Winter Coat Drive Update

by Elias Lopez, Excecutive Board Member & Community Based Events Ad-Hoc Committee Chairperson

Michigan’s cold, icy weather can be a challenge, even for many individuals already accustomed to it at MSU. New students from warmer climates often quickly realize the need for several crucial additions to their wardrobes as the snow starts flying. However, the associated expenses are often beyond the means of some students, including many from migrant labor families coming to MSU for the dream of education, but with few funds and no experience with freezing temperatures.

Thanks to many APA members and supporters, winter has become a little easier for a number of at-need students. Over 300 coats and articles of winter apparel were donated during the 2014 APA Winter Coat Drive. Clothing contributions were collected by APA volunteers at several locations across campus during the December/January initiative.

Donations have been sorted and are being distributed to worthy student programs, including MSU Migrant Student Services, MSU Family Resource Center, and Lansing Public Schools. The APA Community Based Events Committee would like to thank all those individuals, groups, and departments joining in the drive. If you wish to donate any additional items, they can be dropped off at C249 Holden hall.

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Questions from the Trenches

For this installment of APA Questions From The Trenches, we asked APA President Maury Koffman to highlight the main questions raised by members in response to the communications regarding the January 2015 Lump Sum bonus payment.

What is the gross payment members will receive now that the University has chosen to unilaterally violate our contract and issue only partial payment in January 30, 2015 paycheck?
Members should receive a gross, lump sum payment of $961.81 subject to taxes, deductions, and any other garnishments. Per the ratified contract, the $961.81 will be issued in full for 100% full-time equivalent (FTE) status employees and reduced on a proportional basis for part-time employees.

I understand we are only going to be paid a portion of the full payment on January 30, 2015. What was the full amount that should be paid if the University complied with the mutually ratified Wage and Health Care Agreement?
Had the University proceeded with the legally binding contract, the APA anticipated full payment to have been $1,056.39 for 100% FTE bargaining unit members.

How much is being unilaterally withheld by MSU?
In a disappointing unilateral action by the University, the APA has been informed that MSU intends to withhold roughly $100 from each member’s payment under the theory that should the plaintiff prevail in his legal appeal regarding the January 2015 lump sum bonus payment (fully explained in the December 11, 2014 APA email), the same impact would apply for the upcoming January 2015 payment. Rest assured the APA is using all necessary and legal avenues to enforce our ratified collective bargaining agreement.

What makes someone eligible for the payment?
To be eligible for the payment, the individual must have been (1) actively employed on January 1, 2015, (2) be MSU health care benefits eligible, and (3) a member of the APA bargaining unit. Even if a member invoked the health care waiver, s/he is still eligible for the lump sum payment if s/he met the eligibility criteria. And, if both an individual and his/her spouse/OEI were eligible for the payment, both APA members should receive the payment.

How will the January 2014 payment be issued?
The payment will be noted as special pay and should be included in the member’s January 2015 regular paycheck slated to be issued on January 30.

If I was eligible for the full payment as of January 1, 2015 but I subsequently leave MSU before the amount in dispute is distributed, will I still receive the amount that was wrongfully withheld by the University?
Yes. The eligibility criteria will remain the same and therefore if an individual satisfied the eligibility criteria as of January 1, 2015, the full amount must be issued to the APA member even if that individual leaves MSU before the withheld amount is distributed.

What are the steps from here?
In an effort to enforce our contract as ratified, the Michigan Education Association is providing full assistance to the APA and using all legal means necessary to ensure the Wage and Health Care Agreement is enforced as ratified by the APA membership and the University. The APA will continue to keep members informed of any substantive updates related to the payment.

Who should I call with my additional questions?
APA members should feel free to contact the APA office at 517.999.4004 or via email at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

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Expanded Autism Coverage

by Melissa Sortman, MEA Uniserv Director

The MSU self-funded health care coverage will include autism claims for children age 0-19 beginning January 2015. Previously, the coverage was limited to autism claims for children age 0-8. Due to the Mental Health Parity Act and standard of care required under the Affordable Health Care Act, the Joint Health Care Committee (a coalition of Labor and Management) expanded autism coverage.

The APA, in partnership with the Coalition of Labor (CLO) on campus, identified the need for autism coverage for our respective membership. The APA and CLO had been advocating within the Joint Health Care Committee to provide autism coverage. We were successful in achieving the first critical step in autism coverage through bargaining the Wage and Health Memorandum of Understanding 2014-2017.

Michigan mandated under Public Act 101 of 2012 that commercial and non-profit insurance carriers provide autism coverage. Michigan State University is a self-insured provider and does not have to comply with the coverage requirements of insured plans. Any autism coverage had to be bargained in the Wage and Health Memorandum of Understanding.

The autism coverage commenced on January 1, 2014. It covers Autism Diagnosis, Pharmaceuticals, Psychiatric, Psychological, and Therapeutic services (Speech, Occupational, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Physical therapies; and social workers) for children that have been assessed and diagnosed by three Center of Excellence on autism: Spectrum Health System, University of Michigan Health System or Michigan State University.

The Legislature appropriated funds for self-insured employers like MSU by creating an Autism Reimbursement Program. The fund was originally appropriated with $15 million dollars in 2012-2013 fiscal year, an additional $11 million dollars for 2013-2014 fiscal year, and no funds were appropriated to the fund in the 2014-2015 fiscal year. As of September 30, 2014 the balance in the fund was $22 million.

MSU has an expert on autistic medical coverage in Dr. Jane Turner, a professor at the College of Human Medicine, Department of Pediatric and Human Development. Dr. Turner is on Governor Snyder’s Autism Council charged with overseeing Michigan’s Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) State Plan. Having a leader in the field on campus assisted MSU’s agreement to expand autism coverage to the self-insured plan. She is a true advocate for children with autism.

If your family has any concerns regarding the autism coverage and related behavioral, speech and occupational coverage, please contact the APA office at (517) 999-4004 or email [email protected]. The APA would like to work with you to ensure the coverage is implemented for the best outcome for your family.

For more information:

1) Senate Fiscal Agency Analysis of PA 101

2) Frequently Asked Questions about PA 101

3) Autism Coverage Reimbursement Fund,5269,7-303-13047_13049-297217–,00.html

4) Autism Coverage Fund Senate Fiscal Analysis 2014

5) For additional information and resources, families may want to contact Autism Alliance of Michigan, or Autism Speaks,

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Your Fellow APs

Interview by Laura Wise, APA Executive Board

The featured APA Member for this newsletter is Dean Matsudo who is an Operations Coordinator for the East Neighborhood through Residence Education and Housing Services.

How long have you been at MSU?

In 1979, my first job was doing pots and pans as a student employee at Case Hall. I was promoted to a student cook, then to a student supervisor. I became a full time supervisor in 1980 after graduating. I trained at Kellogg Center, then worked at West Circle as a Food Services Supervisor. I worked at McDonel Hall, Snyder-Phillips & Mason-Abbot Halls as a Night Manager, Assistant Manager at West Circle and Brody Halls, Manager of Holden, Wilson, Holmes & Shaw. I have also worked as a Conference Coordinator and Operations Coordinator after University Housing and Residence Life combined to become Residence Education and Housing Services. I have worked in ALL Residence Halls at MSU.

Have you been a member of APA the whole time?

I have been a member of the APA for 2 ½ years.

What brought you to your job at MSU?

I came to Michigan State because I met the Department Chair of Communications while I was doing research at the East West Center at the University of Hawaii. Bradley Greenberg recruited me to MSU. I transferred to MSU after 4 years at the University of Hawaii and I graduated from MSU in 1980 with a Bachelor’s in Communications (with Honors).

What do you love about working at MSU?

Special memories:
– As a student cook – making 1,000 Grilled Cheese and Ham & Cheese sandwiches on one shift.
– As a student supervisor – all halls had Special Dining Rooms – students would dress up in suits and dresses to be served a special meal, like going out to eat at a fancy restaurant. We would have special meals and groove to the disco music.
– As a manager – taking the staff of Holden Hall to U of M and Eastern to see their halls and food services – I learned that if we could put napkins on the tables, we would save the department over $50,000 a year (over a million dollars has been saved by changing one item).

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I have a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and am a Bronze Certified Coach in United State Bowling Congress. I am also a Certified Youth Volunteer Coach, Director on the USBC Greater Lansing Youth Bowling Association and Youth Representative on Greater Lansing USBC Bowling Association. I have been involved in youth bowling for over 25 years. I enjoy Disney World and Disney Land and love roller coasters.

I also enjoy spending time with my family – Wife – Sheryl, Son’s – Tim and Tom, Dogs – Oreo (Black Pug) and Vega (Scottish Terrier)

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Vote For Candidates That Support Public Education, Labor, and the Middle Class

by Maury Koffman, APA President

The 2014 election cycle is proving once again that voters connected to public education are effective and credible messengers when it comes to pointing out to individuals and entire communities those candidates who are going to fight for students and public schools and universities.

With education issues dominating the public debate in several key races nationwide, ads featuring educators are flooding the television airwaves and teachers, education support professionals, and higher education faculty and staff have been extremely vocal about what our students and we need to be successful.

However, knowing who these candidates are is not enough. We must now get out and vote for them on Tuesday, November 4, and encourage others to do the same.
That’s the message NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia is carrying to members and pro-public education activists as she visits several key battleground states, including a stop here in Michigan.

“Those connected to public education have spent this election cycle identifying to neighbors, friends, and family members who the real education champions are—those candidates committed to standing up for students and members at the local, state, and federal levels.”

“However, our job is not done. We must encourage those who care about these issues to get out and vote. Together, our collective voice can breathe new life into the goal of making sure that quality public schools and a college degree are accessible to every student, regardless of where they live or how much money they have.”

TAKE ACTION: Education cuts to budgets in places like Arizona, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have been exceptionally detrimental to our members and our students. With that being the case, President Eskelsen Garcia is asking all voters to get involved in raising the issue of education when they get out to vote on November 4th.

Hop on your favorite social media and take a picture at the polls, share your Education Voter story, or simply tell your friends to go vote for pro-public education candidates using the hashtag #Vote4Ed.

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Questions From The Trenches

For this installment of APA Questions From The Trenches, we asked APA President Maury Koffman to answer questions regarding the University imposed change to the Aetna dental plan coverage.

Did the APA know the University was going to unilaterally impose a change in our Aetna coverage?
Yes and no. The APA contract outlines our dental coverage.  Starting back in 2010/2011, the APA began making proposals at the bargaining table to improve our dental coverage, recognizing there was an issue arising in the foreseeable future between the premium costs of the Aetna plan versus the Delta Dental plan.

Unfortunately, at the 2011 bargaining table, the University made it clear that they did not want to address the issue and insisted on the poor decision to delay address of the issue.  In response, the APA negotiated a Letter of Agreement on dental that placed us back at the bargaining table from 2012 – 2013 exclusively on the issue of dental coverage.

For the last several years, due to the APA collective bargaining agreement language on dental coverage, the University absorbed the rising costs of the Aetna plan.  Their action to unilaterally impose a change is a divergence from our historical working relationship.  Recently the University notified the APA of their intention to unilaterally impose a change to the coverage, knowingly violating our mutually ratified collective bargaining agreement.

In the 2012 dental negotiations, did the APA propose a viable alternative in response to the rising costs of the Aetna coverage?
The APA, with the assistance and presentation by actuaries, identified and presented a cost neutral plan that increased the annual maximum and provided 100% coverage for basic services like your 6-month check-up and cleanings.  The University responded that even though it would enhance dental coverage at no cost, they were unwilling to make the change.  This information was previously shared through the APA Newsletter and at our APA Community Luncheons.

Why did the University unilaterally impose a change in the Aetna coverage?
In an effort to generate unnecessary savings for the employer, the University unilaterally modified the Aetna dental coverage for 2015 Open Enrollment.  In function, they have reduced the coverage under the Aetna plan and left APA members with no option to obtain the level of coverage offered under the historic Aetna plan.

In the previous year, how many APA members selected the Aetna plan?
Roughly 25% of the APA membership has chosen the current Aetna coverage for multiple reasons.  Additionally, the University as refused to consider making any improvement to the Delta Dental coverage.

Is any change being made to the Delta Dental plan?
No change is being made to the Delta Dental plan for the 2015 calendar year.

Over the last year, were there any efforts to resolve this issue?
The APA had numerous meetings with the University administration in effort to find a mutually agreeable resolution.  Unfortunately, the University was unwilling to consider the concerns of APA members.  This change in posture by the University is a clear conveyance by the Office of Employee Relations and the senior administration at Michigan State University that they have a blatant disregard for the work you perform at the University everyday and elevates the ire of concern of their actions moving forward.

What are the next steps moving forward?
The APA is pursuing all possible remedies, including pending legal action, to compel the University to recognize our right to bargain over wages, hours, and conditions of employment that includes changes to our dental coverage.  Our hope always has been and continues to be a collaborative process on all issue that impacts our members’ employment.

Who do I contact with questions regarding this University imposed change?
Should you have specific questions regarding the change in Aetna dental coverage, please contact University HR benefits at 517-353-4434 or via email at [email protected].  Of course, you can also feel free to contact the APA with your comments, questions, and concerns.

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How Do I Get a Raise?

by Melissa Sortman, MEA Uniserv Director

One of the highest ranked concerns of any professional employee group is wages, and APA is no different.  Your bargained contract provides numerous ways your salary can be increased in addition to your established benefits and other compensation. The More You Know Session: How do I get a raise will be held on November 14, 2014 at noon. Please rsvp to [email protected] to attend.

Bargained Wage Increase
APA and the Coalition of Labor Organizations (CLO) at MSU bargain collectively a wage and health care agreement that includes across the board wage increases. The current agreement runs through December 31, 2017.

The current APA Contract runs through September 30, 2015. Under the APA the contract, there will be a two percent (2%) wage increase on October 1, 2014. There will be an additional two and a half percent (2.5%) wage increase on October 1, 2015. The wage increase will be distributed according to the 60% merit and 40% across-the-board formula found in Article 17 of the APA Contract and the Letter of Agreement on Merit Guidelines.  All wage increase funds allocated to a unit must be distributed to members in the bargaining unit.

Salary Progression Level Increase
The APA Contract provides an automatic increase for those members whose wages are below the Progression Level amounts found in Article 17 IV of the contract.  Each January eligible employees shall receive a three percent (3%) increase up to the Progression Level amount.

Off Schedule Merit Salary Increase
A unit can give a raise at any time for any amount. It is called an off-schedule merit salary raise. There are no maximum salaries for any grade level. There is no contractual restriction on a member receiving a raise and a member can request a raise at any time. Requesting a raise during the annual review period is particularly appropriate.

Job duties for a member’s current position may change enough to require a reclassification of their position. The salary for position reclassified and promoted to a higher grade level can be no lower than the minimum salary for the higher grade level.

A reclassification for a position is typically requested through the unit administrator, but the APA can request a review through the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources. The Office of Resource Staffing Services reviews the requests for reclassification.

A change to a higher grade level as a promotion under the APA Contract requires a minimum of a five percent (5%) wage increase for one grade level increased and ten percent (10%) for two or more levels increased or placed at the minimum of the higher grade level, whichever is greater. The provisions of a promotion can be found in Article 15 of the APA Contract.

Equity Review
An equity review can be requested to bring a member’s wages in line with other individuals in the unit and/or on campus with similar years of University service and job classification. Contact Human Resources Staffing Service Office at 353-3720.

Please contact the APA Office with any further questions or concerns at (517) 353-4898 or [email protected].

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Your Fellow APs

Interview by Laura Wise, APA Executive Board

This issue of the APA Newsletter features Kaye L. Boucher. She serves as Human Resources Administrator in the Veterinary Medicine Dean’s Office


How long have you been at MSU?
I will be celebrating nine years with MSU at the end of this month.  I am very appreciative that I had the opportunity to work as a human resources specialist in the central Human Resources office for my first seven years with the University. This role allowed my to gain a broad perspective of University operations and build valued relationships with a network of human resources and business professionals across the University.  Two years ago, I was excited to be offered the opportunity to join the College of Veterinary Medicine in a human resources generalist role. This position allows me to build upon and broaden my knowledge and skills across all areas of human resources.

Have you been a member of APA the whole time?
Yes, I have been an APA member for the full nine years. My role in human resources has allowed me to appreciate my APA membership from a different perspective than most members.  In my role, I have had the opportunity to work with and witness the passion that the APA leadership has for its members and the MSU community.  I have had the opportunity to partner with Maury Koffman to make sure a member receives the best possible placement opportunity after a layoff.  I have worked with Nick Bourland on the winter coat drive to benefit the MSU community, and I have had difficult, yet respectful, conversations with Melissa Sortman to make sure we have a mutually beneficial outcome for the APA member and the department.

Can you tell me a little bit about what you do?
As human resources manager for the College of Veterinary Medicine, I partner with college leadership and unit human resources and business officers to develop and implement human resources programs, policies and procedures that support the mission and strategic direction of the college.  This includes serving as an internal consultant to faculty, staff and administrators in areas relating to employee relations, recruitment, performance management, employee development, compensation, work flow and process analysis, regulatory compliance and other human resources programs, policies and initiatives.

What brought you to your job at MSU?
I grew up in the greater Lansing area and graduated from Michigan State, so I already had a strong affiliation with MSU and understood the broad impact it had on the community and beyond. There was no question that working for MSU would be a source of pride for me.

What do you love about working at MSU?
There are so many things to note, but it is all about the range and diversity of opportunities, such as the opportunity to:

•  work in a supportive environment that promotes work/life balance
• participate in training for career development/advancement and access e-learning programs 24 hours per day, 7 days a week
• work among leading scholars, scientists and researchers
• take a scenic walk through campus on your lunch hour or participate in Health4U programs
• join your co-workers in supporting special needs on campus or reaching out to the community
• collaborate with colleagues across campus to improve a process or reach a common goal

What do you like to do when you are not at work?
I am a home body, so I enjoy taking care of my home and spending time with my husband, three boys, and extended family. Many of our gatherings or weekend getaways are centered around sporting events, including MSU and community athletic events, watching hockey, and playing golf.

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