Start a New Tradition for MSU Homecoming

As the largest labor union on campus, we would love to have a great representation of APA members walk with our entry in the homecoming parade, especially during this time of contract negotiation.  Whether you are new to campus or been here a while, we invite you to start a new tradition and be part of the MSU homecoming parade with us on Friday evening, September 27th.  APA members in good standing and their families are invited to be a celebrity for an evening and walk along with us in the parade as we show our union pride by carrying our banner and passing out candy in the parade.  Plus, it is a great way to get your steps in that day! 

If you and your family are interested in being in the parade, please email Kandy Slack, APA Community Based Events Committee Chairperson [email protected]. More details will be provided to those who RSVP, but a couple quick logistical things. Basically, the parade starts at 6:00pm and we line up about 5:30pm near Burcham & Abbot and the parade generally ends at Shaw & Farm Lane with shuttle bus transportation provided back to the parade parking area near the starting point.  Strollers and wagons are welcome so feel free to bring along small children. Bring comfy shoes and be ready to have fun!

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Did You Know

By Dennis Seybert, MEA UniServ Director


Did you know that MSU has introduced Teladoc for 24/7 online medical care at no cost to employees and their dependents?

MSU employees and their dependents who are currently enrolled in an MSU health plan have access to Teladoc – an online medical care service that gives you 24/7 access to a healthcare professional via web, phone, or mobile app in minutes. Use Teladoc to get help for a range of conditions including cold/flu, bronchitis, allergies, pink eye, dermatology and more. Eligible employees and their dependents who are over the age of 18 can also receive medical care for behavioral health (depression, anxiety, grief counseling, addiction, etc.). If medically necessary, the doctor will have a prescription sent to the pharmacy of your choice. This is a great option if you’re on vacation with your family (within the USA) and need non-urgent medical assistance.

How does it work?

 Visit the Teladoc website and click on “Member Login” to set up your Teladoc account. When you need medical advice, you can receive convenient, quality care from a licensed health care professional in three easy steps:

  1. Request: ask for a visit with a doctor 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by web, phone or mobile app.
  2. Visit: talk to the doctor. Take as much time as you need to explain your medical situation – there’s no limit.
  3. Resolve: if medically necessary, a prescription will be sent to the pharmacy of your choice.

Questions about Teladoc? 

Contact Teladoc directly using the information below:

  • Phone: 1-800-Teladoc
  • Website: 
  • App: Download the Teladoc app for Apple/Android by searching for “Teladoc” in the Apple store or Google Play.

The following link will take you to the MSU HR Benefits website which includes a video about how Teladoc works:

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight – Heather Dover

What is your job title?


My official title is Operations Coordinator.


What area of campus, building and department do you work in?


I work in the Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Activities, which is part of the Provost’s Office.  My office is in the North section of campus in Bessey Hall.


How long have you been at MSU?


I have worked at MSU for more than 15 years.  I was a CTU member for about 12 years and the remainder as an APA member.


How long have you been an Area Representative?


I have been an AR for a little over a year now.  I started the training a couple of years after becoming an APA member.


Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring?


I would not be an MSU employee today without the benefits and protections provided in our contract.  I was laid-off from my previous position due to a change in leadership and the nature of the work. The bypass procedure outlined in our contract helped me find a new position that I love.  You just do not get that kind of assistance without a union! 


What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU?


When I first became a union member at MSU, I didn’t need to think about it.  Being part of a union was just the way it was. New hires have more to think about now, but I would challenge them to consider the true costs of our benefits compared to our union dues.  The tremendous benefits that we enjoy here happened because the campus unions worked together with the university. You only need to look at non-unionized campus positions to see the difference that a union can make.


What do you love about working at MSU?


There are SO many wonderful things that we have access to as MSU employees!  Even after 15 years, I still find resources that I didn’t know existed.  


What do you like to do when you are not at work?


I’m working toward a master’s degree in Food Safety, so that takes up much of my time outside of work.  But not for long—I anticipate graduating in December! When I do have some free time, I enjoy singing with the MSU Choral Union, knitting and crocheting.

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APA Successor Contract Bargaining Update

As you know the current APA contract runs through September 30, 2019. Since January 2019, the APA has engaged the membership, appointed a bargaining team, and is currently in contract negotiations with MSU for a successor contract. It is our hope and expectation that a new agreement will be reached prior to the September 30 date and presented to the APA membership for review and a ratification vote.

The APA concluded three bargaining sessions in August. The University was only willing to meet on August 8, 15, and 21 given campus schedules and students return. We also met at the bargaining table on September 4, 10, and 11. MSU has confirmed additional bargaining sessions with the APA for September 25 and 30. We are currently working to add additional dates.


Through our member input survey, community luncheons, bargaining town halls, and phone and email communications, the membership made it clear that they want the bargaining team to address key issues like paid parental leave, improved dental coverage, increase of University time off and more inclusive holidays, as well as items like job security rights for off-date employees, department sick leave policies, and improvement to professional development access. Rest assured your bargaining team has entered proposals on all of those topics and many others.


Because of our requirement and commitment to bargain in good faith, we cannot share the exact proposals. We are working on every issue members have brought to attention and we are optimistic in reaching a successor contract that will outline improvements and enhancements from our current contract. Once we have a tentative agreement, full details will be shared with the entire APA membership and contract information sessions will be held so members can discuss the changes before having to cast their ratification vote.


As substantive progress is made at the bargaining table we will be sure to keep the membership updated. Please do not hesitate to contact the APA office if you have questions or concerns related to ongoing contract negotiations with MSU.

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight – Darius Bradley

What is your job title?

Information Technology Professional


What area of campus, building and department do you work in?

I work in the Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (IPF) Building, which is a part of the West region of campus. I am a part of the IT Team here in IPF.


How long have you been at MSU?

I have worked at MSU for over 27 years.


How long have you been an Area Representative?

I have been an Area Rep for just about a year.


Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring?

Being a member of the union is important to me because my family has always been union members. My parents and grandparents were GM employees. I believe that unions help provide security and an opportunity for employees to grow and advance.


What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU?

MSU is a great place to work and be a part of the community. I would advise all new hires to walk around campus in the spring and take in the beauty of it. I would also advise them to find an organization to get involved in. It will enhance their experience here on campus.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I love coming to work and doing my small part to enhance the educational experience of the students here on campus. Without the students, we would not be here.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I enjoy relaxing and playing with my grandkids. I also enjoy bowling and cooking on the grill.


The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to


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APA Trivia

This month’s question: The APA is part of the MEA. What does MEA stand for?

Email your answer to Sue Brandt at [email protected] by July 31, 2019.  Limit of one guess per person.  Two members who correctly answer will be randomly drawn to win various prizes.  Winners will be announced in the next newsletter. Must be an APA member in good standing to win; however, APA Board Members, Area Representatives and Communications Committee Members are not eligible to win.

Congratulations to last newsletter’s winners Theresa Couch and Katie Conley who were drawn from those who correctly answered that the department on campus that allows all active MSU students, faculty, researchers and staff to download Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) on 5 computers, 5 tablets, and 5 smartphones for their personal use is IT Services.  For more information visit


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Start a New Tradition for MSU Homecoming

Whether you are new to campus or been here a while, we invite you to start a new tradition and be part of the MSU homecoming parade with us on Friday evening, September 27th.  APA members in good standing and their families are invited to be a celebrity for an evening and walk along with us in the parade as we show our union pride by carrying our banner and passing out candy in the parade.  As the largest labor union on campus, we would love to have a great representation, plus it is a great way to get your steps in that day! 

If you and your family are interested in being in the parade, please email Kandy Slack, APA Community Based Events Committee Chairperson [email protected]. More details will be provided at a later date to those who RSVP, but know that basically the parade starts at 6:00pm and we line up about 5:30pm near Burcham & Abbot and the parade generally ends at Shaw & Farm Lane.


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Meet Fellow APA

Stephanie DeClercq 


What is your job title? 

Administrative Assistant II 


How long have you been at MSU?

It will be 7 years in September. 


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? 

Yes I have been a member of APA since day 1 on campus. 


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I work for Broadcast Services which includes WKAR television and radio. I am the FO for the unit. I handle financial transactions, assist with travel for staff, invoice clients for underwriting and production service work, work with leadership in preparing our annual budget, assist in the preparation of financial reporting to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, prepare the station’s annual EEO report and serve as the unit’s grant assistant for both pre and post award as well as reconciling our accounts each month. 


What brought you to your job at MSU?

My background has been in commercial radio and television, but I grew up around MSU since my mom worked here for 47 years. When I saw the opportunity with WKAR come up, I felt like this was a logical next step that would allow me to use my experience and still allow me to add to my skills, as I had never worked for a public broadcaster. 


What do you love about working at MSU?

I love the campus, it is gorgeous! I also appreciate the benefits that we have as staff at MSU and the endless opportunities that are available to us. 


What do you like to do when you are not at work? 

When I am not working, I enjoy painting, scrapbooking and making handmade cards. I also love to bake for my family! 


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