Outraged Yet?

by Leo Sell, Legislative Committee Chairperson

If you aren’t, you probably should be. At this point, here in Michigan, it appears that costs for uninsured people will continue to be covered indirectly by the insurance premiums for your medical insurance and mine. Expanding Medicaid, as envisioned by the Affordable Care Act, is supposed to help alleviate that cost to hospitals (which ultimately adjust their charges against medical insurance to reflect un-reimbursed care costs). The expansion didn’t happen in a timely manner, and quite likely won’t happen at all.

Add to that efforts across the country to reduce women’s rights and voting rights.  The Supreme Court effectively finding that racism is not an issue anymore and vacating the key provision of the Voting Rights Act, is heinous. But the decision plays into the hands of those currently with redistricting power in the states.

Add attitudes from the uber-wealthy, like Charles Koch, who sit upon their billions of dollars and state nonsense about how elimination of the minimum wage would be beneficial to the poorest of us.

Wealth has gone up in this country, but average income has been declining notably. The income disparity is larger than ever. And those with wealth and power appear to be controlling the outcome. We have only our vote – for now.

I hope you are paying attention. Every election is an important one, from the minor school and municipal ones, to those that elect our state and national legislators. We all need to be paying attention to actions, positions, and our own collective best interest as we consider which candidates to support and vote for.

MEA’s political activities are oriented toward identifying those candidates who are most supportive of our interests as parents and educators. You can get involved in those efforts. I’d be happy to help you.

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Questions from the Trenches

What is the probationary period for a new employee in the APA?


APA members new to campus or entering into APA from other University employment serve a twelve-month probationary period. The probationary period can be completed earlier than twelve months by your supervisor.


Do I have to serve a probationary period if my position was reclassified into an APA position?


A member whose current position was simply reclassified is not required to serve either a probationary or a trial period.


How do I get professional feedback on my work performance while I’m on probation?


Under the APA contract, after a six-month time period, an interim written evaluation should be prepared by your supervisor and reviewed with you so you have adequate time to address any concerns.


When am I eligible for benefits and leave time?


Your contractual benefits commence at the start of your employment. Health care and dental benefits begin on the first day of the month following your hire date. Benefits beginning immediately include: vacation accrual, sick leave, bereavement rights, pro-rated personal leave, matching contributions to 403(b) retirement plans (if enrolled), ability to contribute to a 457 supplemental retirement plan, and coverage by/access to contractually agreed insurances.


If you are age 35 or older, you must contribute 5% of your base salary to your 403(b) plan and the University will contribute an additional 10% of your annual salary to your plan.  There is no vesting period for the retirement plans.


What changes once I have successfully completed my probationary period?


Job Protection

Just cause is in place for all discipline following completion of the probationary period. Just cause is contractually guaranteed and enforced job protections requiring all discipline be based on just, equitable and reasonable actions.


Compensation Increases

After one year of service, a member whose salary is less than the progression level salary for the grade level and has satisfactory performance will receive a progression level raise.  Members also receive annual wage increases during their probationary period. To find your progression level amount go to www.msuapa.org and review contract Article 17.


In addition, an annual wage increase is provided each year on our contract year with the October paycheck.  Departments may also give out-of-cycle wage increases.  The contract provides a minimum base wage, not a maximum.


Education Assistance

Members are eligible for educational assistance after 12 months of continuous full-time equivalent service months.  The educational assistance benefit covers a percentage of MSU tuition fees at the life long learning credit hour rate, for up to 14 credits per academic year. The percentage of coverage is based on graduate or undergraduate class level.


For non-credit courses and technology/certificate training, Human Resource Development classes are offered and members have up to $800 that may be used per year.


How do I get more information about APA?

  • Go to www.msuapa.org for a copy of your contract, the most recent newsletter, and pertinent information related to your work environment.
  • Call the APA office at 517-353-4898.
  • Email [email protected] if you would like to get more involved with the APA.
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APA Day at the Lansing Lugnuts

The APA invites you to join fellow APs for the Lansing Lugnuts game at the Cooley Law School Stadium on Sunday, August 25th at 2:05pm.  This event is designed to bring APA members and their families together for a day of fun and baseball.
For every adult ticket purchased by an APA member, up to 2 children’s tickets (ages 3-17) will be provided free of charge. Each adult ticket is $11 and may be purchased at:


August 25th is also Kids Day where families can play catch on the field from 1:00pm – 1:30pm and kids get to run the bases for free immediately following the game.

An APA member is guaranteed to win a Lugnuts gift during the Group Raffle! Also, our group photo will be taken and posted on the Lugnuts website where it can be downloaded for free.

We hope you will join us for a day of fun and baseball.

For more information, please feel free to contact Todd Ring at [email protected]

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Face the World

Face The World is not well known to many people across America, however, Ann & Curt Eure found out exactly what it was when Ann received an email at work from the Face the World Organization asking for a family to host an exchange student from Sweden.  Ann, the mother of 5 daughters, and a foster mother of more than 17 foster children across Michigan looked at this as another opportunity to make a difference in the life of a child.  The first thing Ann wanted to know was, “What do I need to provide for this young lady?” Ann was disappointed when she called the phone number listed, and learned that the Sweden girl had been taken by another host family. She was also told that more than 200 students were on a waiting list, for a host family to be placed.  Face the World is a nonprofit educational and cultural exchange organization with the main headquarters in Novato, California.  For over 15 years, Face the World’s Mission has been to provide International Exchange student participants with a quality educational experience in America that will enhance their growth and encourage friendships for a lifetime both here and abroad.


Face The World – place students with volunteer host families who provide the student with a stable and secure home environment.  Students will attend high school in the local school district of the host family.  Host families can experience firsthand the joy of sharing in a new friendship and learning about a new culture.  Ann and Curt chose to host a student from Korea.  She is 15 years old, and enjoys many of the same activities as the Eure’s such as playing piano, movies, game night, eating out, and going to church.  American host families are expected to provide the student with meals, a bed, love, and care.  Students are to be treated in the home with the same rules and manner as your own child.  Exchange Students cover their own personal expenses and have their own health insurance.  The Eure’s have enjoyed their cultural exchange experience so much that they are now International Exchange Student Spokespersons for the Face the World Organization.  The goal is to assist in placing every student who desires to experience the American culture in the best homes and loving families across America.  If you would like to assist in making a dream come true for an International student by hosting a student next semester, please email [email protected] for an application and interview.  You will be so glad you did.

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Saving Money Through Your Membership

Are you getting the most out of your APA membership?  Many members are aware of the contract, benefits, and representation and just-cause protections guaranteed by their union membership, but may not know of the opportunities for savings we gain as members of MEA & NEA. Free or discounted services for life/home/auto insurance, shopping, dining, wireless plans, travel and more can be accessed through your membership card. APs have been known to recoup the equivalent of their dues through the savings programs offered to MEA/NEA members.

Free Life Insurance – Members are encouraged to activate their completely free life insurance policy that comes with membership. www.neamb.com/insurance/nea-complimentary-life-insurance.htm

MEA Financial Services – Purchase auto and homeowners insurance at a discount, buy annuities and mutual funds, long-term health care, and a VISA card through MEA Financial Services at www.meafs.com or 517/351-2122 or 800/292-1950.

MEA/NEA Membership Card – Use your membership card to get savings around town.  Show your card at restaurants, stores, and services to receive MEA discounts.  To request a replacement card, please visit www.mea.org/contact/meacard_request.html.

MEA Member Services – Locate discounts on shopping, dining, dry cleaning, and other savings online in the “Members Only” tab at www.mea.org.  Have your membership number ready.

NEA Member Services – Find even more savings on financial products, travel, shopping, wireless plans, and other goods and services can be found at www.neamb.com.

Passageways Travel – Airline tickets and travel packages at low group rates and discounts, and can be reached at 800/684-7384 or 517/353-9898.

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Health Care & Wages Details Document

Please find below the health care and wages details document drafted by the MSU Coalition of Labor.

2014-2017 MSU CLO Health Care and Wages

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Tentative Successor Wage & Health Care Agreement Reached

A tentative successor wage and health care agreement was reached at 11:50pm last night between MSU and the unions comprising the Coalition of Labor Organizations which includes APA and the APSA, AFSCME 999, AFSCME 1585, CTU, FOP, IATSE 274, and IUOE 324.

APA members can look forward to receiving full details about the agreement in the coming weeks. There will also be opportunities to attend scheduled sessions that will be held around campus to ask questions regarding the agreement.

Final dates for the APA to hold our ratification process and vote will be communicated once they are finalized. At this time, we anticipate that action occurring in August 2013 following our communications and information sessions.

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APA members have access to employee rights experts

One of the biggest advantages of MEA membership is the service provided directly to members by MEA’s local UniServ directors. APA UniServ Directors are Melissa Sortman and Tanya Pratt.


These highly trained professional labor relations consultants help APA members access a wide variety of services available only to members.


“MEA’s UniServ program is the core of our association, and provides members with easy and convenient access to a wide range of essential services,” said MEA Executive Director Gretchen Dziadosz, who served members for many years as a UniServ director in the Grand Rapids area. “MEA membership provides school employees with numerous advantages for their careers, for their rights, for their wallets and for public education, and UniServ directors are trained to deliver those advantages directly to members.”


Here’s just a sample of what UniServ directors help members with:

  • Contract bargaining and interpretation
  • Grievance processing
  • Job security protection
  • Problem-solving advice for work issues
  • Retirement concerns
  • Development of training programs to meet specific local needs
  • Employee counseling for work-related problems
  • Presentation of arbitration cases
  • Unemployment compensation representation
  • Bargaining crisis preparation
  • Development of local public relations programs
  • Assistance in governance matters
  • Processing civil rights violations
  • Assisting members with accessing member-only benefits

To contact your UniServ staff call (517) 353-4898 or e-mail [email protected].

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