August 2010 APA Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

August 17, 2010

1.       Call to Order

a.       Welcome and introduction of members attending

b.      Approval of agenda

c.       Approval of minutes

d.      Official guest(s)

2.       Reports

a.       President

b.      Treasurer

c.       Committee Reports

d.      UniServ Report

3.       Member Comments and Concerns

4.       Business and Discussion Items

a.       Annual Member Meeting

b.      2010  – 2011 APA Annual Budget Discussion

c.       2010 – 2011 APA Lunch and Learn Topics and Venues

5.       Announcements

a.       APA September meeting is September 14.

6.       Executive Session

7.       Adjournment

8.       8H Coordinating Council

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July 2010 Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU  Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive  Board Meeting Agenda

July  13, 2010

1.       Call to Order

a.       Welcome and introduction of  members attending

b.      Approval of agenda

c.       Approval of minutes

d.      Official guest(s)

2.       Reports

a.       President

b.      Treasurer

c.       Committee  Reports

i.      Communications

ii.      Area  Reps

iii.      Constitution  and Bylaws Review

d.      UniServ  Report

3.       Member Comments and Concerns

4.       Business and Discussion Items

a.       Annual Member Meeting

b.      Review of 2010 NEA  Representative Assembly

c.       Survey Monkey Renewal

d.      Potential APA Constitution  & Bylaw Changes to Transmit to the Membership for a Vote

e.      Review of APA Board Vacancy  Appointment Process

5.       Announcements

a.       APA August meeting will be  held August 17.

6.       Executive Session

7.       Adjournment

8.       8H Coordinating Council

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June 2010 APA Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU   Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive   Board Meeting Agenda

June   15, 2010

1.       Call to Order

a.       Welcome  and introduction of  members attending

b.      Approval  of agenda

c.       Approval  of minutes

d.      Official  guest(s)

2.       Reports

a.       President

b.      Treasurer

c.       Committee   Reports

i.      Communications

ii.      Area   Reps

iii.      Constitution   and Bylaws Review

d.      UniServ   Report

3.       Member Comments and Concerns

4.       Business and Discussion Items

a.       Appointment  of APA standing  committees

b.      Review  of process for filling  Board vacancies
5.       Announcements

a.       There  will be an MEA rally on  the steps of the capitol on June 24 to raise  awareness of funding for  public education.  All  members are encouraged to  attend.

b.      APA  July meeting will be held  July 13; August APA meeting will be held  August 17.

6.       Executive Session

7.       Adjournment

8.       8H Coordinating Council

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April 2010 Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
April, 2010

1. Call to Order
a. Welcome and introduction of members attending
b. Approval of agenda
c. Approval of minutes
d. Official guest(s) – Dennis Denno – Candidate for MSU Board of Trustees

2. Reports
a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Committee Reports
d. UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

4. Business and Discussion Items
a. 2010 APA Executive Board and MEA/NEA Delegate Election review
b. Coalition Health Care Agreement Update
c. Aflac Presentation

5. Announcements

6. Executive Session

7. Adjournment

8. 8H Coordinating Council

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March 2010 Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
March 16, 2010

1. Call to Order
a. Welcome and introduction of members attending
b. Approval of agenda
c. Approval of minutes
d. Official guest(s)

2. Reports
a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Committee Reports
d. UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

4. Business and Discussion Items
a. Health Care Tentative Agreement update
b. Release of March 1, 2010 generic prescription drug program feedback
c. March 2010 APA Executive Board and MEA/NEA Delegate Election update

5. Announcements
a. NEA Higher Ed Conf is March 26 – 28, 2010
b. April APA monthly meeting will be on April 6, 2010

6. Executive Session

7. Adjournment

8. 8H Coordinating Council

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February 2010 Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

February 9, 2009

Call to Order

  1. Welcome and introduction of members attending
  2. Approval of agenda
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Official guest(s)


  1. President
  2. Treasurer
  3. Committee Reports
  4. UniServ Report
  5. Member Comments and Concerns

Business and Discussion Items

  1. MSU APA Sparks recap
  2. CLO Health Care Tentative Agreement recap


Executive Session


8H Coordinating Council

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January 2010 Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

January 12, 2009

  1. Call to Order
    1. Welcome and introduction of members attending
    2. Approval of agenda
    3. Approval of minutes
    4. Official guest(s)
  1. Reports
    1. President
    2. Treasurer
    3. Committee Reports
    4. UniServ Report
  2. Member Comments and Concerns

  1. Business and Discussion Items
    1. MSU APA Sparks
    2. MSU APA Area Representatives
    3. CLO Health Care Tentative Agreement

  1. Announcements
    1. MEA Bargaining/Political Action/PR training will be Feb 4 – 6, 2010
  1. Executive Session
  1. Adjournment

  1. 8H Coordinating Council
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November 2009 Monthly Meeting

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

November 17, 2009

1.       Call to Order

a.       Welcome and introduction of members attending

b.      Approval of agenda

c.       Approval of minutes

d.      Official guest(s)

2.       Reports

a.       President

b.      Treasurer

c.       Committee Reports

d.      UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

4.       Business and Discussion Items

a.       Use of MSU email for union matters update

b.      Health Care Bargaining Update

c.       MSU APA Sparks

d.      Area Representative update

5.       Announcements

a.       MEA Bargaining/Political Action/PR training will be Feb 4 – 6, 2010

6.       Executive Session

7.       Adjournment

8.       8H Coordinating Council

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