Saving Money with your APA Membership!

The collective power of all Michigan Education Association members (including you!) allows MEA to offer discounts in a variety of areas.


Think of the items and services a household regularly purchases — groceries, clothing, meals, oil changes, entertainment, home and auto insurance — it all adds up over time. Thankfully, APA members have access to numerous member-only discounts that can save thousands of dollars each year on the items they buy most.


Discounts on Everyday Items


  • By logging on to the Members Only section of members can peruse a wide array of deep discounts on things like dining, eye care, home supplies, vacations, health products, golf and much more.


  • APA members can also download the “My Deals” mobile app on their smartphones to find discounts in your neighborhood and around the US.

Android – My Deals app in Google Play

Apple – My Deals app in ITunes




Auto and Homeowners’ Insurance


  • APA members can save hundreds of dollars each year on automobile and homeowners’ insurance through MEA Financial Services, a full-service insurance agency that provides policies exclusively for APA/MEA members. Because the agency is actually owned by members like you, MEA Financial Services’ team of insurance specialists does everything possible to keep costs down and provide high-quality coverage.


  • Through MEA Financial Services, members can also take advantage of group discounts on personal umbrella protection and coverage for rental property, boats, RVs, motorcycles, snowmobiles and more.


  • To receive a no-obligation quote on auto, home and life insurance from MEA Financial Services, call 1-800-292-1950 or visit



NEA Member Benefits



  • A favorite benefit for members is the NEA Auto Buying Program – if you are looking for a new or used car, try it out with no obligation.




You will need your APA/MEA member number to access most member benefits. If you need any assistance, contact the MEA Help Desk at 866-MEA-HELP (866-632-4357) or use the Live Chat option (found in the upper right corner) at


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Meet a Fellow APA Member

Meet Renee Gagnier, our highlighted APA member from College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR).


What is your job title?

Unit Human Resources Administrator II.


How long have you been at MSU?

Total 19 years. I worked for 10 years, took a hiatus to be a stay-at-home mom for 10 years, and have been back for 9 years now.


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

No. APA member just over 7 years.


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little about what you do?

I work for the Dean’s office and review and approve all HR actions in the college. I also assist our academic units with academic and support staff hiring and HR policy and procedures.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

I started my MSU career out in the football office, which was very fun! I then worked in two different academic units in CANR. I’ve been with the Dean’s office for over 7 years now.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I was born and raised a Spartan, so I love everything MSU! I’m also a resident of East Lansing and absolutely love living and working in East Lansing. I thoroughly enjoy what I do, helping and assisting others, and above all else, love the friendships I have formed after all my years on campus.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I enjoy going to our cottage and boating with my husband and two boys. I am always in the middle of a book, love to socialize with friends, and am amazed watching the young men my boys have become. I also enjoy rubber stamping and scrapbooking.

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“I have always been impressed by the many services and other opportunities afforded to APA members… I did wish to make sure that I took the opportunity to express my appreciation for what you, Maury and the other leaders of APA do on behalf of their members.  You have my best wishes for the continued success of APA.” – Jim Hensley, APA Member

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APA $800 Annual Professional Development Funds


In the APA 2015 contract negotiations, we were able to successful change the contract to allow your annual $800 professional development funding to be used more liberally including at colleges and for credit courses provided the course was supervisor approved and job related.


From 2015 to 2016, the APA was contacted by several members raising concern that their request to utilize the $800 was denied by central HR despite being job related and supervisor approved.


In response, a member and the APA jointly filed a grievance to dispute the wrongful denial for use of the funds. The University contested the position of the APA and the case when to binding arbitration earlier this calendar year. The goal of the arbitration was to obtain clarity on how, when, and where the professional development funds could be used under the terms of our 2015 modification.

Last month the APA received the arbitrator’s binding decision. In short, the APA won in part and lost in part.


As it relates to the specific concern of use for the PD funds, the arbitrator issued a binding decision that MSU should be empowered to make the decision for use of the PD funds. However, the arbitrator also ruled that the University cannot arbitrarily approve or deny a request.

As a follow-up, the APA is working to schedule a meeting with MSU to discuss the process of approval and denial moving forward. The goal is to establish clearly defined rules for approval and denial of requests.

The APA continues working diligently on this issue consistent with the ruling and we will communicate with the APA membership as substantive progress is made. If you have any question, please contact the APA office at 517.999.4004 or email us at [email protected].


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Need help navigating the Office of Institutional Equity?  Contact APA!

If you are not familiar with the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), you may not be alone, as OIE has completed only their second academic year on campus.  The purpose of OIE is to review all concerns of discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking under MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy and MSU’s Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct.  In addition, OIE can provide information, resources and training on both policies.  


As staff of MSU, you can request either informal or formal assistance from OIE.  In the informal process, OIE’s function is to consult, advise and facilitate alternative dispute resolution.  When a formal complaint is filed, OIE will act as a neutral party to all individuals involved in the process, while providing a thorough investigation and analysis of each claim.  OIE does not act as a representative for either side; rather, it serves as a neutral fact-finder for determining whether the Anti-Discrimination Policy or Policy on Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct was violated.


If the OIE determines that the requirements are met for a formal investigation, OIE will promptly notify the individual, office, or unit against whom the claim is filed.  OIE will notify the party of the initiation of the investigation, the potential policy violation at issue, the right to participate in the investigation, the timeframe for responding and that the investigation may proceed without either party. If appropriate, the applicable unit administrator will also be notified of the investigation.


As OIE does not act as an advocate, APA members can request representation from APA.  Whether you need to file a claim or find that you have been contacted by OIE to participate in an investigation, APA will consult with you and, if requested, attend the initial meeting with you.


You can file an OIE Report here.  Please note that your completed report will go directly to OIE and the MSU Police.


If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight – Matthew Evans

What is your job title?

Systems Analyst.


What area of campus, building and department do you work in?

Northeast side of the campus in the Geography building and working for the Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences.


How long have you been at MSU?

Two years.


How long have you been an Area Rep?

Six months.


Why is being a member of the Union important to you?

Being a part of the union gives me a voice in what happens to me at my job, it also gives me a sense of security knowing that if anything happens I have the union to support me.


What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU?

Take it one day at a time. For some it’s a big step from what they used to do. Some people may have never had the opportunity to join a union with a previous employer. Don’t wait to join a union, the more you know what the union can do for you the more comfortable you will feel asking for help and guidance.


What do you love about working at MSU?

I love everything about my job. I love my coworkers, I love the social interactions with all of the staff/faculty and the students. There is not anything to not like about working here at MSU for me.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I love going to concerts. I have been in three hard rock music videos thus far. I also love to read (R.A. Salvatore and Terry Pratchett are my favorites), I homebrew, and am an avid video gamer.

The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to


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Know Your Contract – Holidays

Have a Fun and Safe Fourth of July!


After the long Memorial Day weekend, APA members may be looking forward to other contractual holidays.  The following nine holidays are provided to APA members working half-time or more:

  • New Year’s (2 days);
  • Memorial Day;
  • Independence Day;
  • Labor Day;
  • Thanksgiving;
  • Friday after Thanksgiving;
  • Christmas (2 days).


The University will designate the dates on which the holidays will be observed, so be sure to verify if the additional days at Christmas and New Year’s will be observed before or after the legal holiday.


All APA members working half-time or more are eligible for holidays and this benefit starts at your date of hire.  However, you will not receive a paid holiday if you are on a leave of absence without pay, Worker’s Compensation, or on layoff.  In addition, your holiday pay will not be payable if you have an unexcused absence on either the day before or after the holiday.


For APA members who work on a holiday and are AP11 and below, time and one-half will be paid.  For APA members who are AP12 and above, talk to your supervisor about earning compensatory time equal to the number of hours worked.


Also, if you want to maximize your holiday, you can supplement with vacation and the holiday will not be charged to your vacation time.  Follow departmental procedures when requesting vacation.


To review Article 23, or any other APA contractual provision, go to:


If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].



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Meet a Fellow APA Member

Meet Ross Winter, our highlighted APA member from Intramural Sports.


What is your job title?

Assistant Director, Intramural Sports


How long have you been at MSU?

After spending four years (2004-2008) as an undergrad and one year (2008-2009) as a graduate student at MSU, I returned as a professional in late 2011 as an Intramural Sports Coordinator.


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

Yes, I have been an APA member for almost 6 years.


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little about what you do?

Recreational Sports and Fitness Services. My primary role is to manage the implementation of the Intramural Sports program, which sees almost 20,000 students, faculty, and staff participate in over 25 activities each year. This then requires me to hire, train, and develop more than 225 student employees so that we can deliver outstanding experiences to the campus population.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

MSU is my second home; it’s where I developed a love and passion for mentoring students, helping them reach their full potential. And that led me to pursue a return as a staff member. MSU has an ability to change you for the better, and now I get the opportunity to pass that along to my student employees and our participants.


What do you love about working at MSU?

The people. Whether they are colleagues, students, or participants, I get to interact with all types of people who share the same values and who want to make MSU the best that it can be.


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my wife, dog, and family/friends. I also enjoy officiating basketball, playing golf, and brewing my own beer.



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