
The APA Prize Patrol visited the Human Ecology and MSU Union buildings in June to thank and surprise APA members with treats for displaying the MSU-APA logo (or MEA), sign or swag.  Members were encouraged to attend the APA Town Halls and to provide feedback. As we head into negotiations, it is important to show solidarity and to have others recognize you are part of the largest labor union on campus as we have strength in numbers as we present issues at the bargaining table.   

You never know which area of campus the APA Prize Patrol will be stopping by next. Pull out your swag (APA pens, pins, key chains, lanyard, magnets, etc.) and have it visible in your workplace.  If you don’t have any, attend one of the community lunches or ask an Area Representative or Board Member for some. You can also print off a flyer (from your non-work printer). 


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MSU IT Work Climate Survey Recap

Ever since the announced, MSU imposed campus IT alignment, the APA has received many questions, concerns, and complaints regarding the workplace climate from members in IT classifications and those connected to the delivery of technology services across campus. The APA was able to successfully address some of the concerns connected to the IT alignment. However, the union continued to receive concerning feedback at our Community Luncheons, member trainings and events, and direct communications to the APA office.   


The APA continues to work diligently on behalf of members, pursuing resolutions that improve the workplace and the careers of all APA members. In an effort to better understand the current workplace climate, the APA conducted an IT work climate survey in May and June 2019. The survey was sent to all APA dues paying members currently holding an IT classification or connected to the delivery of campus technology services.


With a 40% response rate, the APA was able to confirm some of the overarching issues raised by members and gain a better understanding of individualized and department level concerns. Of particular note, the data has told us that:


  • When assessing how changes happen in departments, more than 60% indicated management exclusively decides and only 11% described the process as collaborative.
  • Only 26% of respondents indicated that since the announced IT Alignment, the workplace climate has been pleasant and professional.
  • Only 21% feel there are opportunities for career growth within their current department and less than 9% of survey respondents feel the current IT hiring and promotion process is fair and transparent.
  • More than 92% of survey respondents are scheduled to work 40 hours a week. However, 55% of respondents consistently work more than 40 hours in a week and only 22% receive any compensation (cash payment or compensatory hours) for the additional time worked.
  • A majority of the respondents do not feel valued and appreciated by MSU, management, and their department.
  • 75% of survey respondents indicated they have check-ins with their immediate supervisor monthly or more frequently.
  • 65% of respondents intend to stay at MSU for the next 3-5 years and only 30% of those who responded intend to stay at MSU for the next 15 years.


The APA is meeting with senior university administration in an effort to address the concerns highlighted through the IT work climate survey and identify potential resolution. While the MSU process moves slower than we desire, the APA continues to aggressively pursue these member concerns and use the IT work climate survey responses to foster positive change. 


The APA will keep the membership updated and welcomes continued feedback by emailing [email protected] or calling the office at 517.999.4004. 

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APA Contract Negotiations with MSU

Since the end of 2018, the APA has been intensely preparing to enter contract negotiations to bargain a successor agreement with MSU. The current APA contract is in effect through September 30, 2019, and our first bargaining session with the University is scheduled for August 8, 2019. 


Per Article VII of the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the APA must begin preparations to negotiate a successor agreement by appointing the Negotiations Committee in January of the year our current contract is set to expire. 


An initial solicitation for anyone interested in serving on the committee was included in the January/February 2019 APA Newsletter and those who responded were appointed to the committee by the APA Executive Board. The committee is a cross-section of more than 30 APA members who work in varied classifications and departments and come to the committee with different interests and years of service at MSU.


Rising from the Committee, the seven-member and two alternates who comprise the APA bargaining team were appointed by the executive board on June 25. Those individuals are:


Maury Koffman (Chair and chief spokesperson)

Darius Bradley

Sue Brandt

Jamie Lynn Marks

Martin McDonough

Brian Mitchell

Jeremy Romel

Pat Hampton (alternate) 

Leo Sell (alternate)

Dennis Seybert (APA staff/MEA UniServ)


The APA has and will continue to host more than 25 Community Luncheons across campus – including MSU offices in East Lansing, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Detroit, and Flint – focused on the upcoming contract negotiations. APA member town halls have also been held on campus before, during, and after regular working hours. In the near future, the APA will be distributing an online survey to all dues paying members. These multiple forums have ensured members are able to actively engage and inform the bargaining team on issues and topics to be raised at the bargaining table.


As a reminder, the APA joint wage and health care agreement is in effect through 2020 – 2021. That contract ensures wage increases each year as well as fully funded health care for the base plan (BCN). As a result of that agreement, the APA is precluded from bargaining over base wage or health care coverage in the upcoming APA contract negotiation. Also as previously announced, all APA members will be eligible for a 2.75% base wage increase in October 2019.


The APA looks forward to beginning formal contract negotiations with MSU on August 8. Ultimately, any tentative agreement reached by the APA bargaining team must be presented to the membership and ratified by a majority of APA dues paying members who cast a ballot.


Be sure to watch for official APA ListServ messages regarding the upcoming contract input survey and member meetings prior to and during the 2019 bargaining cycle. If you have questions, please feel free to email [email protected] or contact the APA office at 517.999.4004.


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APA Trivia

This month’s question: Name the department on campus that allows all active MSU students, faculty, researchers and staff to download Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.) on 5 computers, 5 tablets, and 5 smartphones for their personal use.

Email your answer to Sue Brandt at [email protected] by June 13, 2019.  Limit of one guess per person.  Two members who correctly answer will be randomly drawn to win various prizes.  Winners will be announced in the next newsletter. Must be an APA member in good standing to win; however, APA Board Members, Area Representatives and Communications Committee Members are not eligible to win.

Congratulations to last month’s winners Jennifer Dawson and Scott Friend who were drawn from those who correctly answered that the building in Flint where the MSU College of Human Medicine is located use to house the former business of the Flint Journal.  The bonus question last month was to name the year-round shopping building that shares part of the parking lot with CHM-Flint and that answer was the Flint Farmer’s Market.

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight

George Harris


What is your job title?

IT Professional


What area of campus and department do you work in?

I work at the Flint campus for the College of Human Medicine


How long have you been at MSU?

3 years


How long have you been an Area Representative?

6 months


Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring?  

Being a part of something bigger; something that makes a change for the better with programs, initiatives, information, assistance etc. Being a part is something that gives me a voice.


What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU?

My advice to new hires is to keep a positive attitude; enroll in professional development courses to improve your skill set/knowledge. You have the opportunity for union support to make your life easier. My advice is to take advantage of this.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I am surrounded by colleagues dedicated to their work and to making MSU a great place. MSU also has numerous opportunities to develop new skills and continue career related education.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?  

I make pens and other small wood/resin items. I also like to walk my 2 dogs around the subdivision.


What’s and AR and their Role?

The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to

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Upcoming Events

Resume Reviews

As part of the More You Know Lunch series we have offered some sessions on how to look for a new job, but wanted to ask if there is interest in providing a peer review for some tips on your resume.  We know sometimes the lunch hour is rushed and we also have members who work evening and weekend hours. If there is enough interest, we would look at doing this after 5:00 p.m. or on a Saturday. If you would be interested in having your resume reviewed or serving on the panel reviewing the resumes providing some constructive feedback, please let us know. Contact Sue Brandt [email protected].

Save the Date – September 27

APA is planning to participate again this year in the MSU Homecoming Parade the evening of Friday, September 27th.  APA members and their families are invited to be in the parade with us.  If you would like to help with the planning of our parade entry, please contact Sue Brandt [email protected].  Who knows, if we get enough volunteers and there is interest, we could upgrade from a banner to a float!


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Meet A Fellow APA Member

Jonathon McClain


What is your job title?

Research Assistant II


How long have you been at MSU?

I have been at MSU since I started my undergraduate degree in 2001. I worked part-time at MSU after graduating in 2005, before becoming full-time in 2007.


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

I started out as a member of the CT union before being promoted. I have been a member of the APA for 10 years.


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I am a lab manager in the Department of Physiology. I perform experiments and analyze data, order supplies, and maintain compliance in the lab. Our lab focuses on cellular mechanisms that drive gut function in health and disease.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

I enjoyed working in the lab environment part-time at MSU, so I decided to make a career out of it here.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I love interacting with the graduate students and post-docs in the lab. I enjoy being a steady part of the lab as they advance and new students come into the lab.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I enjoy woodworking, gardening, spending time with my wife and daughter, and I am a self-defense instructor.

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Annual Gathering

While other parts of the country were experiencing severe storms and tornados, the weather in East Lansing was pure sunshine for our annual APA picnic. Held on May 21 at Patriarche Park, the picnic provided a chance for APA members to take the night off from cooking and to gather with fellow union members and their families for a social and networking event.  

A family friendly event for kids of all ages, with toys and activities provided and of course the snow cones were a big hit with both children and adults.

APA members who won door prizes include: Dave Graff, Allen Scheck, Haida Lopez, Geronimo Felipe and Stephanie Bahorski.

Members also had a chance to contribute to an Idea Board for contract negotiations as the Bargaining Committee begins to seek input from members on proposed language changes, conditions of employment and benefits for the upcoming contract negotiations with the university.  

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