Looking Beyond the Election

The last two years have felt like the longest presidential campaign cycle in our history. It was nearly impossible to turn on the TV or open a newspaper without seeing endless coverage of the candidates. There was an incredible amount of anticipation for November 8, 2016, and the results late that evening have left many of us contemplating what will happen next.

We mustn’t forget that there were numerous successes across the country and at the local level. Yet, given the nature of the presidential campaign and the global attention to every move, dinner, speech, and tweet by the candidates, many of those local and state accomplishments have been overshadowed by the transition coverage of recently inaugurated President Trump.

Regardless of whom you supported in the election, our collective mission and goal remain the same: we will fight for our members and the students on campus to have the best environment to flourish. We will do everything in our power so our members are treated as professionals and respected for their contributions to the University.

Now, more than ever, members need the union. While the years ahead remain uncertain, our guiding principles have not waivered. Unions have been and always will be about our collective leverage. It is about the power of numbers versus the power of capital. Our union and the members and students we represent are much bigger than any individual or elected office.

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“Maury, at this time of Thanksgiving I would like to thank you for all you do for the APA Union. Your behind the scenes work to make sure our members whether individually or collectively are treated fairly is appreciated more than you know. Not all of the employees on campus still receive the December 1st longevity pay, but I thank you for your work to keep this benefit for our APA Union.”

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APA Area Representative Program

by Dennis Seybert, APA Vice President

The APA Area Representative program is continuing to grow with the addition of eight new AR’s from the previous AR Training Program who were approved by the APA Executive Board. This brings our current AR total to 31.

Area Representatives serve important functions in the APA. They bring information from MSU management through the APA Executive Board to the membership. This includes information such as the recent change in the overtime pay rules or the MSU Evaluation process. Your AR’s are informed and have this information available to share.

The AR’s are also trained to give confidential answers to any questions that you may have about any section of the contract. They will not share any information without your approval. If they do not have the answer they will be able to refer you to the proper people to get the answer.

Being an AR is a great opportunity to interact with other APA members in your building and offers you an opportunity to help your coworkers with questions about employment at MSU.

APA is currently recruiting members in good standing to participate in our next APA Area Representative (AR) Training Cohort. The ten module training program will provide prospective ARs with information ranging from Labor Law and FMLA to APA Compensation, Benefits and Retirement.

All training will be conducted during the day, from approximately noon to 1PM, with lunch and materials provided. Any participant in the Cohort who completes at least 75% of the training modules may request that we submit their name to the APA Executive Board to become an APA AR.

If you are interested in joining the next AR Cohort please contact Dennis Seybert at [email protected] or call the office at 999-4004.

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Community Based Events Committee

Making a difference, One coat at a time.

The 2016 APA Coat Drive is wrapping up as this newsletter is being written.

We would like to thank all of the volunteers who are making this year’s coat drive a success.

We had 17 site hosts that either put a bin in their office or mail room to collect cold weather items this year. We would like to thank those members, the CBE Committee members who are sorting coats, as well as the wonderful MSU community that donated items. Through their efforts the APA union is making a positive impact on our community!

MSU is a special place, filled with generous people who donated items for the coat drive. With hats, mittens, coats and boots, we are doing our part to help Migrant Student Services and the Lansing District Schools, keep students warm this winter!

Should you have an interest in participating in next year’s coat drive or if you have a suggestion for a community based event, please contact: Dennis Seybert, Community Based Events Committee Chair at [email protected] or 517-999-4004, or any member of the committee:

Sue Brandt   [email protected]
Danielle Flaumenhaft   [email protected]
Shawn Mahorney   [email protected]
Deb Porter   [email protected]
Nicole Proctor   [email protected]
Tami Smith   [email protected]
Tammy Slocum   [email protected]
Laura Wise   [email protected]
Elizabeth Wheeler   [email protected]


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The FLSA Overtime Rules Are On Hold

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) governs the rules regarding overtime for workers and employers.  In May of 2016, President Obama made significant changes to the rules allowing more than 4 million more workers to become eligible for overtime – and some of these folks are APA members!

The new rule for FLSA was set to take affect beginning December 1, 2016, allowing anyone who makes less than $47,476 per year to be eligible for overtime.

Currently, per Article 18 of the APA Contract, APA members who are at level AP11 and below are eligible for overtime (at time and one-half) for any hours worked over 40 in a workweek. APA members who are level AP12 and above are not eligible for overtime; however, they can earn compensatory time with supervisor approval at the rate of straight time.

As a result of changes to FLSA, MSU must now track hours for some APA members who had not previously had to track their hours. By law, MSU will be required to pay overtime to any APA member who makes less than $47,476 and works in excess of 40 hours in a week.

However, the Department of Labor’s revised Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rules were blocked on November 22, 2016 by a federal judge in Texas. Judge Amos Mazzant issued a preliminary injunction that temporarily blocks the Department of Labor from implementing the new FLSA rules nationwide.

Therefore, on December 1, 2016, MSU will not be legally obligated to implement the new annual salary threshold of $47,476 regarding eligibility for APA members to receive overtime. With the incoming presidential administration, it remains unclear whether the new threshold will ever take effect. Yet, the APA is working in coordination with NEA as our national union to influence the official implementation of the new overtime rule.

The APA has directly communicated with those individuals who are impacted by the new FLSA rule change and we will continue to keep the entire membership informed with any relevant updates.

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Area Rep Spotlight

by Sue Brandt, Communications Committee

New this month we will begin featuring one of the APA Area Representatives (AR’s) in each of the newsletters so you can get to know them a little better or maybe even for the first time. The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to http://lay.wyz.mybluehost.me/about/area-representatives-2/

AR Spotlight – Danielle Flaumenhaft

What is your job title? Human Resource Administrator

What area of campus, building and department do you work in? South part of campus in the Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health (DCPAH).

How long have you been at MSU? 2.5 years

How long have you been an Area Rep? 1.5 years

Why is being a member of the Union important to you? Being a member of the union provides a support group for all the good and bad in the work place. The Union is a great resource for all. I have  found great connections with staff across campus.

What words of advice do you have for new hires at MSU? Enjoy campus and get to know everyone.

What do you love about working at MSU? I love all the people I get to work with.

What do you like to do when you are not at work? Hang out with family!

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Questions From The Trenches

For this installment of APA Questions From The Trenches, we asked APA President Maury Koffman to answer questions regarding the APA contract and our wage and health care agreement.

Can you explain the interaction between our APA contract and the wage and health care agreement?

For the last 15+ years, the APA has helped lead negotiations with the other campus support staff unions to bargain a joint agreement for all unionized campus staff regarding wages and health care. In effect, the wage and health care agreement means that all support staff on campus are afforded the same health care coverage and eligible annual base wage increase amounts.  

In addition, each bargaining unit including the APA negotiates a separate contract that outlines all other matters related to wages, hours, and conditions of employment. In essence, the APA contract stipulates all matters related to AP employment except minimum annual base wage increase amounts and health care coverage options. That means the APA negotiates matters such as sick and vacation time, longevity pay, educational assistance, and other non-wage and health care benefits separately for APA members.

How long is the current APA contract in place?

The current APA contract is in place through September 30, 2019.

How long is the current wage and health care contract in place?

The current wage and health care agreement is in place through December 31, 2017, and guarantees fully funded health care coverage for the base plan (BCN) with no monthly premium for single, double, or family coverage.

When will we negotiate a new contract?

The APA anticipates negotiating a new wage and health care agreement in the spring and summer of 2017. Regarding the APA contract, we will likely return to the negotiation table with MSU in early summer of 2019.

Where can I review the APA contract and the wage and health care agreement?

Electronic versions of the APA contract and the wage and health care agreement can be found on the APA website at:


Who can I contact for more information or if I have questions or concerns?

Please feel free to reach the APA office anytime via email at [email protected] or call us during regular business hours at 517.999.4004.

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APA Know Your Contract – Compensation

by Melanie Waltz, MEA Uniserv Director

Compensation increases can happen multiple times during the year.  We are currently in-between two of the most common wage increase opportunities.

In October, you received a 1% increase in your wage – provided you had a satisfactory rating on your latest Performance Evaluation.

Article 17, Section II, of the current APA Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines the wage increase.

-122 Effective October 1, 2016, one percent (1%) general salary increase monies will be calculated from the September 30, 2016 total salary base. The general salary increase percentage will be made available for all eligible Employees.
The salary increase will be made to all Employees who received a satisfactory rating on the latest Employee evaluation. For purposes of this provision, an Employee shall not be considered unsatisfactory until the Employee’s performance “Does Not Meet” expectations in two consecutive evaluations.

  1. If the general salary increase is one percent (1%) or less, it will be allocated across-the-board and calculated on the September 30, 2016 Employee’s base wage.
  2. If the percent general salary increase is above one percent (1%), monies will be allocated as follows: sixty percent (60%) of which will be allocated on the basis of merit consideration and forty percent (40%) of which will be allocated across-the-board.

APA has already announced that the wage increase for October 2017 will be 1.9%; therefore, 60% of the increase will be allocated based on merit.

In addition to the October wage increase, many APA members will also be receiving an additional wage increase in January 2017.  All members who have completed at least one year of service with a satisfactory Performance Evaluation – and who fall within the Salary Progression for their level – will see an additional wage increase up to 3%.

Article 17, Section II, of the current APA Collective Bargaining Agreement outlines the wage increase for those members within the Salary Progression.

-127 Salary Progression increase consideration will be given to Employees who have completed at least one (1) year of service on the effective date of the increase, whose most recent Performance Development Plan is “Meets Expectations” or higher; and whose salary is less than one hundred twenty-five (125%) percent of the minimum hiring level.

-128 Employees shall receive a progression increase upon completion of one year, for the first year only.

-130 Effective January 1, 2017, eligible Employees will receive progression increases in the amount of three (3%) percent up to the 125% level. Employees will not receive progression increases if they received a “Does Not Meet” rating on their most recent Performance Development Plan.

The following chart shows the minimum and maximum progression for each grade level, effective October 1, 2016:

Grade Level Minimum Level Progression Level
8 33,557 41,946
9 36,257 45,321
10 39,142 48,928
11 42,291 52,864
12 45,667 57,084
13 49,305 61,631
14 53,247 66,559
15 57,508 71,885
16 62,105 77,631
17 67,075 83,844

Therefore, if your wage is between the minimum level and the maximum progression level, you will be eligible for up to a 3% increase January 1, 2017.  You will receive the entire 3% unless the difference between your current wage and the top progression is less than 3% – in that case, you will receive the maximum amount allowed to bring you to the top of the progression level.

However, remember that the top progression wage for each grade level is only the point at which you cease to receive the automatic 3% increases.  The APA contract does not limit the maximum wage for any grade level.  The APA offers a “More You Know” lunch training to members with strategies to increase you compensation.  Look for the email invitation for this training, as well as other APA lunch training sessions.

To review your APA contractual provisions, go to:


If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 999-4004 or by email at [email protected].

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