Per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the annual election for the APA Election Board must be held by March 31 of each year. Additionally, the APA holds election for MEA/NEA/RA delegate seats.

Please find below the 2017 APA election results as announced at the public ballot tabulation that occurred at the APA office on March 30, 2017. A total of 291 ballots were cast in this year’s election. Candidates are listed in the order of highest to lowest votes received. Next to each candidate’s name is the amount of votes received:

Five 3-year terms on APA Executive Board (2017-2020)

Maury Koffman – 250

Patricia Hampton – 242

Nicole Proctor-Kanyama – 242

Jen Shangraw – 240

Debra Porter – 239

Candidates unsuccessful in seeking election:

Write-in – 18


One 2-year partial term on APA Executive Board (2017-19)

Erik Maillard – 252

Candidates unsuccessful in seeking election:

Write-in – 7


One 1-year partial term on APA Executive Board (2017-18)

Kandy Slack – 191

Candidates unsuccessful in seeking election:

Wendy Rohen – 86

Write-in – 1


Five 3-year terms for MEA/NEA/RA Delegate (2017-2020)

Maury Koffman – 250

Patricia Hampton – 245

Nicole Proctor-Kanyama – 243

Jen Shangraw – 239

Debra Porter – 238

Candidates unsuccessful in seeking election:

  • Write-in – 12


One 1-year partial term for MEA/NEA/RA Delegate (2017-18)

Kandy Slack – 248

Candidates unsuccessful in seeking election:

Write-in – 6

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Calling All Artists

We know that our APA members are talented in many areas both here at MSU and in their lives outside of work. The Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA) are seeking entries for their 53 rd annual juried art purchase show. This exhibit provides an opportunity to display art with no entry fee. MEA, MAEA and MEA-Retired members in good standing can submit up to two pieces of original artwork of paintings, drawings, prints, ceramics, jewelry, metal work, enamels, mosaic, wood, fibers, stained glass, photographs, experimental media and sculptures. For additional information visit www.mea.org/Art/ or contact Shelli Long at [email protected] for a downloadable brochure. APA is affiliated with the MEA, so members are automatically part of the MEA and eligible to participate in this event. The exhibit is open March 6 through April 19.

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“Many of us in APA are in IT, and when issues arise in our areas we don’t have the luxury of stepping

away until it is fixed. So having an offering [of The More You Know session] at night was very convenient

to me so that I didn’t feel like I had to hurry back to my office. Please keep these.”

– Sean Collins, RSGIS

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Know Your Contract – Personnel Folder

It’s time to do something for yourself in 2017.  A New Year’s Resolution that APA can help you keep is resolving to know yourself!


Every APA member has access to their official personnel folder and you should make a point to periodically review your file.  Article 11 (-91 ) of the APA Contract reads, “Each Employee shall have the right, upon request, to examine the content of her/his own Official Personnel Folder(s), the only exclusion being confidential pre-employment credentials of an evaluative nature.”


Select a date to review your file and commit to that time each year.  APA recommends selecting a month that has meaning to you, for example, the month of your birthday or the month you expect your Performance Evaluation.  Regardless of the timing, it is important to check your personnel file each year.  If you don’t check your file each year, make sure you check your file in any of the following situations:

  • After a major change in your life.  Major changes like marriage, children or divorce may impact current documents in your file, so review everything.
  • If you plan to apply for a new position either on campus or off campus.  Make sure you know what is in your file, both good and bad.  
  • If you are thinking of retiring or leaving MSU.  Make sure everything in your file is up-to-date, including beneficiaries and emergency contacts.
  • Have you been disciplined?  Review all documents that may relate to discipline and make sure you have seen everything.  Also, after 18 months you can request that discipline be removed from your file.  Article 11 (-94) of the APA Contract reads, “Upon an Employee’s written request to MSU Human Resources any records of disciplinary action that occurred more than eighteen (18) months prior to the request shall be removed from the Official Personnel Folder(s) if the Employee’s performance has been satisfactory within the past eighteen (18) months.”


You may request to view your personnel file by contacting the Solutions Center by phone at 517-353-4434 or email [email protected].  When your file is ready for review, you will be notified so that you can make an appointment.  You will need to bring your ID and must review everything in the office; however, you may request copies of anything in your file.  


If you are concerned about anything in your personnel file, you can do the following:

  • Take notes on what is in your file. Make a note to yourself so you know when you first reviewed the document.
  • Make copies – if you would like a copy of anything in your file, simply ask.
  • Follow up with anything unknown or negative.  You have the right to submit a statement or rebuttal for anything in your file.
  • Contact APA with questions or assistance.


To review Article 11, or any other APA contractual provision, go to:



If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected].


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Women’s March in Washington, DC – January 21, 2017

by Carol Graysmith, APA Executive Board Member

Several members of the APA union jumped at the chance to travel to Washington, DC for the Women’s March on January 21, 2017. The attendees included 3 executive board members, Sue Brandt, Deb Porter, and Carol Graysmith and at least two other APA members. The Michigan Education Association (MEA) sent an email inviting members in good standing to ride for free and invited them to bring paying guests for $150. No union dues were used to fund this trip; Political Action Committee (PAC) money was used to pay for the free rides. 

We boarded the bus at 9:30 pm on Friday night with our pillows and blankets. We slept through the night and arrived Saturday morning in time to hike to the Capital. Saturday night we climbed back on-board the buses and again slept through the night, arriving back in E. Lansing early Sunday morning. The ride down and back was quiet and conducive of sleep if you could find a comfortable position.

The mission of the Women’s March, quoted from their website, reads as follows: “We stand together in solidarity with our partners and children for the protection of our rights, our safety, our health, and our families – recognizing that our vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.”  The main slogan, “Women’s Rights = Human Rights”, was further supported by 5 guiding principles:

  1. Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people.
  2. The Beloved Community is the framework for the future.
  3. Attack forces of evil, not persons doing evil.
  4. Accept suffering without retaliation for the sake of the cause to achieve our goal.
  5. Avoid internal violence of the spirit as well as external physical violence.

We saw these principles in action as we participated in the bus ride, the hike into the capital from the buses, the rally, and the march. The locals of Washington, DC were very supportive of us as we hiked through their neighborhood. Some of them were cheering, others were giving us high-fives. One church we passed had a crowd of parishioners standing on the front lawn clapping for us and expressing their thanks to us. During the rally people were supportive of each other as the crowd had to stretch to allow paramedics to extract people who were suffering from the long stand. On our walk back to the buses at the end of the day we passed people partying in front of their homes who asked us where we were from and thanked us for coming to help.

We were struck with how diverse the crowd was, how peaceful everyone was with other’s views, and how helpful the participants were. Many of the participants were men. One tall young man held a sign that said “I love my mother”. His mother’s  sign said, “I can’t believe I’m still protesting this stuff”. My personal favorite sign said, “HEALTHCARE: I’ll have what our legislators are having”. The attendees had strong opinions on various issues but the main theme of the day was that together we can work for human rights – for all humans.

One of the women on our bus was sent a message of inspiration by her daughter and shared it with the other women. This quote sums up the spirit of the day, “Remember today as you do this thing that not only are you participating in History, you are there and a part of the seminal moment, nay the ovulatory moment of the next wave of feminism, and a powerful women’s movement: a call for humanity to evolve.”

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Meet A Fellow APA Member

Interview by Nicki Walker, APA Communications Committee

Meet Jennie Russell, our highlighted APA member from University Archives & Historical Collections.


What is your job title?

Assistant Records Archivist


How long have you been at MSU?

Five years.


Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?

No. When I was first hired at MSU, it was for a six to nine month limited term position. My position kept getting renewed before it was turned into a full-time position.


What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

I work at the University Archives & Historical Collections over in Conrad Hall. In my position, I help answer questions from researchers, processing collections to make them available for researchers to view, and helping with the day to day duties of the Records Management program. I also create exhibits for our exhibit cases, write blogs, help teach the Records Management Professional Development Services class with my coworker, and help out with events as needed and special projects as they come up, such as a large scanning project.


What brought you to your job at MSU?

I wanted to work in an archives and in my last semester at Wayne State getting my Masters in Library Science degree, a job posting came up at MSU. I applied for the job and got it, so I graduated with my degree on Friday, December 9, and started my job on Monday, December 12. 


What do you love about working at MSU?

I enjoy the history of this campus. This campus has grown so much that it’s fun to find the facts that people don’t realize, such as MSU had a deer park, MSU President Abbot had to actually go into the dorms to break up fights and arguments between students, and the first building on campus, College Hall, was actually built with a tree stump in one of the corners. 


What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I’m a triathlete so a great deal of my time is either spent running, biking, or swimming. When I’m not doing that, I enjoy reading, crocheting, playing board games, kayaking, and spending time with my two dachshunds, Harley and Freddy. 


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Questions From The Trenches

Questions From The Trenches


For this installment of APA Questions From The Trenches, we asked APA President Maury Koffman to highlight the answers to questions raised by members regarding probation during your first year of employment.


What is the probationary period for a new employee in the APA?

APA members new to campus or entering into APA from other University employment serve a twelve-month probationary period. The probationary period can be certified as completed earlier than twelve months by your supervisor.


Do I have to serve a probationary period if my position was reclassified into an APA position?

A member whose current position was simply reclassified is not required to serve either a probationary or a trial period.


How do I get professional feedback on my work performance while I’m on probation?

Under the APA contract, after a six-month time period from the beginning of your employment, an interim written evaluation should be prepared by your supervisor and reviewed with you so you have adequate time to address any concerns. If an interim review is not provided, it is presumed you are working proficiently but should you want the interim review – and one is suggested and required under the APA contract – you should feel free to consult with you supervisor about completing one.


When am I eligible for benefits and leave time?

Your contractual benefits commence at the start of your employment. Health care and dental benefits begin on the first day of the month following your hire date. Benefits beginning immediately include: vacation accrual, sick leave, bereavement rights, pro-rated personal leave, matching contributions to 403(b) retirement plans (if enrolled), ability to contribute to a 457 supplemental retirement plan, and coverage by/access to contractually agreed insurance coverage.


If you are age 35 or older, you have a 24-month grace period before compulsory participation in the retirement plan. The APA is proud to have negotiated a vibrant retirement program where the employee contributes 5% of the base salary and the University will contribute an additional 10% of your annual salary to your 403(b) plan.  There is no vesting period for the retirement plans and the employee and employer contributions go with you whether you conclude MSU employment next week, next month, or next year.


What changes once I have successfully completed my probationary period?

Job Protection

Just cause is in place for all discipline following completion of the probationary period. Just cause is contractually guaranteed and enforced job protections requiring all discipline be based on just, equitable and reasonable actions.


Compensation Increases

After one year of service, a member whose salary is less than the progression level salary for the grade level and has satisfactory performance will receive a progression level raise.  Members also receive annual wage increases during their probationary period. To find your progression level amount go to www.msuapa.org and review contract Article 17.


In addition, an annual wage increase is provided each year on our contract year with the October paycheck.  Departments may also give out-of-cycle wage increases.  The contract provides a minimum base wage, not a maximum.


Education Assistance

Members are eligible for educational assistance after 12 months of continuous full-time equivalent service months.  The educational assistance benefit covers a percentage of MSU tuition fees at the life long learning credit hour rate, for up to 14 credits per academic year. The percentage of coverage is based on graduate or undergraduate class level.


For Professional Development courses and technology/certificate training, Human Resource Development classes are offered and members have up to $800 that may be used per year. These Professional Development classes can be credit and non-credit bearing courses.


How do I get more information about APA?


  • Go to www.msuapa.org for a copy of your contract, the most recent newsletter, and pertinent information related to your work environment.
  • Call the APA office at 517.999.4004.



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APA Election Information

Per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the annual APA Executive Board election shall be conducted by March 31 of each year.  The 2017 election is scheduled to run from March 17 – March 30, 2017.

The 2017 election will include:

APA Executive Board

Five (5) seats on the APA Executive Board with terms ending in 2020

One (1) seat on the APA Executive Board with term ending in 2019

One (1) seat on the APA Executive Board with term ending in 2018

MEA/NEA/RA Delegate

Five (5) MEA/NEA/RA delegate positions with terms ending in 2020

One (1) MEA/NEA/RA delegate position with term ending in 2018

This communication serves as notice of the election and the opening of candidate nominations. All nominations must be submitted via email to the chair of the APA 2017 Elections Committee, Sue Brandt, at [email protected] no later than 12:00pm (noon) on Wednesday, February 15, 2017.

Individuals must be APA members in good standing to nominate or be nominated for office. After the close of nominations, properly nominated candidates will be contacted by the Elections Committee Chair to confirm their willingness to run for office.

The APA Elections Committee includes: Sue Brandt (Chair), Danielle Flaumenhaft, Carol Graysmith, Todd Ring and Jennifer Sergeant.

Each year, the APA Nominations and Elections Committee works diligently to operate an efficient, accurate and transparent election in compliance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws. In doing so, the committee has scheduled an open ballot testing on March 14, 2017 at 5:15pm at the APA Office, located at 3474 Alaiedon Parkway, Suite 400, Okemos, MI  48864.  Election results will be tallied on March 30, 2017 at 5:15pm at the APA Office.  Both of these public election events are open to full members of the APA.  An election results announcement will be communicated with members March 30, 2017.

Further announcements around the election will be provided in future APA newsletters and via the official APA ListServ.  Please watch your email for important election information. Information on the election is also be posted on the APA Website under the tab titled 2017 Election Information. Candidate bio information will be posted on the website so members can view this information before the voting period begins.

A paper-based ballot option is available by contacting the Elections Chair.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sue Brandt, [email protected].


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