research assistants, and so much more; we do not fall in the typical categories of teachers, educational support personnel (like school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, etc.), or faculty. 

Furthermore, we talked about successful member events that we had organized like the Human Trafficking movie event, or our popular More You Know series of arming our members with knowledge about their rights under the contract. 

In this productive meeting, our voice was heard. We can count on the support of MEA/NEA. 

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APA 2021 Health Care & Wage Increase

APA 2021 Health Care & Wage Increase

The APA has confirmed that the base wage increase, for the year 2022 of our joint wage and health care agreement will be 2.00%. This increase will be realized for all APA members in October 2022. The raise for October 2021 is 2.75%. These are contract raises and cannot be taken away without your approval.

As a reminder, the APA negotiates our contracts that ensure fully funded health care, a minimum salary by grade level, and annual eligible base wage increases. Health care will continue to be fully MSU-funded with no employee premium for the base plan for single, double, and family coverage through December 31, 2021.

Our benefit package is a combination of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the University and the Coalition of Labor Organizations at MSU and our Administrative Professional Association (APA) contract. Under the MOU our healthcare benefits and the annual raise percentages are included. Under our APA contract, the APA member benefits are defined specifically for those in APA positions, including the minimum wage for the specific levels. It is noteworthy that the APA contract works as a floor and there is no ceiling for the salary increase amount or maximum annual salary.

For October 2022, under the MOU, the health care cost increase will continue to be measured using the average union member health care cost increase. As with this notice, once we know the health care cost increase for each measuring year and the associated base wage increase amount, we will communicate with the APA membership accordingly. 

The MOU is due to expire on December 31, 2021 and we are currently working through the ratification process of a successor agreement. Our APA Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) is a 4-year contract and expires September 1, 2023. 

A More Detailed Explanation of the October raises 

The APA wage increases for the coming years are as follows: 

-October 2021: 2.75% subject to 40% of the wage increase provided automatically and 60% of the wage increase provided through application of management’s merit pay guidelines.

-October 2022: 2.00% subject to 40% of the wage increase provided automatically and 60% of the wage increase provided through application of management’s merit pay guidelines.

While 100% of the funds negotiated by the APA for annual wage increases must be distributed in full to APA members each year in October, a department is fully permitted under the APA contract to provide a greater wage increase in October, or extend an out-of-cycle wage increase in any month, provided the department accounts for the funding in their budget and it is processed through HR.

Further Questions? 

We hope that the above information helps inform your understanding of the upcoming annual APA wage increases and fully funded health care coverage. You can review a copy of the current joint wage and health care agreement on the APA website at:

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A Word from the APA President September – October

Dignity due 

A hard days pay for a hard days work is a very simple concept, anything less is demoralizing. The overall labor market has moved sharply to favor the employee. Many people are realizing this fact and decide not to settle for the previous status quo. They find places where the true value of their skills is recognized and compensated. When positions cannot be filled due to a lack of applicants, it is not the applicants fault. The positions are not being offered at a fair market value. The applicants are simply taking control and saying, I am worth more and I deserve that respect. 

Your APA receives numerous member calls about understaffed departments and a general lack of respect for their work. That message needed to be heard by the current MSU administration. Your APA, along with several other MSU unions, recently met with Executive Vice President for Administration Dr. Melissa Woo to express a growing issue of low morale within our memberships. We related that respect is a monetary issue and not the gesture of giving a cookie and a trinket gift. We also noted the current merit system is clearly broken and our members are losing faith, not just in their departmental leadership but in MSU in general.

For nearly two years our members have been the frontline through many unique challenges. Staffing shortages have their workloads exploding while the timelines remain inflexible. We have daily calls asking for help and counsel. A big part of those conversations center on having dignity in themselves and taking steps not to be undervalued. When every person decides to take this step and reclaim their dignity, the climate will change. 

The APA covers nearly 300 unique classifications, and each is a critical component of MSU’s foundation. The outside labor market is starved for quality talent and they are targeting MSU staff for that quality. At the recent MSU Board of Trustees meeting the administration was thanked for their efforts to bring MSU through the COVID crisis. The unfortunate part is that the MSU support staff were not part of that statement. Words of thanks are no longer enough. The support staff at MSU cannot continue to be taken for granted. 

The COVID crisis opened the door for a test of character. Our APA members responded as the true professionals they are that piece of MSU history cannot be changed. What can be changed is how the University respects one of their most valuable partners. No structure can remain standing while the supports are continually eroded. 

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MSU APA Trivia

APA-MSU Trivia Question of the Month 

 Who was the first female President in the history of Michigan State University? 


The winner from the last newsletter was: 

Patricia Chavez-Wilson 


Please submit your answer to the trivia question by Friday October 1, 2021, at 5pm EST. All correct answers will be placed in a drawing and the winner will receive a giftbag from MSU-APA.   

Please send your answers to Darius Bradley at [email protected] 


**MSU-APA Board members and Area Reps are not eligible to participate in the contest.**

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