Community Based Events

APA has a long-standing tradition of being involved in community based events and 2018-19 planning for events is in the early stages.  At this point, we anticipate holding the winter coat drive again this year and will let you know the dates once those are determined. Also, save the date of October, 5th as we hope to have an APA entry in the MSU Homecoming Parade again this year and invite APA members and their families to join us. More details will follow.  In the meantime, if you are interested in helping with either of these events or planning of other events for the year, please email Sue Brandt, [email protected].

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Your Fellow APs

Meet a Fellow APA: Bob Hoffman

What is your job title?

Public relations manager

How long have you been at MSU?

Eighteen years

Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I work in the public relations department of Wharton Center. My job is to make sure local, state, and national media know all about the amazing events we have at Wharton. I also coordinate many of Wharton’s marketing and promotional events.  I am the face and voice of Wharton. That description makes it sound easy, but there are so many events taking place every week.  At times I am balancing six to seven shows at once.

What brought you to your job at MSU?

I was recruited by the former executive director of Wharton Center, Bill Wright. After completing my undergraduate degree at MSU, I was working full time at local CBS television station WLNS-TV 6. I had filed several entertainment reports on acts coming to Wharton and I had developed a relationship with Bill. Wharton’s PR person was leaving, and Bill asked to meet with me. He told me all about the position and described the person that he wanted to hire. I realized he was talking about me. Before that, I did not really think I wanted to do anything other than be a reporter/anchor.

I have been here for almost 19 years, and I love it. It is a fabulous and exciting job. I get to work on so many shows that come through Wharton Center and meet amazing people. Disney’s The Lion King opens this week, so I am working on that, but I am also working on shows taking place next season. It is tricky, but fun.

What do you love about working at MSU?

MSU has been such a big part of my life. I am a Spartan through and through. Wherever you go in the world there is an MSU connection. You can walk through the airport in London and see someone wearing an MSU shirt. And if you say, “Go green,” they will say, “Go white.” It is like having a family connection wherever you go. It provides a feeling of safety in a sense. There is an incredible sense of pride as a Spartan too. MSU is one of the top universities in the world. To know that I work in the middle of all of that is really exciting.

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I am a water baby. I love to be on a boat and enjoy swimming too.  Michigan summers are the best; I enjoy just being outside – even if it is on my patio at home, relaxing and reading. Reading is another passion of mine and so is traveling.  When I was younger I loved to travel to Europe and other far-away places, but now I realize all the amazing things this country has to offer. I love to travel out West, down South, and around Michigan. We have so many great places to visit right here. In the summer I try to stay around Michigan and go to Traverse City, Saugatuck, Grand Rapids, Detroit … I just had the week off work, and I was in all those places.

In 2009 I founded the non-profit ePIFanyNow pass-it-forward with a mission to create a revolution of positive, transformational experiences.  We have had over 5,000 people attend our yearly events which gather people together to share their pass-it-forward stories.  Five years ago we started the Y-PIF (youth passing it forward) Award which honors youth who are making a difference in their community. 

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This month’s question: Name a residence hall at MSU.

Email your answer to Sue Brandt at [email protected] by August 15, 2018.  Limit of one guess per person.  Two members* who correctly answer the trivia question will be randomly drawn to win various prizes.  Winners will be announced in the next newsletter.

Congratulations to the last newsletter winners randomly drawn from those who answered correctly that you can buy a 4-pack of AA batteries for personal use at a cost of 94¢ plus tax from University Stores located on Service Road:

Mary Kimball,  APA Cookies from MSU Bakers, $10 Meijer gift card, APA Bag

Brian Hoort – APA Cookies from MSU Bakers, $10 Meijer gift card  

* Must be an APA member in good standing to win. Board Members, APA Area Representatives and Communications Committee Members are not eligible to win.


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We Need Your Help to Welcome New APA Members!

APA Members know about new staff in your department or unit long before the APA office receives the information and we need your help to pass along some information.  

The APA only receives notice of newly hired members once a month from MSU Central HR and, depending on when the hiring paperwork is processed, we may not be notified of a new hire for 2 months or even longer.  Once we are notified, we reach out to the new member, via email, and invite them to sign up for an individual meeting or group lunch.

Currently, the email may not be delivered if the new member is using a departmental email and does not forward their MSU netID email to their department account. This will become less of a problem as departments switch to the new MSU email system.

In the interim, if each of you could make sure any new APA staff in your department (new hires, reclassifications or transfers from another bargaining union) have the following information by printing this page and passing it along.

Welcome to the MSU Administrative Professional Association.   We want to make sure all have access to member services, information and benefits, messages from the APA President, newsletters, opportunities to attend educational and training sessions and much more.  Please contact the MSU APA to schedule a new APA member orientation and to complete your membership card.

For additional information visit the APA website at or contact 517-999-4004.


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Theresa Sullivan Will Lead the Search for the Next President of MSU

The MSU Board of Trustees has hired Theresa Sullivan, an MSU graduate and currently the University of Virginia president, to work alongside the MSU Board of Trustees as an advisor regarding the search for the next MSU president. Sources have indicated she will not be a candidate for the permanent MSU position.

MSU board trustee Dianne Byrum, speaking on behalf of the board, indicated that Sullivan will be paid $1,000 per eight-hour work day. It is anticipated that Sullivan will work the equivalent of one day a week to aid this search. However, until the end of July when Sullivan retires from University of Virginia she will be working at MSU for free.

Sullivan is the former provost of the University of Michigan where she worked under former U of M President Mary Sue Coleman. Since 2010, Sullivan has served as president at the University of Virginia, including the time period when Rolling Stone published an infamous article about a gang rape at a fraternity, a story that was later discovered to be made up.  

The APA has already engaged MSU and expressed a clear desire that the process to select a new MSU President be inclusive, ensuring all campus voices and perspective be heard firsthand before any final decisions are made. The APA will continue to update the membership as more information is known.

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Your Fellow APA Members – Debra F. Duxbury

 What are your job titles?

Staff Psychiatrist and Clinical Assistant Professor

 How long have you been at MSU?

I started my first job at MSU in 1987.

 Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

No. I began working in the Department of Chemistry at MSU in 1987 and subsequently as a psychiatry resident at MSU in 2000, after attending the College of Human Medicine at MSU in

the 1990s. After my psychiatry residency, I worked as an inpatient psychiatrist for three years at Chelsea Community Hospital. When I became employed at Olin Student Health in 2007 I started my first position at MSU with APA membership.

 What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

The majority of my work is performed at Olin Student Health as a staff psychiatrist in CAPS (Counseling & Psychiatric Services). I mostly manage psychiatric medication regimes needed to promote emotional wellbeing in my patients, but I also do a small amount of therapy. As I do this, I work closely with the CAPS psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, and social workers. Collectively we evaluate, manage, treat, and provide support. We also implement crisis interventions for MSU students, the occasional spouse of a student, and eligible high school students attending MSU. I am also a certified Koru Mindfulness Meditation teacher, and I teach Koru Mindfulness Meditation at Olin and on campus, by invitation. The Koru classes, workshops, and presentations I give help promote resiliency and flourishing. This fosters student, faculty, and staff success in life and at MSU. Additionally, I am a clinical assistant professor working in an adjunct capacity for the College of Human Medicine and College of Osteopathic Medicine psychiatry residency program at MSU. In that role, I mentor psychiatry residents during their training.

 What brought you to your job at MSU?

After completing my postdoctoral research in Oxford in the UK in the 1980s, my husband and I moved to MSU to pursue our careers as research scientists. MSU afforded good career opportunities and benefits in a welcoming environment where we could begin our careers and family.

 What do you love about working at MSU?

Working at MSU has given me the opportunity to positively contribute to people’s lives, especially in my roles as a psychiatrist, meditation teacher, and mentor. I love the multicultural environment, diversity of ideas, cross-disciplinary research, and land grant mission of MSU. I appreciate the move toward green fuels and being on such a beautiful campus with beautiful gardens. I especially love being able to follow the MSU basketball team.

 What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I enjoy spending time with my family and pets, being in nature, and traveling near and far to a variety of cultures. I also enjoy meditation, basketball/sports, films, music, reading, and using my creativity to make things out of anything. I enjoy teaching meditation to others and volunteering. I will soon complete my 9-month certificate course in Meditation and Psychotherapy and my NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) auricular acupuncture certificate to become an ADS (acudetox specialist).

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Be A Tourist In Your Own Town

Many smiling faces and looks of wonder were seen on faces of both adults and children who participated in the BATYOT event on June 2nd.  APA members could choose from over 90 locations and check out attractions which interested them and their families.  The added bonus was that attractions which normally charge admission fees let participants in free on that day.

Many thanks were heard from APA members who participated in this event.  From seeing the baby otters at Potter Park, to Impression Five Science Museum or having a chance to be live on LCC radio was awesome.

“I have lived in the area for years and always wanted to do this; thanks to APA for getting the word out early on this and prompting me to be a part of it this year.”

Andrea Worful is an APA Member and Area Representative who worked part of the day for the event at the MSU Community Music School (CMS) shares her experience on the day.  “CMS provides a creative and welcoming environment where music experiences, education, and music therapy services inspire individuals at all ability levels and stages of life to achieve their personal best and BATYOT is no exception. Families came throughout the day to enjoy our make-and-take craft and instrument petting zoo—where people of all ages could try out a variety of string, wind and percussion instruments. Some individuals even find the instrument they go on to play in their school band at these events! We love being a part of this amazing event and welcoming people into our facility that may not know about all the work CMS does for the community.”

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight – Jennifer Sergeant

What is your job title?

Grants and Research Services Administrator

What area of campus, building and department do you work in?

I work on North Campus, in the Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture, for MSU Extension.

How long have you been at MSU?

Five years as of June 3.

How long have you been an Area Representative?

I believe it’s been four years.

Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring?

It’s important to me as I have personally been in bad work situations. I feel a sense of comfort knowing the union is behind me. I love the value too! I get discounts on my home and auto insurance – I took advantage of that for sure!  

What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU?

You never know what your work situation will be or turn into. You may love your boss and coworkers, but things could change that may make your life miserable. You have the opportunity for union support to make your life easier; take advantage of this.

What do you love about working at MSU?

I love what MSU stands for: the commitment to the little people all over the state and the world for that matter. MSU as a whole has done so much good in the world. I love being a part of making MSU better so they can do more in the future.

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I like to play with my dog, Brutus, at the dog park. He’s a Jack Russell, so he has a ton of energy. I go horseback riding with my mom at Sleepy Hollow. I ride my bike from campus down to the Hawk Island park, as well as along the Northern Tier Trail in East Lansing. I also like to read and relax at home.

The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to

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