Calling All Advocates – Area Representatives Needed

Check all the qualities you believe you possess:

  • You are good at your job & respected by your colleagues
  • People ask for your advice
  • You have a strong sense of justice & clear principles
  • You are responsible
  • You are honest
  • You are compassionate
  • You are a good listener
  • You like solving problems as a team
  • You put interests of the whole first, ahead of your individual concerns
  • You respect group decisions
  • You are knowledgeable about MSU and your contract
  • You can stay cool under pressure
  • You handle stress well

If you checked 5 or more of the above, your APA Administrative Professional Association wants you! 

For more information on how to get started as an Area Representative (AR), Contact: Pat Hampton at [email protected]

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Your Fellow APAs

Meet Fellow APA Member Carolyn J. Miller

Carolyn J. Miller

Carolyn J. Miller

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communication Committee Member 

  1. What is your job title? Botanical Technologist II 
  2. How long have you been at MSU? 7 years 7 months
  3. Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? Yes
  4. What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do? W.J. Beal Botanical Garden. I map all the trees and shrubs on campus using GPS & GIS technologies.
  5. What brought you to your current job at MSU? My undergraduate degree was from MSU in plant biology. This job was my dream job, as well as being back on campus where I started my botany journey. 
  6. What do you enjoy most about working at MSU?
    I work with an incredible team of people, that all have a passion for plants and people.
  7. What do you like to do when you are not at work?
    Reading, homework (currently in grad school), gardening with native Michigan plants.
  8. In high school I was known for being a science nerd.
  9. People would be surprised to know I am skilled at playing ice hockey.
  10. I have 1 cat (pets).
  11. I like classical music.
  12. My favorite area restaurant is El Azteco and my favorite dish is the blue corn enchiladas.
  13. My hobbies include photography, camping, and hiking.
  14. My favorite junk food is popcorn because I’ve always loved it! 

Carolyn J. Miller Hugging a Tree

Carolyn J. Miller Hugging a Tree

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Your Voice at MSU Board of Trustee Meetings

By Martin McDonough

Your Voice at MSU Board of Trustee Meeting 

The following are the speaking notes of APA President McDonough’s statement that was presented during the public participation portion of the February 10, 2023 MSU Board of Trustee meeting.  

Speaking Notes 

MSU Board of Trustee Meeting on 2/10/2023  

  1. Introduction – Martin McDonough – President of the MSU Administrative Professional Association, otherwise known as the MSU APA. 
  2. I would like to congratulate our newly elected, re-elected, and appointed Board positions 
    1. Chairperson Vassar 
    2. Vice Chairperson Kelley 
    3. Trustees Knake-Jefferson, Denno, and Pierce  
  3. I appreciate this opportunity to bring the voices of over 3,000 APA Support Staff Professionals before this body. 
  4. The 2030 Strategic Plan Executive Summary states that “We will focus on effective student support systems, … and providing holistic support for students’ physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.” We all agree that student success is the primary goal for everyone here. A critical element of their success is the work of our support staff professionals.  
  5. March 2020 changed the world for all of us. Please think about the importance of our support positions and what they mean not only to the university, but above all, student success. Our people are in: 
    1. Admissions   
    2. Housing and Culinary  
    3. Administrative 
    4. Research 
    5. Healthcare/Counseling 
    6. I.T  … and these are just some examples of the 350 support classifications whose voice we bring here today. 
  6. They exemplified their value to this university through their responses to the COVID crisis, a historic situation that tested the MSU support staff character. 
    1. When we say Spartans Will,  Well, our people did and they continue to do so every day. 
    2.  I could not be more proud of how these people met that challenge 
  7. Recently President Woodruf, you asked me how our people were doing. I responded that they were hurting and broken.  
    1. They are strained physically, emotionally, and especially financially.  
    2. These are the professionals who provide critical supports for our students and we need to invest in them accordingly. We cannot wait any longer. They are spent. 
  8. Looking at the 2030 Strategic Plan and understanding the importance of support staff to the success of our students and the University, the path is clear. The time to invest is now. 
  9. We succeed as a team and failure is not an option. Thank you.  

Go Green 

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Coping Methods

By Darius Bradley 

Please visit the following links for information regarding to helping us all heal from the terrible events that took place on our campus on Monday February 13th.

Guide to the Aftermath of a Workplace Shooting

Taking Care of Yourself After a Workplace Shooting


Below are photos of the memorials that have been erected around campus to remember those who were injured and lost in this tragedy.

Phot of Rock Memorial

The Rock on MSU campus surrounded by flowers

Wider view of Rock Memorial

Wider view of The Rock on MSU Campus surrounded by flowers

Berkey Hall Entrance

Entrance of Berkey Hall MSU Campus

Memorial at Sparty Statue

Memorial at Sparty Statue on MSU Campus

Closer view of Memorial at Sparty Statue

Closer view of Memorial at Sparty Statue on MSU Campus

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A Word from the APA President

We Cannot Heal Alone 

 Dear APA members, 

Their names are Alex, Arielle, and Brian and these Spartans changed our lives forever.  

When students arrive at MSU they become part of our Spartan family and we love them like our own. Never again will February 13, just be the day before Valentine’s Day. A senseless act violated our Spartan family and we lost three beautiful souls while five others continue to fight for their lives. The wounds are fresh, even as we attempt to heal, Alex, Arielle, Brian, and their families will always be in our hearts 

Run, Hide, Fight were the words repeated as that evening unfolded. We commend our law enforcement friends for their bravery and dedication to our Spartan family. They ran forward to protect and secure the rest of us while friends, families, and parents, frightened beyond belief, communicated with those hiding in their rooms and closets. A thank you does not seem adequate for their work. 

Many of our APA positions are front-facing, having daily contact with our students. Our counselors, social workers, and our members in the housing and culinary areas are just some of the first that come to mind, you know our students as family and care for them deeply. Your work is from the heart and cannot be overlooked. 

As your APA, our work is to support you, while you support our Spartan family. Our first concern was to bring in crisis counselors for members, and specifically for those with frontline contact with our students and coworkers. You cannot help us if you are not supported. MEA reached out to help us with 18 minutes of the first alert. I spent Tuesday in their office learning the lessons that had unfortunately come from previous shooting tragedies. Please know that the APA/MEA support is not just for these first moments but for the long haul.  

The conversations we are having with our members help us understand their needs. We know that many are hurting too badly to talk now and that is okay. In time, know that we are here to hear your concerns when you are ready. We cannot heal alone and our APA/MEA resources and the MSU EAP services are there for us.  

Our hearts are broken and may even harbor some anger. This will affect each of us differently as we give grace and time to our friends, coworkers, and Spartan community. We will get through this.  

Their names are Alex, Arielle, and Brian, and these Spartans changed our lives forever. 



Martin McDonough 



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Your Fellow APAs

Meet Fellow APA Member Mark Zebrowski

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communication Committee Member 

  1. What is your job title? Executive Assistant to Vivian Leung and Heather Rindels 
  2. How long have you been at MSU? 2.5 Years(June 1st, 2020).
  3. Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? Yes! I’ve been a proud union member any time it has been an option for me.
  4. What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do? I work in University Advancement, supporting two Executive Directors who oversee many of the fundraising groups connected to MSU’s colleges and other units (such as our museums). I manage their schedules, run reports, assist with annual planning and performance reviews, and organize interviews when we are working to fill an open position.
  5. What brought you to your job at MSU? My wife is working as a postdoctoral researcher here at MSU, so we moved to Lansing after she finished her PhD in 2020.
  6. What do you like to do when you are not at work? I became a dad back in May, so when I’m not at work, I’m almost always spending time with my daughter, Phoebe. I do still like to watch tv when I get a chance (my wife and I really liked The White Lotus), or play a game: I have a pretty substantial board game collection.
  7. In high school I was known for writing and oratory. I went to a few national speech and debate tournaments.
  8. People would be surprised to know I am skilled at I’m not sure I’d say “skilled,” but I like to sing, and I used to do karaoke pre-pandemic (and pre-parent!). I can also hold my own on a pool table. 
  9. I have one pet, a grumpy old tortoiseshell cat named Tagalong.
  10. I like all kinds of music, mostly rock and pop. I’m a big fan of Ben Folds, Joe Jackson, The Dresden Dolls/Amanda Palmer, Radiohead . . . also, Les Miserables, Hamilton.
  11. My favorite area restaurant is probably the People’s Kitchen and my favorite dish is pizza, though I miss the New Haven-style pies we would get back in Connecticut. Slice by Saddleback comes close. Totally different, but Buddy’s is great, too.
  12. My hobbies include games, all kinds of games: board games, puzzles, video games, sports (though I’m not much of an athlete). I’m a big Baltimore Orioles fan.
  13. My favorite junk food is popcorn because it’s delicious and there are so many varieties. The popcorn at Horrocks is great, also Cravings in Old Town. Zoobie’s Tavern makes truffle popcorn that’s pretty addctive.

Here’s Phoebe and me from a couple months back.  I thought about sending one of just her! 

Person holding a baby

Mark Zebrowski with daughter Phoebe

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MSU APA Upcoming Events

Tuesday, January 10 @ 2pm – 5pm

MSU-APA Executive Board Meeting



Tuesday, January 17th @ Noon

Virtual MEA/NEA Member Benefits


Tuesday, February 21st @ Noon

Virtual MEA Financial Services on Retirement


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Calling All Advocates – Area Representatives Needed

Check all the qualities you believe you possess:

  • You are good at your job & respected by your colleagues
  • People ask for your advice
  • You have a strong sense of justice & clear principles
  • You are responsible
  • You are honest
  • You are compassionate
  • You are a good listener
  • You like solving problems as a team
  • You put interests of the whole first, ahead of your individual concerns
  • You respect group decisions
  • You are knowledgeable about MSU and your contract
  • You can stay cool under pressure
  • You handle stress well

If you checked 5 or more of the above, your APA Administrative Professional Association wants you! 

For more information on how to get started as an Area Representative (AR), Contact: Pat Hampton at [email protected]

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