APA Benefit News – Best Doctors

New Best Doctors service comes to MSU

You should have recently received a welcome letter from “Best Doctors” at your home mailing address.  Best Doctors is a new service you can use to easily and confidentially get second opinions from medical experts all around the nation. When you are facing a serious diagnosis or making decisions about surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or any number of other complex treatment options, please consider calling Best Doctors at 1-866-904-0910.  There is no out-of-pocket cost to you for using this new service and any benefits-eligible member of your family can also use the service (regardless of whether they are actually enrolled in your benefits.)  If you missed the welcome materials from Best Doctors, you can view a copy of what was sent at: http://www.hr.msu.edu/benefits/benefits_docs/BestDoctorsKit.pdf

You also can learn more about Best Doctors and even initiate a contact with them by visiting their website at: www.bestdoctors.com/members.

Want to talk to your Health Plan in Person?

Representatives from both the Community Blue and BCN MSU health plans maintain office hours in the Human Resources office each week.  Krystal Williams from Community Blue is available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursdays in Suite 30 of the Nisbet Building.  Jasmine Henry from BCN is available on Mondays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the same location. You can call 517-884-0128 to make an appointment with Krystal or Jasmine.  Both also see walk-ins during their office hours, but those with appointments are seen first.  Krystal and Jasmine can help you figure out claims issues or just answer your questions about your health plan coverage.

2012 Reminders

Please remember that as of January 1, 2012:

·      Any changes you made in your health plan selections during Open Enrollment in 2011 became effective (and the clock started over for the new plan year on any services that have deductibles in the plan you selected.)

·      If you are enrolled in Health Care Spending Accounts (HCSA) and have an HCSA debit card, that card is now drawing from your 2012 account.  You can still use funds left over in your 2011 account until March 15, 2012.  However, to access 2011 funds, you have to pay bills first and submit receipts by April 30, 2011 for reimbursement.  Only use the debit card to draw on 2012 funds.

·      Retirement plan consolidation changes took effect. The University’s approved vendors for new contributions are Fidelity Investments and TIAA-CREF and a new core investment menu is in place.

Questions? You can always contact the MSU Human Resources Benefits office with questions about your benefits.  Call 517-353-4434 or 800-353-4434.  Or email [email protected]. Visit www.hr.msu.edu for additional information.

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House Bill 4770 – OEI Benefits

House Bill 4770 – Does it Apply to APA Members?

Several members have contacted the APA office inquiring about the passage of Michigan House bill 4770 that prohibits a public employer from affording domestic partner health care benefits, raising concern of the impact to APA members currently receiving the benefit and those in the future.

Prior to signing the bill, and in a letter to the legislature, Governor Snyder clearly stated “that higher education institutions [including MSU] would not be included in H.B. 4770 as the constitutional autonomy of universities has been reviewed and affirmed many times by the courts since the adoption of the 1963 Michigan Constitution.”  This rationale, among other reasons, leads the APA to conclude the law should not result in a change of benefits at MSU.

To date, through statements in interviews and issued through email, the University Administration, including President Simon, has indicated they do not believe the enactment of this law will result in any change to the current health care benefits program at MSU.

Yet, several legislators have asserted that this bill is intended to apply to MSU and other constitutionally identified universities.  Such a disagreement could result in the matter being litigated in Michigan courts leaving the Michigan Supreme Court with final authority whether this bill can and should be applied to MSU and therefore APA members.

In the immediate, it does not appear the bill will result in a change of Other Eligible Individual benefits.  Furthermore, the APA has a current health care agreement in place into 2014.  Therefore, no change could even occur until the expiration of the current agreement in 2014.

The APA continues to be engaged on this topic and will communicate with the membership if there are any future developments.

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Your Fellow APAs

Interview with APA member Jodi Potter

Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office  |  MSU College of Education

How long have you been at MSU?

I started working at MSU in the fall of 2008 at CSTAT (Center for Statistical Training and Consulting).

Have you been a member of APA the whole time?

No. When I began working at CSTAT in 2008, I was an on-call temp in a 19 hour per week position. In June 2010, the College of Education posted a 50% time APA position in the Dean’s Office which I filled. Since an APA cannot also be employed on campus in an on-call position, CSTAT created a 50 % CT position in September 2010. I currently work both jobs – as far as I know, I am the only person on the entire MSU campus to be both a CT and an AP!

Can you tell me a little bit about what you do?

In my APA position, I am the graduate records secretary for the College of Education. I monitor paperwork related to PhD and master’s students’ academic progress throughout their degree. I also crunch data for the College so our programs can be ranked against other colleges of education nationwide. I also function as the secretary for the curriculum of teacher education certification programs. When the State of Michigan changes the rules about how educated a teacher must be, our programs have to change and I am responsible for making sure the materials are turned in.

At CSTAT I do a bit of everything; since there is just one secretary – me – I am the office administrator in charge of HR, hiring, the service center, managing clients, record-keeping, and organizing training workshops. Our faculty give presentations to others about statistical software and I am in charge of registration and making sure the workshops go as planned.

What brought you to your job at MSU?

I was forced into a career change from my previous position off campus. I was drawn to MSU because of its positive workforce, and the structure of positions is well-defined.

What do you love about working at MSU?

I like that there are clear expectations with no drama.

What are the challenges of working two separate jobs on campus?

At both jobs, the workload at times doesn’t fit into 4 hours a day. It is hard having to walk away from a project because you do need to leave for the other job. I like to finish things and do them well but I feel rushed sometimes because I have to leave. There is a delicate balance between quality and time allotted.

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I like working on my home, especially working in the garden. I also like spending time with my neighbors – they are a good group of people – and my friends and family.

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Community Based Events Update

The APA Community Based Events Ad-Hoc Committee is proud to announce over 600 books were collected during the November 30 – December 2 children’s book drive. Members contributed books at 15 locations across campus with the support of APA members and their units.  A special thanks to the College of Osteopathic Medicine should be noted for their inclusion of the drive in their “Simple Gifts” program.  All books were delivered to the Capital Area Literacy Coalition, better known as the “Reading People,” to support their efforts toward improving at-risk youth literacy.

The CALC is a non-profit, non-religious, volunteer literacy organization founded in 1985 and directed by Dr. Lois Bader, MSU Emeritus Professor of Education.  CALC provides a variety of services to enable people to achieve personal goals through literacy, believing the ability to read is critical to personal freedom and the maintenance of a democratic society.  Further opportunities to volunteer and donate can be found at www.thereadingpeople.org.

The CBE Committee is seeking for opportunities to support the Greater Lansing Community.  Ideas and inquires should be made to Debra Porter [email protected] or Nick Bourland [email protected].

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MSU Moves

Have you signed up for MSU Moves yet? If not, now is the time as you can register for the first MSU Moves Me 2012 Challenge! Registration is open until January 19, 2012. The challenge runs from January 23, 2012 through March 4, 2012.

Join the all-campus challenge to have fun, win prizes and move more!

MSU Moves is a customized, online movement/fitness tracking system with the goal of encouraging participants to maintain or increase their overall daily/weekly activity level. The program activities reflect the understanding that all movement counts. Participants are not graded and their information is confidential.

The goal of the challenge is to establish engagement in movement and fitness activities as a campus community. To participate in the challenge, join MSU Moves at msumoves.msu.edu and complete a registration profile, identify a team captain, and have your captain create the team in MSU Moves.

Teams may be composed of all-faculty, all-staff, all-students or a mix of the members of these groups. Spouses and OEIs are eligible to participate as part of the 5-25 members of each team.

The winning team of the MSU Moves Me 2012 Challenge will be the team that achieves the highest percentage increase in minutes of activity over the team baseline minutes of activity during the six-week challenge. Prizes will be awarded to the grand prize team along with the 1st through 10th runner-up teams!

Visit this information page to learn more. If you have questions about the MSU Moves program, contact the Health4U Program at [email protected] or 517-353-2596.

So, form a team of colleagues and get moving with MSU Moves!

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Your Fellow APAs

Interview with APA member Christina Swick
Executive Assistant, Dean’s Office  |  MSU College of Human Medicine

How long have you been at MSU?
I have been with MSU for over 11 years now total.  I left the University for a brief period in 2008-09 when I relocated out of state and was fortunate enough to obtain a new position at MSU when I returned last year.

Have you been a member of APA the whole time?
I have been an AP for almost 4 years.  I was originally hired in a part-time CT position that later expanded, and I spent many years as a full-time CT employee before transitioning to an AP position.  I have held five different positions during my career at MSU, including my current one as an Executive Secretary in the Dean’s Office at the College of Human Medicine.

Can you tell me a little bit about what you do?
This is always the toughest question for me because every day is unique and I wear many different hats.  My primary purpose is to provide administrative support with the operational activities of the Grand Rapids campus.  This includes human resources, security, information technology, facilities, and communications.  I jokingly tell people that I herd cats for a living — in reference to all of the various people I work with and how challenging it can be trying to support these busy individuals.

What brought you to your job at MSU?
I have considered myself a Spartan for as long as I can remember.  I grew up in East Lansing near campus and took a lot of bike rides to the MSU Dairy Store or to feed the tadpoles in the pond at the Horticulture Gardens when I was young.  My dad had a long career at MSU and my mother worked here a few years as well.  After graduating from East Lansing High School it was a natural choice for me to work at MSU and to continue my education at State as well.

What do you love about working at MSU?
I love that MSU has always supported my continuing education.  My supervisors have always been understanding of my class schedules and encouraged me to keep at it.  It took me eight years to get my Associates and Bachelor’s degrees while working full-time but it was worth it.  I am currently enrolled in an MS program at Grand Valley State University.

Can you tell me a little about the benefits and challenges of working at MSU’s Grand Rapids campus?
Grand Rapids is a really exciting place to live and work.  There is such an atmosphere of philanthropy here and it’s nice to feel the outpouring of support from the community and know how invested they are in the success of our College.  There are also so many great events we are able to participate in; for example we served as a venue for two ArtPrize exhibits this year.  The biggest challenge for me was (and still is) adjusting to a more formal working atmosphere.  I was accustomed to a certain kind of dress, casual communication style, and a more informal way of doing business when I worked in East Lansing.  Here it is more of a corporate environment and the expectations are a little different.

What do you like to do when you are not at work?

I enjoy taking my dog Watson for long walks and going up north to visit family on the weekends.  My mom, grandparents, aunts, uncles and I will go fishing together or go to farmer’s markets, grill out, play euchre, etc.  Even though I like living in Grand Rapids, I’m a country girl at heart.  There is something to be said for being able to go outside in your pajamas in the morning and not having to worry about your neighbors!

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Know Your Contract

Does your job require you to be available after work hours? Or work beyond your scheduled work day?

As a professional, you may be required by your supervisor to be on standby or called into report to work if your job duties include after hour emergencies. In this round of bargaining (fall 2011), it was a priority of the bargaining team to address these issues since you should be compensated for all work. New language was bargained to provide compensation if you are required to be on standby or called in to report to work.

If you are placed on standby by your supervisor and are a grade level 8-11 APA member, you shall be guaranteed at least (1) one hour pay at straight time or equivalent in compensatory time for every 24-hour period scheduled for standby. Upon reporting to work, APA members shall be paid for the actual time worked at the rate of time and one-half or a minimum of two (2) hours, whichever is greater.

APA members, grade 8-11,  who are required to report for emergency duty at the employer’s request, outside regularly scheduled working hours shall be guaranteed at least (3) hours of pay at the rate of time and one-half.

The reason standby and call in compensation is only provided to grade level 8-11 members is because the University insisted the benefit reflect the current overtime qualification. Those APA members who qualify for overtime are grade level 8-11.

For those who do qualify for overtime, you have a right to overtime if you work in excess of 40 hours in a work week. Compensatory time can be used instead of payment of overtime by mutual agreement. The APA member must agree that the time will be compensated by compensatory time not payment. If the APA member does not agree, the overtime is automatically paid as overtime wages at the rate of one and one-half hours of pay.

There were additional changes for what is counted as time worked for computation of overtime. Leave time such as vacation, sick, personal, jury duty, military leave, compensatory time or bereavement leave will no longer will be counted in a hours worked. Holiday time will still be counted in hours worked to reach the 40 hour a week maximum prior to the payment of overtime.

Members grade level 12 and above are not eligible for overtime pay. However, where unusual staffing and work requirements exist, the unit administrator may approve compensatory time off equal to the number of overtime hours worked.

For more information on overtime provisions visit: https://www.msu.edu/~msuapa/apacontract.pdf
For the new call in and standby provisions visit: http://lay.wyz.mybluehost.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/APA-2011-2015-Tentative-Agreement.pdf

If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance by contacting the MSU APA office at (517) 353-4898 or email [email protected].

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Upcoming Retirement Plan Changes

It is important to be aware of some changes to the MSU Retirement Plan vendors and fund choices that will become effective January 1, 2012:

  • MSU will consolidate retirement plan vendor options from six vendors down to the two most widely used choices — Fidelity Investments® and TIAA-CREF.
  • StraightLine also will continue to be available for third-party investment advice.
  • A new simplified core investment menu will be implemented that will provide diversified and well-researched investment choices from multiple investment managers selected by Michigan State University with guidance from Hewitt Ennis Knupp, MSU’s retirement plan consultant.
  • For those investors who wish to continue investing outside of the new simplified core investment menu options and are comfortable assuming greater risk, there will be a self-directed brokerage account option that gives investors access to thousands of additional mutual funds from hundreds of available fund families.

These changes will apply to all new contributions that occur on or after January 1, 2012. You will have the choice to leave your existing contributions with your current vendor or to transfer those account balances to the new investment options that will be available starting in January.

As a result of these changes you may want to take some action during the month of November to review and potentially change your retirement plan vendor and fund selections.  A lot more information is available on the Human Resources website, including the new core investment menus that will be available through Fidelity Investments® and TIAA-CREF, information about seminars that will be held on campus throughout the month of November and contact information for vendors.  You can access this information and more at http://www.hr.msu.edu/benefits/retirement/consolidation.htm

And one final note: the University retirement contribution is NOT changing.  MSU will continue to match the eligible employee’s 5% contribution with a 10% University contribution.

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