2015 Election

APA Election Information

Voting Opens March 19 through 5:00pm March 31, 2015

Voting will be done electronically. APA members will receive information on voting via the official APA ListServ. Please watch our email for important election information.

Candidate Bio’s are listed below. Please note that for this election, all candidates are running for both the APA Executive Board and the MEA/NEA/RA Delegate positions.

Five (5) seats on the APA Executive Board with terms ending in 2018

Five (5) seats on the MEA/NEA/RA Delegate with terms ending in 2018

Candidate Bio’s:

Current Executive Board Members and MEA/NEA RA Delegates are reflected with a (B) incumbent indicator in front of their name.

 Candidate Name: (B) Nicholas (Nick) Bourland

Employing Unit: Human Resources Asst Vice President (Release position, currently serving as MSU Administrative Professional Assoc. Vice President)

Number of Years in the APA Union: 8

Number of Years Employed at Michigan State University: 16

Candidate Email Address: [email protected]

 Candidate Name: Danny Layne

Employing Unit: Residential & Hospitality Services

Number of Years in the APA Union: 18

Number of Years Employed at Michigan State University:   20

Candidate Email Address:   [email protected]

 Candidate Name: (B) Erica Phillipich

Employing Unit: Student Health Services

Number of Years in the APA Union: 7

Number of Years Employed at Michigan State University: 7

Candidate Email Address: [email protected]

 Candidate Name: (B) Leo Sell

Employing Unit: IT Services

Number of Years in the APA Union: 23

Number of Years Employed at Michigan State University: 23

Candidate Email Address: [email protected]

 Candidate Name: (B) Dennis Seybert

Employing Unit: University Services, Purchasing

Number of Years in the APA Union: 4

Number of Years Employed at Michigan State University: 13

Candidate Email Address: [email protected].

 Candidate Name: (B) Laura Wise

Employing Unit: International Studies and Programs

Number of Years in the APA Union: 4

Number of Years Employed at Michigan State University: 4

Candidate Email Address:[email protected]

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What The APA Has Done For Me Lately: Litigating MSU’s Lump Sum Bonus Contract Violation

by Maury Koffman, APA President


The APA is proud to have led collective staff union negations that resulted in lump sum bonus payments, each in excess of $1,000, for APA bargaining unit members in January 2014 and January 2015.


As indicated in previous communications, roughly $300 per full-time bargaining unit member was withheld by the University from members’ January 2014 union negotiated lump sum bonus. The issued payment was $1,042.43 but the full payment as initially mutually agreed was $1,371. Through the assistance of the Michigan Education Association as our state affiliate, the APA successfully litigated the case and the lower court ruled in favor of the APA.


However, the third party plaintiff filed an appeal with the Michigan Court of Appeals on October 14.


The APA continues to be actively engaged in the litigation of this case and remains optimistic that the higher court will affirm the lower court’s ruling in our favor, compelling full payment of the remaining amount to those APA members who satisfied the January 2014 eligibility requirements.


In a disappointing unilateral action by the University, MSU unilaterally withheld roughly $100 from each member’s January 2015 lump sum bonus payment under the theory that should the third party plaintiff prevail in his legal appeal regarding the January 2014 lump sum bonus payment, the same impact would apply for the January 2015 payment. The issued payment was $961.81 but the full payment as initially mutually agreed was $1,059.


The APA is proud to have negotiated the lump sum bonus payments members that otherwise would not have been possible without our strong collective bargaining voice. And, while each full-time member has already received more than $2,000 in lump sum bonuses (in addition to notable annual base wage increases) the APA continues to use all necessary and legal avenues to enforce our ratified collective bargaining agreement.


We have already obtained MSU’s agreement that their unilateral violation of the APA contract has resulted in the undistributed lump sum bonus money accruing interest and that the all accrued interest will be included when the remaining lump sum bonus money is distributed to the APA membership.


The APA is pursing legal resolution that could result in roughly $400 being provided to each member who satisfied the eligibility requirements. However, without the collective voice of the union, it is doubtful individual members would expend the tens of thousands of dollars it has cost to bring a legal claim for a maximum return of roughly $400.


It is our strong collective voice through the union that gives us the necessary resources to legally pursue this issue on behalf of every member and ensure that MSU is not permitted to unilaterally violate our collective bargaining agreement. The APA’s position affirms that the University should immediately cease its ongoing unilateral violation of our mutually agreed collective bargaining agreement by issuing payment of the remaining amount from the January 2014 and 2015 lump sum bonus payments.


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Know Your Contract – Am I eligible for another annual raise?

by Melissa Sortman, MEA Uniserv Director


The APA bargains a base level wage increase which is applied each October. It is a forty-percent (40%) guaranteed increase and a sixty-percent (60%) merit increase. In October 2014, the potential wage increase was two (2%) percent. In January 2015, APA bargained a lump sum payout of about one-thousand dollars (~$1,000). A member may also be eligible for an Automatic Progression Level (APL) wage increase each year.

The APA bargained a maximum additional APL three-percent (3%) annual raise to increase the salaries of those members who were hired below the progression level wage. The Salary Progression Program can be found in Article 17 Clause 132-137 and the specific progression level wages for the contract year in Clause 145 (www.msuapa.org). The Automatic Progression Level (APL) is based on the grade level and current wage. The grade level directly correlates to your classification title. Unfortunately, the grade level is not on your pay stub. The grade level of your position can be found by calling the APA office or MSU Human Resources.

To be eligible for the APL raise, you must have one year of service and your performance must not be less than satisfactory. It is not a requirement to have been annually evaluated, but you may not have an unsatisfactory evaluation. APA bargains the minimum wage for each grade level and the progression level wage. Each year, both wage thresholds increase by the amount of the full potential base wage increase. For the 2014-2015 contract year, the base level wage increase was two percent (2%).

If your wage for your grade level is under the Progression Level Wage in the chart below, you are eligible for the APL wage increase. The APL raise is applied on your first-year anniversary date and each subsequent year in January.


Article 17, Clause 145

-145                   Effective October 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015, the Minimum Hiring and

Automatic Progression Level rates are:


For individual inquires and questions, please contact the APA office at (517) 999-4004 or e-mail [email protected].



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Your Fellow APs

Interview by Laura Wise, APA Executive Board

This month’s newsletter features Dujuan Wiley, Intramural Coordinator at the IM Sports West.
How long have you been at MSU?
I started working for MSU on August 11, 2014 and have been a member of the APA since joining MSU.

Can you tell me a little bit about what you do?
My job responsibilities range from assisting with the hiring process, managing and training student employees.  Also I am responsible for all building operations in the evening.

What brought you to your job at MSU?
One highlight in my life is being fortunate enough to participate in Division 1 Sports at MSU.  I played basketball under Coach Tom Izzo from 1996 to 1998.  I earned an undergraduate degree in Recreation from MSU in 2006 while working at the IM West part-time.  Loved it at the IM West then and love it now!

What do you love about working at MSU?
The best part about working for MSU is the youth.  I love working with young people because they are always generating new ideas and fresh thoughts.  Keeps you young!

What do you like to do when you are not at work?
When I’m not working, I love hanging out with my family and friends.

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APA Night at the MSU College of Music Opera Theatre


While APA event tickets have  sold out, you may still attend on your own! Please visit http://music.msu.edu/event-listing/handels-xerxes to purchase tickets.


The APA is proud to announce a partnership with the MSU College of Music to extend an opportunity for members to attend MSU’s Opera Theatre presentation of Handel’s Xerxes on Wednesday, March 25th at 7:30pm at the beautifully renovated Fairchild Theatre.

A season of schemers, dreamers, and comedy: King Xerxes casts his eye on a young lady and decides he wants her for his queen causing a tangled web of mistaken identity, thwarted plots, and unrequited love. Sparkling with beautiful arias, what more could anyone want in an opera?


Sung in Italian with English surtitles.  Director Melanie Helton will give a preview lecture 45 minutes before each performance.



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APA Election Information

Per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the annual APA Executive Board election shall be conducted by March 31 of each year.  The 2015 election is scheduled to run from March 19 – March 31, 2015.

The 2015 election will include:

APA Executive Board
Five (5) seats on the APA Executive Board with terms ending in 2018

MEA/NEA/RA Delegate
Five (5) MEA/NEA/RA delegate positions with terms ending in 2018

This communication serves as notice of the election and the opening of candidate nominations. All nominations must be submitted via email to the chair of the APA 2015 Elections Committee, Sue Brandt, at [email protected] no later than 12:00pm (noon) on Thursday, February 12, 2015.

Individuals must be APA members in good standing to nominate or be nominated for office. After the close of nominations, properly nominated candidates will be contacted by the Elections Committee  Chair to confirm their willingness to run for office.

The APA Elections Committee includes: Sue Brandt (Chair), Dave Graff, Carol Graysmith, Pat Hampton and Grimaldo Robles.

Each year, the APA Nominations and Elections Committee works diligently to operate an efficient, accurate and transparent election in compliance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws. Election results will be done on March 31, 2015 at 5:15pm at the APA Office.  This public election event is open to full members of the APA.  An election results announcement will be communicated with the membership March 31, 2015.

Further announcements around the election will be provided in future APA newsletters and via the official APA ListServ.  Please watch your email for important election information.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sue Brandt, [email protected].

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What The APA Has Done For Me Lately: Wages & Healthcare

by Maury Koffman, APA President

Look around you. While fully funded health care is a cultural norm at MSU, with no out-of-pocket monthly premium, few places of employment offer the same quality of care and access as bargained by our union for members on campus. But, our benefits did not come without a fight.

In the last round of contract negotiations, the University spent months trying to jam through what they called a ‘consumer driven health care plan.’ In function, what it meant was a high deductible plan that would have required members to pay the first $4,000 for single coverage or $8,000 for family coverage before insurance would kick in.

Additionally, they were pushing for a total elimination of prescription drug coverage and a 20% co-insurance for all costs above the deductible.  That co-insurance would have meant that in a catastrophic medical incident that cost $250,000, the individual
would suffer a second injury when hit with a $50,000 co-insurance health care bill.  I don’t know about you, but I’m not familiar with any APA member who could absorb an $8,000 deductible, let alone a $50,000 medical bill, without it drastically impacting the member’s life.

In addition to fully funded health care through December 31, 2017, the APA is proud to have negotiated wage increases each year and additional lump sum bonuses.  The APA contractually negotiated salaries work as a floor and there is no ceiling.  The intention is to ensure all union members receive recognition for their contributions on campus by guaranteeing a wage increase.

In 2014, APA members received an October 2% base wage increase and an additional lump sum payment of $1,032 earlier in that year in January.  For most members, that equated to roughly a 4% wage enhancement in 2014.

In 2015, APA members are slated to receive a January lump sum payment of $961 and an October base wage increase of 2.5%, yet again equating to another 4% wage enhancement in one year.

We all have a passion and love for MSU.  And we all want to believe that the University will do right by its employees.  The harsh reality is that MSU is still an employer, with a billion dollar annual budget, and the union is the only way to balance the power and have an equal voice to ensure a fair and equitable workplace.

A strong union with an active membership is our only opportunity to have a forum that compels MSU to engage us and address member benefits and concerns.

If you ask me, our union dues are a great bargain when compared to my wage increases each year, lump sum bonuses, fully funded health care, and a vibrant 403(b) retirement program among many other benefit.

Again I say, look around you.  Where unions don’t exist or have reduced power, the benefits we realize at MSU are not even a consideration.  I cherish what my union has negotiated for me.  It impacts my life everyday.  And that’s why I am so proud to be a member of the APA.

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Answers Nearby! Your Area Representative Resource

by Nicholas Bourland, APA Vice President

What does my contract guarantee?  How do MSU procedures affect me?  Can my supervisor do that? These and countless other questions are asked every day by APA members about the wages, benefits, terms and working conditions of their MSU employment.

The MSU Administrative Professional Association works hard to provide a multitude of resources to help meet the every day information needs of our fellow members. In addition to the support provided by the main APA office, community and information sessions, and new member welcomes; a focus has been placed on the steady expansion and training of the Area Representative program.

Q:  What does an Area Representative do?

A:  Area representatives are members meant to be local, first points of contact with other APA members. ARs typically welcome new members to the Area, assist in organizing APA events, answer basic member questions, connect members with the right resources at APA and MSU, and provide information updates about the APA/MEA/NEA.

Q:  How do I contact an Area Representative?

A:  The APA website has a page devoted to the AR program (Area Representatives). MSU is divided into four large areas (map) and has trained ARs serving in each area. Please feel free to contact any area representative listed, regardless of Area. New ARs are continually added to the site as they finish the training.  Any AR will be happy to assist you.

Q:  Does my supervisor have to know I contacted an Area Representative?

A:  No!  APA routinely and confidentially counsels and advises members, even if there’s no grievance pending. ARs will always be discrete and will not discuss your circumstances with anyone else, other than to ask further questions to the APA Officers. ARs understand the importance of your privacy.

Q:  If my supervisor informed me to contact my union representative, whom do I contact?

A:  Please call the APA Office right away 517-999-4004. ARs may aid the APA Officers and Staff in a disciplinary process, but will rarely replace them.

Q:  How do I learn more about or volunteer to become an Area Representative?

A:  Please contact the APA Vice Chairperson, Nick Bourland at [email protected] for more information about the AR Program. A training series to add more ARs to the cadre is set to begin late this month.

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