Your Fellow APAs

Meet Fellow APA Glenn O’Neil 

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communication Committee Member  


  1. What is your job title?     Geographic Information Science Specialist 
  2.  How long have you been at MSU?     15 years 
  3. Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?     Yes 
  4. What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?     I work at the Institute of Water Research (IWR), and focus on hydrologic modeling, geographic information science analyses, IT management, grant development, and building online tools for water conservation. 
  5. What brought you to your job at MSU?     We moved here in 2005 so my wife could start graduate school in the College of Education. I was fortunate enough to get the job at IWR shortly thereafter, and through MSU’s Educational Assistance program I eventually joined her as a part-time graduate student. 
  6. What do you enjoy most about working at MSU?     Knowing that I am part of an institution and community that are making meaningful contributions to improving our world. 
  7.  What do you like to do when you are not at work?     Ride my bicycle, go on walks with my wife, and defeat my children in driveway basketball. 
  8. In high school I was known for…     Driving a pink van as the delivery guy for a local flower shop. 
  9. People would be surprised to know I am skilled at…     Drumming. 
  10. I have…   zero     pets. 
  11. I like…     all kinds of      music…    except acapella. 
  12. My favorite area restaurant is…     El Oasis      and my favorite dish is…     Veggie Oasis Burrito. 
  13. My hobbies include…     biking, hiking, and collecting vinyl records. 
  14. My favorite junk food is…     Reese’s Pieces    because…     peanut butter had me at hello. 
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Legislative Chair Update

By Tonya Jamison, Legislative Committee Chair  


Dear All, 

I hope everyone is doing well. Many municipalities will hold elections on May 4th. 

I have had some questions about absentee voting. Therefore, I will briefly explain the process. 

If you have notified your cities or county/township’s election clerk that you would like to vote absentee in future elections, you should have received an application for an absentee ballot. Note, you must complete the application first, and return it to the clerk’s office before you receive the actual ballot. If you have not received your application, you should contact the clerk’s office via the phone or in-person for a status update.  You can now download a ballot application online. See the link below. 

If you have your application, I recommend mailing it back no later than the April 17th. After April 17th, I suggest that you take the application into the clerk’s office to obtain your ballot. Once you have the ballot, you can vote on the spot or return it to the city or township clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day. I have provided a link where you can review your voter information and information about absentee voting. 

Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions at [email protected]. Remember, your vote is your voice, and you should exercise this right every election. 


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Virtual Story Time

Submitted by Kandy Slack – APA Membership Chair 


In March, the APA Membership Committee organized two different Virtual Story Time events for our members and their families. Nick Adkins, MSU staff, children’s author and illustrator joined us to read his book Sloth VS Turtle on Wednesday the 17th @ Noon and on Thursday, March 18th @ 7pm to read The Great Big Scary Monster.  

In additional to reading these stories aloud, Nick also demonstrated how to draw his characters from these two amazing books while encouraging everyone to do the same. All members attending received a copy of the book from the event, which Nick personally addressed to each family and signed! 

On behalf of the APA, we extend our greatest appreciation to Nick for being our guest, reading these incredible stories, drawing your characters, and signing copies of your books. 

*Pictures courtesy of our own APA Executive Board member, Jamie Lynn Marks with her two kids Willow and Lochlan!

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APA Hosting MEA Financial Services

By Martin McDonough, MSU APA President


You are invited to find out how APA/MEA/NEA membership may save you money on insurance, investments, and retirement planning and help offset your Union Dues. You will also learn more about the best way to maximize your retirement earnings and investments. Your union protected you against the cuts to retirement matching suffered by faculty and other non-unionized staff, so you need to make the most of that retirement money. You won’t want to miss out!

In this virtual session we will help APA bargaining unit members navigate the road to proper Investment and Insurance management. In the Investment section, we will explore IRAs, 403(b)s, and 457 programs to discover which one might best suit your needs. Concepts of diversification and asset allocation and the importance that each play in an investment portfolio will be explored. Finally, we will help you understand the investment fees, expenses, and charges associated with the different types of investments and how these can affect your return. We will wrap up our session by reviewing our Insurance offerings. Learn about our Home, Auto, Life, Business, and Long-Term Care offerings.

This event is open to current dues paying members and for this one time only to those who are not currently dues paying members, but who are interested in learning more about the benefits of membership in the APA/MEA/NEA union.

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A Word from the APA President

 By Martin McDonough, MSU APA President  


It is Personal 

 Have you ever watched a group of birds and how they respond when a bird of prey is nearby? The flock pulls together and forms a larger flock appearing as a single body. The size of that joined unified body thwarts the intentions of that threat. They use their numbers to provide security.  

A union is created through a collection of faces, families, and lives. The office building is not the union. The voices of people are the union. When an administration invokes a negative image on a union, they are directly denigrating their own staff.  A common misperception is that a union and the workforce they represent are separate entities. The members of that workforce are the vital elements which create that unified body. Thus, they are one in the same. An administration may feel comfortable speaking negatively about a union but imagine how they would be perceived if we simply replace the words “the union” with “our staff”. It becomes very personal. And in turn reflects poorly on the character of the speaker.  When the conversation is allowed to continue unchallenged, the speaker is allowed to drive a wedge in the very body that keeps people protected.  

The work of the union is to bring members’ collective voices to the table, to equal the size and resources of the others in those conversations and negotiations. A single person has no real influence on practices at MSU but a group with resources and engaged members can bring a balance. The University has already exhibited how quickly they will take from those who cannot or will not stand together. As an example, we reference the recent wage and retirement cuts experienced by our fellow Spartan faculty members and staff. Those cuts were imposed before the situation was completely understood. A collective voice can thwart large-scale attacks on members’ work conditions and benefits.  

The members of the Administrative Professional Association (APA) have been true leaders during the COVID crisis. They were already highly skilled and capable of anything they set their mind to. These times only highlight the value each and every one brings to MSU. Many of our colleagues have been on the forefront through their sacrifices while on furlough and lay-offs.  Several of those union family members have been away from their jobs for nearly a year. To ask for further sacrifice without truly recognizing their current losses is disheartening. To say they have offered no sacrifice thus far is unconscionable. 

When any administration pushes a negative image of your union, they are talking about you and your family. You and your colleagues are the very foundation of that union. There are no positive outcomes when the two are separated. Without members, there is no union. Without the union, there is no security. Those opposed to unions truthfully fear the collective balance it can bring against their power.  

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UD’s Corner

Do you need help managing your student loan debt? 

By Shannon Alston, MEA UniServ Director 

 If you need assistance managing your student loan debt, you are lucky that you are a member of the APA/MEA/NEA.  As a member, you currently have one year of no cost access to NEA’s Student Loan Debt Navigator powered by Savi.  Savi helps you quickly find options to manage your student loan debt, makes filling out the forms a snap, and checks forms for common errors when it electronically files your documents. Savi also assists with yearly re-certification on re-payment plans, including loan forgiveness plans.  Most members are eligible for student loan forgiveness programs as employees of MSU, but often run into obstacles with the paperwork.  Savi can help with that.  Read the testimonial below from your APA membership chair. 

 “Though I’ve been paying on my student loans for almost 9 years, the annual process for Income Driven Repayment application and certifying/recertifying employers current and past can be frustrating.  After learning about Savi while attending a virtual conference through NEA, I decided to explore my options; of course, hearing we have the benefit with our membership of fees being waived the first year was certainly an additional motivator.  What did I have to lose? 

 Within a matter of days the plan was in motion.  Every two to three days I received an email from a representative with Savi with updates on my case and what the next step would be to proceed.  Savi takes the guess work out of this experience.  If you’ve been through this yourself in preparing for PSLF (public service loan forgiveness) missing one word or one check box could disqualify your application.  I started my plan with Savi on January 8th this year and it was wrapped up by January 21st.

I highly recommend to reach out to Savi to see what they can do for you when managing your student loans.”  -Kandy Slack 

 You can sign up for Savi at: 

 If you need your membership number, please contact your MEA Field Assistant, Heather Traxler at [email protected] or your membership chair, Kandy Slack at [email protected].

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APA Election – March 2021

This communication serves as notice of the election and candidate nominations.  All nominations must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. February 19, 2021. This year, nominations are required to be submitted via email to both the Nominations and Elections Committee Chair and Assistant to the Chair identified below. With everything that is happening with COVID, etc., we wanted to put a proactive measure in place should one individual become unavailable. 

 The 2021 election will include:  

APA Executive Board  Five (5) three-year positions on APA Executive Board serving 9/1/2021-8/31/2024 )

MEA and NEA Representative Assembly Delegate/Region Council DelegateFour (4) three-year positions serving 9/1/2021-8/31/2024  

Individuals must be APA members in good standing to nominate or be nominated for office.   

How to nominate someone: 

  1. Email both [email protected] and [email protected] the following: 
  2. Candidate’s name. Since there are some individuals on campus with the exact same name, it is suggested to also provide the name of the department where the individual works or their email address to avoid confusion.  
  3. Indicate which position(s) the person is being nominated for.  
  4. Complete nomination information must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. February 19, 2021. 

After the close of nominations, properly nominated candidates will be contacted by the Nominations and Elections Committee to confirm their willingness to run and to provide some additional candidate information by March 3. 

 Each year, the APA Nominations and Elections Committee works diligently to operate an efficient, accurate and transparent election in compliance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws.  The 2021 election voting will be held online and is scheduled to run from March 16, 2021 – March 25, 2021 5:00p.m.  A paper-based ballot option is available by contacting [email protected] and [email protected]. Paper ballots must be received by the closing time of the election.  

Election results will be tallied on March 25, 2021 at 5:15pm. Due to COVID-19 in-person restrictions, the results will be tallied via Zoom and any member in good standing is welcome to attend.  Information on how to register for the Zoom will be provided at a later date. Election results will be communicated via members email.  

 Further announcements around the election will be provided via the official APA ListServ.  Information will also be posted on the APA Website under the 2021 Election tab.  Candidate information will be posted on the website for member viewing before the voting period begins.   

The APA Elections Committee includes: Heather Litts, Chair; Sue Brandt Assistant to the Chair; Tonya Jamison, Gerlind Kiupel and Kasey Wilson.    

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Litts or Sue Brandt. 

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East Lansing City Tax

By Darius Bradley, Communications Committee Chair 

Dear Members, 

With the recent change in tax laws, those who typically work in East Lansing are  subject to paying East Lansing city tax. Due to the Covid 19 outbreak this past year, a good number of us have not been required to report to campus, or if you have, it has not been 5 days per week. The university has sent out an email to employees with instructions on how to request a refund from the city of East Lansing.  

Please go to the following link to get the instructions and the form that must be filled out by you and your Supervisor. 

Note: The form must be printed on University Letterhead  


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