APA Changes

The APA extends its thanks and best wishes to Dennis Seybert, who has retired from MSU after 16 years of service.  He worked initially for University Printing and then moved to Purchasing. The last few years he has played a vital role as Vice President for the APA and as chair of the membership committee. Dennis served as the first point of contact to welcome new members to the university or those who transferred from another labor union.  He was behind the scenes setting up member and AR training and community lunches to increase communication with members. His efforts to create a better work environment for APA/MEA/NEA members did not go unnoticed and we thank him for everything he has done.

Kandy Slack has been appointed as the new membership committee chairperson.  That’s Kandy with a “K”. Kandy has filled a couple different leadership roles with the APA, first as an Area Representative when she worked in FRIB and she is has been on the APA Executive Board since October 2016.  Thanks to Kandy for taking on this new responsibility to serve the APA.

Your 2018-19 APA officers include: Maury Koffman, President; Martin McDonough, Vice President; Erica Phillipich, Treasurer and Sue Brandt, Secretary.

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Your Fellow APs

Meet Fellow APA Amy Fowler

What is your job title?

Student Events and Activities Coordinator


How long have you been at MSU?

Eleven years


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

Nine years


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I work for the College of Human Medicine both out of Grand Rapids and the main MSU campus. I help plan all the major events that the college participates in: Commencement, Awards Banquet, White Coat Ceremony, Medicine Ball, AOA Banquet, and Prematriculation.  I also assist the Student Council and handle all the room requests for the Office of Student Affairs.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

The travel agency that I worked at for 17 years closed. My mom raised my sister and I to be avid Spartan fans and it just seemed like a fun place to work.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I love working with the Office of Student Affairs team. Everyone enjoys the energy from the students.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

When I am not at work, I am hanging out with my husband, Dave, and three children: Maria, Christopher and Morgan. I love being outdoors and working in my garden.

Amy Fowler (left) and daughter Morgan working at the Student Orientation Fair at Munn Ice Arena August 2018.

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2019 APA Election

The APA Nominations and Elections Committee is appointed each year in January as required by the Constitution and Bylaws.  The committee will determine the timeline and dates of the election and communicate information to the membership including how many positions and what type are open and explain the nominations and elections process.  

As per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, elections are to be held annually and shall be conducted by March 31. Terms on the APA Executive Board are staggered each year and seats are elected for three year terms. If any vacancies have occurred on the board, elections to fill the remaining terms of any open seats are held at the same time, along with any elections for MEA/NEA/RA Delegates.

Since the APA is part of the Michigan Education Association and the National Education Association, there are duties associated with these affiliates which include evening and weekend events including the Representative Assemblies and other appropriate meetings to keep the APA informed of actions by these bodies.

Individuals must be APA members in good standing to nominate or be nominated.  

This message is being presented on behalf of the 2018 APA Election Committee to help educate members on the election process.  Specific information on the 2019 election will be shared with membership via the ListServ and/or APA newsletter.


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APA Annual Membership Meeting

The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13th at 5:15pm at the APA Office, 3474 Alaiedon Parkway in Okemos near Jolly & Okemos Road.  Just look for the sign out front that says Michigan Education Association (MEA), since APA is part of the MEA. The meeting will be held in the conference room and we will have members in the lobby to direct you.  

The meeting agenda is still being developed, but will be shared with the membership in advance of the meeting. Please know that while part of this meeting time has a business component with brief committee updates, it really provides an opportunity in an informal setting for members to hear what is going on, ask questions and get answers and to provide feedback.  

This meeting is open to all APA members in good standing. We encourage you to come network and participate even if your schedule only allows you to drop by for a few minutes on your way home.  


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MSU and Best Doctors Introduce Two New Options

Michigan State University has extended their partnership with Best Doctors to include two new services that put you at the center of your healthcare and provide additional peace of mind.


In addition to being able to have a physician review your diagnosis and treatment plan, you can now take advantage of the Treatment Decision Support and Medical Record eSummary services. As are all Best Doctors services, both are provided at absolutely no additional cost to you.


Treatment Decision Support

With the Best Doctors Treatment Decision Support (TDS) service, you now have access to one-on-one coaching and interactive, online educational modules featuring in-depth, easy-to-follow information about your specific condition.  The TDS program is designed to equip you with the tools you need to make a confident medical decision. Once you have completed the program, you will be more educated on your condition and all of the treatment options available to you.

How it works:

  1. Contact Best Doctors and speak with a Member Advocate who will help you understand all of your treatment options.
  2. Your Member Advocate prescribes a series of relevant topics from the Best Doctors collection of easy-to-follow, online, interactive decision aids and helps you to fully understand the information within them.
  3. Once you complete the online portion of TDS and feel confident in the information provided, the decision to continue with surgery or any other treatment plan remains entirely up to you.


Medical Records eSummary

With your permission, Best Doctors will now collect and organize your medical records for you and provide them on an easy-to-access USB drive. You will also receive a personal Health Alert Summary based on the records collected, giving you a total snapshot of your medical wellness.

How the process works:

  1. Contact Best Doctors and a Member Advocate will schedule time with you on the phone to collect information about your current health status, medical history and medical records information.
  2. Once you have signed the medical release form, Best Doctors will collect all of your medical records from the past five years.
  3. The Best Doctors clinical team will review your records and offer guidance on health issues. You’ll get

a personalized Health Alert Summary that points out any health issues our physicians may have noticed, as well as a checklist of steps to keep you healthy.

  1. You will receive copies of your medical files and your Health Alert Summary on a secure, encrypted flash drive or email.
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Know Your Contract – Personnel Folder

As the 2018-2019 academic year begins, take time to do something for yourself.  If you have not recently reviewed your own personnel folder, make sure to put this on your calendar.   


Every APA member has access to their official personnel folder and you should make a point to periodically review your file.  Article 11 (-91 ) of the APA Contract reads, “Each Employee shall have the right, upon request, to examine the content of her/his own Official Personnel Folder(s), the only exclusion being confidential pre-employment credentials of an evaluative nature.”


Select a date to review your file and commit to that time each year.  APA recommends reviewing your personnel file about the same time each year – like the beginning or end of the academic year.  However, many members also tell us that they review their personnel file when they have their Performance Evaluation or around their birthday.  Regardless of the timing, it is important to check your personnel file each year.


If you do not check your file each year, make sure you check your file in any of the following situations:

  • After a major change in your life.  Major changes like marriage, children or divorce may impact current documents in your file, review everything.
  • If you plan to apply for a new position either on campus or off campus.  Make sure you know what is in your file; both good and bad.
  • If you are thinking of retiring or leaving MSU.  Make sure everything in your file is up-to-date, including beneficiaries and emergency contacts.
  • Have you been disciplined?  Review all documents that may relate to discipline and make sure you have reviewed everything in your file.  Also, after 18 months you can request that discipline be removed from your file. Article 11 (-94) of the APA Contract reads, “Upon an Employee’s written request to MSU Human Resources any records of disciplinary action that occurred more than eighteen (18) months prior to the request shall be removed from the Official Personnel Folder(s) if the Employee’s performance has been satisfactory within the past eighteen (18) months.”


You may request to view your personnel file by contacting the Solutions Center by phone at 517-353-4434 or email [email protected].  When your file is ready for review, you will be notified so that you can make an appointment.  You will need to bring your ID and must review everything in HR; however, you may request copies of anything in your file.  


If you are concerned about anything in your personnel file, you can do the following:

  • Take notes on what is in your file.  You can make a list the documents as you review them or mark/date all contents in your file so you know when you first reviewed the document.
  • Get a copy – if you would like a copy of anything in your file, simply ask.
  • Follow up with anything unknown or negative.  You have the right to submit a statement or rebuttal for anything in your file.
  • Contact APA with questions or assistance.


To review Article 11, or any other APA contractual provision, go to:



If you have further questions, do not hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].

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APA Trivia

This month’s question: Where on campus can MSU students/faculty/staff and their families, as well as community members go for information and to apply for a new US passport or to renew one?

Email your answer to Sue Brandt at [email protected] by October 4, 2018.  Limit of one guess per person.  Two members who correctly answer will be randomly drawn to win various prizes.  Winners will be announced in the next newsletter.

Congratulations to the last newsletter winners: Pat Chavez-Wilson from the MSU Main Library and Mary Passage from the Clinical Center.

Must be an APA member in good standing to win. APA Board Members, APA Area Representatives and Communications Committee Members are not eligible to win.


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Meet a Fellow APA: Brian Proffer

What is your job title?

Assistant Manager


How long have you been at MSU?

Four years


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?



What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I work in the University Activities Office with the University Activities Board (UAB). In my role, along with my colleagues, I co-advise two graduate assistants, 11 student directors, and the numerous volunteers of UAB. Our team works with our graduate assistants to prepare them for future roles in student affairs and higher education in areas such as advising, campus policies, and professional development. We work with our undergraduate students on everything from contracts to payments, event coordination, event accessibility, marketing, event implementation and execution, professional development, and anything else they may need support in.


I also coordinate the winter and spring MSU Arts and Crafts Show, facilitating over 500 crafters from across the country between the two events. All booth fees paid by the crafters go to the programming budget for UAB, which allows us to offer free or low cost events to the MSU Community.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

The opportunity to work at a Big Ten school with a robust activities board and fantastic student leaders really was the reason for applying and accepting the position I currently hold.


What do you love about working at MSU?

The students! I’ve worked at several institutions in my 11 plus years in higher education and I’ve never had such passionate student leaders who are willing to develop, grow, and learn, but also to challenge, advocate, and make change, be it here at MSU or in the world.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I love spending time with my fiancé (soon to be husband!) and our two fur babies Coraline and Lyra.

I also volunteer a lot of my time to my fraternity Kappa Sigma, where I serve as a local and regional advisor; I volunteer with ACPA-Educators International, a professional organization for student affairs and higher education, where I am active in several components of the organization; and I volunteer my time with my Higher Education Student Affairs Graduate Alumni Association from Eastern Michigan University in developing and supporting both current students in the graduate program and fellow alumni from the program.  I also like to collect panda trinkets and collectables.


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