Take Advantage of MEA/NEA Training and Development Resources

One of the benefits of being part of the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the National Education Association (NEA) is that we are able to tap into training resources which benefit us not only as individuals, but also our work teams, local union and our greater community.   

One upcoming conference being held locally in East Lansing, is the “2020 Education Support Professionals Conference” on March 13-14 at MEA Headquarters located near Abbot & Saginaw.  Garlin Gilchrist, the Lt. Governor for the State of Michigan will be the keynote speaker.  This conference is designed to serve the expressed needs of support staff. Conference costs vary depending on how early you register and if attending both days or just one.  Costs start at $20 to register for just the Saturday session. For more specifics on cost and registration and to view session information, go to https://mea.org/esp-statewide-conference/. 

To view upcoming NEA conferences, seminars and training programs go to the meetings & events section of their website at http://www.nea.org/grants/19458.htm. 


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A Night at the Museum

MSU Museum

Have you had the opportunity to explore the MSU Museum?  Now’s your chance! 

Please join MSU APA for “A Night at the Museum” 

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 from 5:30pm – 7:30pm 

Open to all MSU-APA union member and their families  

Light refreshments will be served. 

Stay tuned for details in the coming month! 

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APA Election Information 

This communication serves as notice of the election and the opening of candidate nominations.  All nominations must be submitted via email to the chair of the APA 2020 Nominations and Elections Committee, Jamie Lynn Marks, at [email protected] no later than 5:00 pm, February 17, 2020.  


The 2020 election will include:  

APA Executive Board  

Five (5) full-term three-year positions on APA Executive Board ending in 2023 

One (1) one-year partial term position on APA Executive Board ending 2021  


MEA/NEA/RA Delegate   

Five (5) full-term three-year positions for MEA/NEA Representative Assembly Delegate ending 2023  

One (1) one-year partial term position for MEA/NEA Representative Assembly Delegate ending 2021  


Individuals must be APA members in good standing to nominate or be nominated for office.  After the close of nominations, properly nominated candidates will be contacted by the Nominations and Elections Committee Chair to confirm their willingness to run for office.    


Each year, the APA Nominations and Elections Committee works diligently to operate an efficient, accurate and transparent election in compliance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws.  The 2020 election voting for this year is scheduled to run from March 11, 2020 – March 18, 2020.  A paper-based ballot option is available by contacting the Elections Chair.    


Election results will be tallied on March 18, 2020 at 4:15pm in 208 Farrall Hall, 524 S. Shaw Lane, MSU Campus.  Full members are welcome to attend.  Election results will be communicated with members after certification of results on March 18, 2020 via the APA ListServ.  


Further announcements around the election will be provided in future APA newsletters and via the official APA ListServ.  Please watch your email for important election information.  This will also be posted on the APA Website under the tab titled 2020 APA Election.  Candidate biographies will be posted on the website for member viewing before the voting period begins.   


The APA Elections Committee includes Jamie Lynn Marks (Chair), Jared Andrews, Tonya Jamison, Kasey Wilson and Kandy Slack.    


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jamie Lynn Marks at [email protected]. 




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APA Trivia

This month’s question is either True or False.  An employee can review their personnel file at Nisbet to see what a hiring manager would be allowed to see about them.

Email your answer by February 3, 2020 to [email protected].  Limit of one guess per person.  One member who correctly answers will be randomly drawn to win a prize and the winner will be announced in a future newsletter.  Must be an APA member in good standing to win; however, APA Board Members, Area Representatives and Communications Committee Members are not eligible to win.

Congratulations to the last newsletter winner, Kaylee Joyce who correctly answered $900 as the dollar amount per year that each APA can use for Professional Development (PD) after the new APA Contract began October 1, 2019.  Our new contract language also expanded the use of the $900 for Professional Development which can now be used for job and/or career related trainings. Keep in mind that your PD funds can also be used for MSU Human Resources approved educational/training programs so if there are conferences that you would like to attend that your department may not have available funds for, it is worth looking into to see if your PD funds can be used for a particular training.

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APA Elections Information

The APA Nominations and Elections Committee was appointed by the APA Executive Board at its January 14, 2020 meeting.  The committee’s main objective is to facilitate the elections for the 2020 calendar year.  The committee, chaired by Jamie Lynn Marks, shall establish election procedures that guarantee all elections shall provide for open nominations by active members in good standing and voting procedures.   The committee is in the process of developing a timeline for nominations and the dates of the March election. This information along with the list of positions open will be posted on the APA website. Please continue to check the website for further information regarding the upcoming elections and to watch for information communicated to APA members in good standing via email.  


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Introducing Martin McDonough

As we have recently learned, our Administrative Professional Association (APA) President, Maury Koffman is stepping aside to provide greater time for his personal and family life. The members of the APA have many benefits thanks to the efforts and skills of President Koffman. His tireless work has also prevented many contrary issues from affecting our current working conditions at MSU. 


President Koffman helped to blaze a trail for our union and we will continue that path. I know of few others with his dedication and drive when working for our membership. We wish him every success in his future. Our union remains strong through the efforts of our Executive Board, Area Representatives, and members. I do not foresee any substantial deviations from our current efforts and/or initiatives. The plan is to build on the foundation that President Koffman has provided.


Before becoming your full-time Vice President of the APA, I worked for roughly 7 years as a New Construction Commissioning Administrator, in the Infrastructure, Planning, and Facilities group. This work included an extensive focus on quality control and contract compliance within construction projects on campus.


I am originally from the Lansing area. I completed my undergraduate degree as a non-traditional student at Ferris State, while helping to raise my young family and working full time. I have been married for 33 years. My wife is a MSU Alumni with a graduate degree in Music. She is currently in her 37th year in the education profession as an elementary music educator. We have two grown children. Our oldest is an accomplished musician with a degree in Advertising – Public Relations. Our youngest is in her senior year of an undergraduate degree in English with a minor in Journalism.


I first became interested in becoming more involved in my union through an unfortunate event. While working years ago, as a journeymen refrigeration fitter out of UA Local 174, our young union steward was suddenly gone. The steward’s position remained open for several months. In those months I witnessed how fast the working conditions eroded without an active union voice present. Apathy among the members was corrosive to their own well-being. Everyone was looking for someone else to stand up and become their voice. From that event, I understood and adopted the stance that apathy would never be the right approach to offset the never-ending efforts to take away our working rights. 


Since becoming a member of the APA I have had a wide variety of union involvements including;


APA Roles


Area Representative

Area Representative Program Chairperson

Grievance Committee Chairperson

Negotiating Committee member for two contract cycles

Bargaining team member for two contract cycles 

Delegate to the MEA RA

Delegate to the NEA RA

Co-presenter at MEA Winter Conference 2019

Co-presenter at MEA Region meeting 2019

Legislative Committee member

Community Based Events Committee member




American Arbitration Institute Labor Grievance Processing

Hunter College – National Center for Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and The Professions

MEA Leadership summit 2018 and 2019

NEA Leadership summit 2018 and 2019

Numerous conference sessions




National Council of Urban Education Associations – NEA (NCUEA)

National Council for Higher Education – NEA (NCHE) 


As your Vice President I have had the experience of meeting with President Stanley to bring forward working condition concerns. I have been in numerous conversations with several members of the MSU Board of Trustees. My VP role has included meetings with various unit directors to discuss unit specific concerns, grievance hearings, and OIE meetings.


As we move into our future, I invite your input but even more, I invite your involvement with your union. We have many community events and gatherings where we can talk and understand each other’s perspectives. The Executive Board members and Area Representatives of your union are listed on our website. They are there to work with you. 


This position cannot succeed alone. It takes the support of all the members of your Executive Board, the numerous APA Area Representatives, and especially the members. I look forward to engaging with the members of the APA as we take this next step, together. 


In solidarity,


Martin McDonough

Vice President

Administrative Professional Association

Martin McDonough

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Meet Your Fellow APs

Meet Fellow APA Halie Albrecht


What is your job title? Financial Aid Officer 


How long have you been at MSU? 2.5 years


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? Yes


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do? I work in the Office of Financial Aid on the Aid Programs/Systems Support team. I assist with system help, Child Care Grant awards, and alternative loans. 


What brought you to your job at MSU? I was looking for a more challenging role from my previous job and hoping to get more involved with the MSU community. 


What do you love about working at MSU? I love being able to run with my coworkers during my lunch period. MSU campus is beautiful and has so many routes for us to choose from. I also love that my current supervisors have been so supportive as I complete a second degree in computer programming and analytics while working full time. 


What do you like to do when you are not at work? I enjoy watching TV on my favorite couch with my favorite husband and our two favorite cats.  

Halie Albrecht and cat

Halie Albrecht

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ESP Training

One of the advantages of the APA’s affiliation with the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the National Education Association (NEA) is that we are able to take part in some of the training opportunities to further our local union.  During the weekend of January 11/12, nineteen different schools gathered to attend the ESP (Education Support Professional): Supporting Our Own Through Peer Mentoring training.   

In addition to working on an APA specific project, there was a component of the training which allowed for large group discussions with some of the other schools.  We also got the chance to network with two other higher education institutions seated right next to our table. The opportunity to brainstorm and discuss common problems with others in our state and also fellow higher-ed was truly invaluable.  We even made some new friends along the way!

MSU-APA members Kandy Slack, Sue Brandt, Martin McDonough; MEA UniServ Director Shannon Alston; Jackson College members Nicole Cossum-Ready, Anthony Rana, Kimberly Seaburg; Washtenaw Community College members Lisa Anderson and Sarah Caruso.

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