Meet Debbie Hurst, a Fellow APA Member

What is your job title?

Risk Management and Insurance Coordinator.


How long have you been at MSU?

I started at MSU in August of 1990. I had a six-year break in service from the fall of 1999 to August of 2005. I was a stay-at-home mom during that period.


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

No. I became a member in November of 2005.


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I work for Risk Management and Insurance. I am the claims adjuster for non-litigated claims, which would include automobile, property, and general liability claims. I am also involved in the underwriting process to place policies for the University and participate in loss prevention education and activities.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

Career opportunity, benefits, and cultural opportunities.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I love MSU. Period. I like being a part of seeing new Spartans arriving on campus in the fall; I like seeing families coming for visits and tours; I have great pride in Spartan Athletics.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Crafts of any variety including sewing and crocheting. I love to bake and have family dinners.

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Enhanced Autism Coverage Announcement

Effective May 1, 2018, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech and language pathology services for the treatment of autism will not be subject to annual visit limitations.

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MSU to Offer Voluntary Prescription Drug Copay Assistance Program

Michigan State University (MSU) is making a change to its prescription drug plan effective

May 1, 2018, for a subset of specialty medications.


A manufacturer’s voluntary copay assistance program will be available for specific specialty medications. Copays for those specific specialty medications will increase. However, the copay assistance program may offset this increase, resulting in the amount paid dropping to as low as $0 to $15, as an example.


The program targets a subset of specialty medications and adjusts the copay to a higher amount. The drug manufacturer covers most of that amount by enrolling the patient in its assistance program. This generally results in a lower copay for the patient and lowers the cost MSU pays for that specific medication. If you participate in this program, your copay will not be greater than the current $50.


Participation in this copay assistance program is voluntary. If members choose not to enroll, their copay for the specific specialty medication will remain at $50 for the rest of 2018.


What Happens Next?

In April, CVS Caremark will send a letter to patients who have current prescriptions of the specialty medications where a copay assistance program exists. Patients who wish to enroll can do so online directly with the drug manufacturer of the specific medication or call CVS Caremark at 1-800-565-7105. A CVS pharmacist can help explain the copay assistance amount and can provide information on the enrollment process.


Once enrolled, the patient will continue to fill prescriptions as usual.


In the future, CVS Caremark will identify specialty medications that may qualify at the time the patient fills the prescription and will ask the patient if he/she wishes to enroll.


Patients should continue to fill prescriptions for specialty medications as usual through the CVS Caremark Mail Service Pharmacy or the CVS Specialty Pharmacy. If you have any additional questions you can call Customer Care at 1-800-565-7105.


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APA Annual Picnic

APA Annual Picnic May 22 4:30pm-7:00pm

We continue our tradition of gathering in the spring for the annual picnic.

APA members and their families are invited to a picnic on May 22 4:30pm-7:00pm at Patriarche Park, 960 Alton, East Lansing, 48823.  Join us under the pavilion where picnic food, drinks and tableware will be provided. Kid-friendly games and activities will be available.

This event provides a chance for new members to network and meet other Administrative Professionals from outside their immediate department, while allowing those who have been here a bit longer to catch up with friends and former co-workers who may have moved to other areas of campus.

No RSVP is necessary.  Check-in at the welcome table for entry and to enter to win prizes.

We have obtained an alcohol-permit should you wish to bring your own.

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2018 APA Election Results

2018 APA Election Results

At the April board meeting, the executive board voted to accept and certify the results of the March APA Election.   A total of 301 ballots were cast in this year’s election, which equates to 14.49% of the membership.  Below are the results of the election.  Candidates are listed in the order of highest to lowest votes received.  Next to each candidate’s name are the amount of votes received. Successful candidates are in bold.

Five 3-year terms on APA Executive Board (2018-2021)

      • Dennis Seybert – 267
      • Erica Phillipich – 256
      • Kandy Slack – 255
      • Laura Wise – 255
      • Leo Sell – 234
      • Write-in – 20
    • Five 3-year terms for MEA/NEA/RA Delegate (2018-2021)

      • Dennis Seybert – 262
      • Laura Wise – 251
      • Erica Phillipich – 250
      • Kandy Slack – 246
      • Write-in – Erik Maillard – 5
      • Unsuccessful write-in votes 31

These results are submitted on behalf of the Nominations and Elections Committee Members: Sue Brandt (Chair), Matthew Evans, Danielle Flaumenhaft, Erik Maillard and David McFarlane.

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“Free College” for you and your family with your APA membership!

Today, college affordability is on everyone’s mind.  In fact, studies show that only half of Americans who begin college will be able to finish – largely due to financial, work and life barriers.  However, APA and MEA can provide you, and your family, with a new educational opportunity.  You and your family can now take classes at Eastern Gateway Community College (EGCC) for free!  Yes, “Free College!”


We have partnered with Ohio’s Eastern Gateway Community College to offer our members a life changing benefit.  As a member of the APA, you and members of your family will be able to obtain an Associate’s degree online, with ZERO out of pocket costs in the following different areas of study:

  • Business Management with concentrations in Human Resources, Healthcare Management, Marketing and Finance;
  • Accounting;
  • Patient Home Navigator Certificate;
  • Associate of Arts;
  • Criminal Justice;
  • Paralegal;
  • Early Childhood Education;
  • Or Individualized Study.


Regardless of location, EGCC is one of the fastest growing community colleges in the country and is regionally accredited and regulated by the Ohio Department of Education.  Credits earned at EGCC can be transferred to other institutions across the country and the staff at the college is committed to helping students determine the right course of study that will help them continue their work at a college closer to their home.


This benefit works as a “last-dollar scholarship”, or grant, through Eastern Gateway Community College that is intended to fill the gap between any federal, state or employer education grants you receive and the cost of tuition, fees and e-books for certain online degree programs at Eastern Gateway Community College.  You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and any grant award must be applied to the tuition, fees and e-book charges at EGCC.


Remember that “Free College” is available to you as an APA member, as well as your spouse, domestic partner, children, grandchildren and other financial dependents.  So, even if  you are not looking to take a class, talk to your family about this exciting program!  You can register for Spring 2 Session until March 16, 2018.


For more information on this benefit, visit “Free College Benefit” at MEA.  For detailed program information from EGCC, please visit the website at:


If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].


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Know Your Contract

Family Medical Leave Act, FMLA

In general, most members will take FMLA for a serious health condition or to care for a family member with a serious health condition; however, FMLA covers more than illness.  


All members who have worked at MSU for 12 months, and have at least 1,250 hours in those 12 months, are eligible for FMLA protection.  FMLA is extended for the following qualifying situations:

  • The member’s serious health condition;
  • To care for a spouse, including domestic partners, dependent child, or parent with a serious health condition;
  • For birth of a child, including prenatal doctor visits as well as caring for the newborn child, anytime within the first twelve months of the birth of the baby;
  • For placement of a child for adoption or foster care with the employee anytime within the first twelve months of the placement of the child;
  • Because a qualifying exigency arises, and a spouse, child or parent, who is a covered military member and is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call to active duty status is being deployed for a contingency operation in a foreign country;
  • To care for a service member (spouse, child, parent or next of kin) who is currently serving, or who is on the temporary disability retired list, with a serious injury or illness incurred in the line of duty on active duty for which he or she is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy.


Members may apply for FMLA leave for conditions requiring time off intermittently, continuously, or on a reduced schedule.  If you know you will require FMLA, you need to provide 30 days advance notice; however, if the leave is not foreseeable, notice must be give as soon as practicable.


When considering using FMLA, you may use any sick or vacation hours that you have accrued in EBS so that you can continue to be paid during your leave (per the APA Contract).  If you don’t have enough paid leave hours, you may take unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks under FMLA.  If you have FMLA time available, your insurance will be maintained by MSU at no cost to you.  Depending on your FMLA needs, leave accruals will vary.


You can review MSU’s FMLA Policy and request FMLA forms by contacting MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 or [email protected].  


It is important to note that once you request FMLA paperwork, MSU HR will notify your department and supervisor that you have requested FMLA paperwork.  If you would like to review FMLA paperwork without notification to your department and supervisor, you may request the paperwork from APA by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].

Once your FMLA paperwork has been approved, your supervisor and department will be notified that you have been approved for an FMLA absence – not the specific reason for your FMLA absence.   


To review Article 24 – Sick Leave, or any other APA contractual provision, go to:

If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].

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The APA needs you…

For our Area Representative (AR) program.

We are starting a new series of AR training classes in March and invite you to join the program. Our goal is to have an AR in every building where we have members and it offers an opportunity to be more involved in the union.

Due to AR’s moving to different positions we are in need of new AR’s in the Vet Med Center, Plant and Soil Science, Clinical Center, University Services and Comm Arts. If you are located in one of these buildings, we would ask that you consider joining the next training group.


For more information, please contact Dennis Seybert at [email protected].

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