Your Fellow APs

Interviewed with Frank Tramble, Development Officer I for University Advancement.


I asked Frank about his work at MSU and it is clear that he truly enjoys what he does.  Frank attended college at MSU, and worked as a student for what was at the time MSU Telemarketing.  He returned as a staff member to Michigan State University about 5 years ago, and his passion for student development is palpable.    Upon his return to MSU, Frank has revitalized the telephone fundraising effort to the  MSU Green Line- the largest calling program in the Big Ten that employs over 200 students a semester.  In fact, Frank enjoys his position and work so much that he commuted from Ann Arbor for several years!


Mr. Tramble strongly believes that his role and his student employees’ role reaches beyond the almost 4 million in donations they cultivate.  He and his student staff embrace MSU’s core mission of giving and participate in philanthropy opportunities within the local community, from Haven House to local school drives.   Frank is currently working to broaden student philanthropy across campus by creating the first campus-wide philanthropy project that crosses into both the residential and academic realms of the University.


While Frank clearly enjoys his role and work, I asked him how he navigates challenges in his position.  He stated that although there is inevitable struggle and often reduction in funding, he works in a supportive environment.  Mr. Tramble explained his supervisors are committed and dedicated to ensuring that while they may have less to work with, they will do their absolute best to ensure that initiatives and programs can still exist.


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Questions from the Trenches

Who was involved in bargaining of the ratified health care and wage agreement?
The recent negotiations to reach the ratified health care and wage agreement was a collective effort of all support staff unions on campus (APA, APSA, CTU, AFSCME Local 1585, IATSE Local 274, IUOE Local 324, FOP Lodge 141, AFSCME Local 999) bargaining with the University at one time at the same table.  APA/MEA UniServ Director, Melissa Sortman, served as the co-chief negotiator for all unions.

What topics were discussed during negotiations?
The wage and health care agreement is limited in scope.  Therefore, all parties negotiating the agreement only discussed and address matters directly related to health care and annual base wages.

Now that the agreement is ratified, will a fully funded base health care plan continue?
Yes.  Under the ratified agreement, the MSU base health care plan will remain fully funded, with no premium directly paid by APA members, through December 31, 2017.
How does the matrix formula work to determine my annual base wage increase?
The matrix in the ratified agreement defines the formula for the annual APA raises commencing with the October 2015 base wage increase.  For example using the matrix, if health care costs increase by 4.75% in the first year of the agreement, APA members would be eligible for a 2% base wage increase in October 2015, subject to the standard contract provisions of 40% across the board and 60% using the merit pay process.

Am I eligible for the lump sum payment in the ratified agreement?
Under the ratified health care and wage agreement, as long as the AP is actively employed in a union represented position on January 1, 2014 and January 1, 2015 respectively, and is MSU health care benefits eligible, the individual will be eligible for the lump sum savings disbursement.

How much will I receive in the lump sum savings disbursement?
The amount for all union members will be exactly the same though the final, exact amount has not yet been determined.  The payment will be provided as a lump sum payment and does not impact your base wage.
Through the conversations during negotiations, it is reasonable to anticipate the January 2014 payment will be between $750-$1,000 and the January 2015 payment will be substantially less.

What are the APA base wage increases in the coming years?
The following annual base wage increases are subject to the standard APA contract provisions of 40% across the board and 60% using the merit pay process:

October 2013 – 2% base wage increase
October 2014 – 2% base wage increase
October 2015 – 2.6% maximum base wage increase through matrix formula
October 2016 – 2.6% maximum base wage increase through matrix formula
October 2017 – 2.6% maximum base wage increase through matrix formula
October 2018 – 2.6% maximum base wage increase through matrix formula

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LGBT Issues at MSU

The University’s recognition of many Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) rights and benefits is something often taken for granted at MSU.  MSU’s autonomy within the Michigan Constitution and the support of the senior university administration and labor community have helped keep our institution ahead of the curve in respecting the dignity, safety and equality of the university’s LGBT employees and students. However, the fight for full rights for those persecuted for whom they love still wages on within the United States, State of Michigan, and MSU. Michigan remains one of the most restrictive states in the country for LGBT rights, and lacks protections against hate crimes and discrimination in housing and employment at the state level.

The recent Supreme Court ruling invalidating key sections of the 1996 DOMA law and subsequent rulings by the Defense Department, Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration, Veterans Affairs, and Labor Department recognizing legally married same-sex relationships at the federal level have signaled an important advancement in LGBT rights in the US.  Closer to home, a June ruling from U.S. District Judge David S. Lawson granted an injunction preventing Gov. Rick Snyder and state officials from enforcing the 2011 law prohibiting cities, counties and other public employers from offering benefits to same-sex domestic partners. The injunction cited animus as a principle motivator in passage of the law.

The Administrative Professional Association, MSU Coalition of Labor Organizations and the MSU LGBT Faculty, Staff and Graduate Student Association (GLFSA) continue to advocate for the equal treatment of LGBT employees at MSU and within the state and country.  While many rights and benefits are protected contractually for LGBT APA members, the union continues to advocate for equal treatment in disparate areas such as Course Fee Courtesy benefits for spouses, children, and dependents.  The ability to take bereavement leave for the death of a registered OEI partner was added in the 2011 APA Contract, but the University still does not grant most other labor groups this simple dignity.  Other issues such as improving University run new employee orientation programs, benefits for same-sex married retirees, and tax implications with regard to the new rulings continue to be addressed.

If an APA member believes they are facing discrimination or harassment in the workplace for being LGBT or perceived as LGBT, they are encouraged to contact the APA office at 517-353-4898.

For more and ongoing information regarding LGBT issues at MSU, members are also encouraged to contact the APA at the information below and/or to join the MSU LBGT Faculty, Staff and Graduate Student Association (GLFSA).  GLFSA will be hosting a domestic partner financial planning dinner on October 15 and a professional networking event on November 6.

MSU APA – Phone: 517-353-4898 Email: [email protected], Web:

MSU GLFSA – Email: [email protected], Web:

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APA Coat Drive

The MSU Administrative Professional Association’s (MSU APA) Community Based Events Committee is pleased announce the start of our annual Winter Coat Drive, September 23 – October 25, in partnership with MSU’s Migrant Student Services Program and Family Resource Center.

Each year many deserving MSU students are in need of a coat, hat, or other winter clothing. The APA is working to collect warm garments to help see these students through the cold Michigan weather.

In particular need are students from migrant labor families coming to MSU for the dream of education, but with few funds and no experience with freezing temperatures.

New this year, MSU-APA will be partnering with the Lansing Public Schools Education Association in running a parallel drive. Children’s coats and additional winter wear collected by the APA will go to support the needy students of Lansing Public Schools. Lansing Schools will likewise be sharing their additional winter wear with MSU.

Last year’s APA coat drive resulted in nearly 550 garments and our goal is to meet and exceed the 2012 success. Please contribute clean new or in good condition coats, hats, scarves, gloves and boots to any of the following locations between September 23 and October 25.  Adult and children’s sizes are needed.

Collection Locations and Contacts

Administration Bldg., Rm 50 — Michael Braem — [email protected]

Administration Bldg., Rm 250 — Abby Parks — [email protected]

Agriculture, Morrill Hall of, Rm 207 — Kay Barber — [email protected]

Angell Bldg., Purchasing Office — Nancy Vanderwest — [email protected]

Berkey Hall, Rm 205 — Trudy Wesley — [email protected]

Biomedical & Physical Science Bldg., Rm 1441 — Renee Starkey — [email protected]

Broad Business Complex, Rm 505 — Debbie Richards — [email protected]

City Center, 325 Michigan Ave, Ste 350 — Janelle Flores — [email protected]

Clinical Center, Rm B419 — Jackie Botsford — [email protected]

Communications Arts & Sciences Bldg., Rm. 201 — Trajan Dubiel — [email protected]

Computer Center, Rm 201 — Mary Patterson — [email protected]

Cyclotron, Lobby — Lauren Mollon — [email protected]

Engineering Bldg., Rm 3536C — Nicole Proctor — [email protected]

Erickson Hall, Rm 501 — Angel Boshea — [email protected]

Fee Halls, E &W Lobbies — Pat Grauer — [email protected]

Hannah Tech Center, Ste 200A — Kathy Paradise — [email protected]

Holden Hall, Rm C249 — Elias Lopez — [email protected]

Holmes Hall, Rm W185 — Sue Brandt — [email protected]

Infrastructure, Planning & Facilities, Rm 123 — David Graff — [email protected]

International Center, Rm 7 — Laura Wise — [email protected]

Kellogg Center, Rm 93 — Cindy Helms — [email protected]

Library (Main), Circulation Desk — Susan Garmo — [email protected]

Life Science Bldg., Rm A218 — Deborah Sudduth — [email protected]

Linton Hall, Rm 317B — Dawn Lehman — [email protected]

Natural Resources Bldg., Rm 131 — Kim Richards — [email protected]

Natural Science Bldg., Rm 243 — Pat Sutherland — [email protected]

Nisbet Bldg., Ste 10 — Todd Bradley — [email protected]

Olds Hall, Rm 101 — Venice Smith — [email protected]

Olin Health Center, Rm 355 — Erica Phillipich — [email protected]

Plant & Soil Science Bldg., Rm A288 — Emily Flanner — [email protected]

Secchia Center, Ste 450 — Cynthia Vincent — [email protected]

Spartan Way, Rm 300 — Laura Peek — [email protected]

Student Services Bldg., Rm 339 — Juan Flores-Soto — [email protected]

Surplus Store & Recycling Center, Admin Offices — Lauren Olson — [email protected] —

Veterinary Medical Center, Bldg G Lobby — Kaye Boucher — [email protected]

Wells Hall, Rm C-715 — Judy Miller — [email protected]

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2014-2017 Health Care & Wages Agreement Ratified

Ratification balloting results for the APA/CLO 2014 – 2017 health care and wages tentative agreement concluded at 4pm on Friday, August 16, 2013. A total of 680 ballots were cast in the ratification vote.

Question: Do you support ratification of the APA/CLO 2014 – 2017 health care and wages tentative agreement?
Yes. I support ratification – 656 votes (96%)
No. I oppose ratification – 24 votes (4%)

Accordingly, the APA membership ratified the 2014 – 2017 tentative agreement on health care and wages.

Thank you for reviewing the proposed agreement and casting your considered vote. More information will be provided in future APA communications. If you have specific questions or concerns at this time, please feel free to contact the APA at [email protected] or via phone at 517.353.4898.

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Health Care & Wage Tentative Agreement

Serving as co-chief negotiator, MEA UniServ Director Melissa Sortman lead efforts on behalf of the APA and the Coalition of Labor Organizations at MSU to negotiate a successor health care and wage agreement with the University.  Throughout negotiations, updates were provided in our newsletter articles, discussions took place during official APA meetings, and 36 APA small community luncheons were held around campus.


The bargaining team reached a tentative health care agreement with the University on June 24, 2013 at 11:50p.m.  The agreement includes no concessions.


The tentative agreement contains a four-year plan that provides quality health care coverage with a fully funded option for the period starting January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2017.


Under our current health care and wage agreement, our annual health care spend was to remain under a 5% increase each year.  Due to the effective stewardship of APA members and other support staff, we saved millions of dollars below our annual targets.


Through having an equal voice with the University at the bargaining table, the APA and other unions were able to achieve recognition of our health care stewardship.  As a result, current APA bargaining unit members as of January 1, 2014, will receive a health care savings disbursement provided in their January 2014 paycheck for health care savings achieved between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2013.


An additional health care savings disbursement will be provided to members in their January 2015 paycheck for all current APA bargaining unit members as of January 1, 2015, for health care savings achieved between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.


The final savings has not been finalized so we do not currently know the exact amount of the disbursements.  Yet, we are confident it will be hundreds of dollars to each union member.


Through the tentative agreement, we will return to the historical practice of tying salary increases to increases in health care using the following matrix:

We also made significant progress to our health care plan by adding Autism coverage for children 0-8 years of age.  Complete details of the coverage can be found in the tentative agreement posted on the APA website (


The APA Executive Board reviewed and discussed the tentative agreement during the meeting on Tuesday, July 23, 2013.  The APA Executive Board unanimously voted to transmit the tentative agreement to the APA membership with recommendation to ratify.


The APA has posted a copy of the complete health care tentative agreement on the APA website as well as a summary page to help explain the main elements of the tentative agreement. The tentative agreement and the summary can be found under the Health Care and Wages link on the APA website ( or by clicking on the following link:


The APA has scheduled information sessions as an opportunity for members to openly discuss questions and concerns regarding the tentative agreement.  The APA information sessions will be held:


Thursday, August 1, from 5:15pm – 6:30pm in Com Arts room 147

Friday, August 2, from 7:45am – 8:45am in Berkey Hall room 117

Friday, August 2, from 12noon – 1:15pm in Wells Hall room B122


In addition to the APA member sessions, the Coalition of Labor Organizations at MSU will be hosting several sessions, which will cover the same information presented in the APA sessions, which you are also invited to attend:


Tuesday, July 30, 5pm-7pm, Erickson Room 252

Wednesday, July 31, 11am-1pm, Vet Med, Room A174 N&S

Monday, August 5, 5pm-7pm, Comm Arts, Room 171

Tuesday, August 6, 11am-1:30pm, Int’l Center Room 117

Tuesday, August 6, 8pm-10pm, Phys Plant

Friday, August 9, 11am-1:30pm, Admin Bldg, Room 155


The health care tentative agreement requires ratification by each constituent labor union.  The anticipated calendar for the APA health care and wage tentative agreement ratification vote is August 2 – 15.  Once electronic balloting opens, you will receive an email with the link to the online ballot.


Please take time to review the health care tentative agreement as well as the summary provided for you on the APA website.


The APA and Coalition bargaining team is proud to recommend the tentative agreement, believing that it exemplifies the value of unions.  The employer, the students and the taxpayers of Michigan benefit as we continue to explore the most effective way to steward our health care.


At the same time, the unions protected workers from the impact of major cost shifting and benefit cutting measures being implemented by other Universities and public and private employers throughout Michigan.  Without the hard work of the APA/MEA/NEA and other unions, and by having an equal voice at the table with MSU, the employees would be paying far more for health care.


Please feel free to attend an information session or contact us at the APA office at 517.353.4898 if you have questions or concerns you would like to discuss.

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New MSU Autism Coverage

The APA, in partnership with the Coalition of Labor (CLO) on campus, identified the need for autism coverage for our respective membership. The APA and the CLO have been advocating within the Joint Health Care Committee to provide autism coverage. We were successful in achieving the first critical step in autism coverage through bargaining the Wage and Health Memorandum of Understanding 2014-2017.


Michigan mandated under Public Act 101 of 2012 that commercial and non-profit insurance carriers provide autism coverage. Michigan State University is a self-insured provider and does not fall under the stipulations of the new law. Any coverage had to be bargained in the Wage and Health Memorandum of Understanding.


The new coverage shall commence on January 1, 2014. It will cover Autism Diagnosis, Pharmaceuticals, Psychiatric, Psychological, and Therapeutic services (Speech, Occupational, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Physical therapies; and social workers) for children that have been assessed and diagnosed by one of three Center of Excellence on autism: Spectrum Health System, University of Michigan Health System or Michigan State University (this new assessment center is anticipated to be operational by January 2014).


Diagnosis and assessment prior to January 1, 2014 may include assessments from Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit Children’s Hospital, Spectrum Health System or the University of Michigan Health System. If you child has already been assessed and diagnosed through these centers, your claims will be covered as of January 1, 2014.


Research shows that early assessment and treatment of autism has the best medical and behavioral outcomes. The coverage will focus on the early childhood years. The coverage will up for children up to and through age 8. The annual maximum for services will be $40,000.


The Legislature appropriated funds for self-insured employers like MSU by creating an Autism Reimbursement Program. The fund was appropriated with $15 million dollars in 2012-2013 fiscal year and an additional $11 million dollars for 2013-2014 fiscal year.


MSU has an expert on autistic medical coverage in Dr. Jane Turner, a professor at the College of Human Medicine, Department of Pediatric and Human Development. Dr. Turner is onGovernor Snyder’s newly created Autism Council charged with overseeing Michigan’s Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) State Plan.,4668,7-277–281766–,00.html. Having a leader in the field on campus will assisted MSU in agreeing to add autism coverage to the self-insured plan. She is a true advocate for children with autism.


If your family will benefit from MSU covering autistic claims and related behavioral, speech and occupational coverage, please contact the APA office at (517) 353-4898 or email [email protected]. APA would like to work with you to ensure the coverage is implemented for the best outcome for your family.


For more information:


1)     For additional information and resources, families may want to contact Autism Alliance of Michigan, or Autism Speaks,


2)     Autism Reimbursement Program information,4601,7-154-62954-287554–,00.html


3)     Senate Fiscal Agency Analysis of PA 101


4)     Frequently Asked Questions about PA 101

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Your Fellow APs

Laura King, Unit Human Resources Administrator for Residential & Hospitality Services (RHS)

How long have you been at MSU?  Have you held other positions prior to your current one at the University?

I started in 1999 as a Food Supervisor in Dining Services at Owen Cafe.  In 2002 I moved to Akers and Hubbard where I received my first promotion to a Dining Service Manger I.  I stayed there for 5 years.  In 2006 I moved to South Complex to be a Human Resources Manager.  In 2007 I received my next promotion to be the Housing Operations Manager at the newly opening University Village.  In 2008 I had an opportunity to become the Divisional Trainer for RHS and I have been here ever since.

Can you tell me a little about what you do? Any specific projects you are working on?

Currently I am in charge of training our 900 Full-time Team Members in a variety of professional development classes.  I also assist with training the 6000 students we have here in RHS on Celebrate State our Divisional Guest Service Program.  Currently my biggest project is assisting MSU HR with the implementation of The Spartan Experience, which is a Customer Service Program that started in RHS as Celebrate State.  The University’s Program The Spartan Experience will launch in September of 2013.  I am helping to teach content and facilitation to the trainers who are helping us.

What brought you to your job at MSU?

My husband.  Being a CMU graduate I was looking to move from CMU and MT. Pleasant to MSU and East Lansing.  He was a Spartan and thought it would be really neat to have a wife work at his favorite University ever.

What do you love about working at MSU?

The PEOPLE.  I get to work with the most amazing people every day and they teach me something new in every class.  Working at MSU has also helped me to identify that I have a passion for Student Development.  I just started graduate studies in HALE (Higher, Adult, & Lifelong Education) in May 2013 and I am going to go all the way to my doctorate.

Can you share a little about the challenges of working at MSU/RHS? 

Changing so fast……sometimes it hard to adjust that fast to the new direction and expectations.  It is also what makes working here so amazing though too.  We always have something new on the horizon that keeps things fresh and interesting.

What are your favorite things to do when not at work?

Indoor Spinning.  I am an instructor at IM West.  I also love biking.  I usually do a couple charity rides in the summer.  On August 3, 2013 I will do a 102 mile ride for the Susan G. Komen in Ann Arbor.

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