October 2009 Monthly Meeting Agenda

Please find below the agenda for the October 2009 APA monthly meeting set to commence at 2pm on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, at the APA office located at 1480 Kendale Blvd., Suite 300, East Lansing, MI, 48823.

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

October 20, 2009

1. Call to Order

Welcome and introduction of members attending

b. Approval of agenda

c. Approval of minutes

d. Official guest(s)

2. Reports


b. Treasurer

c. Committee Reports

d. UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

Business and Discussion Items

Use of MSU email for union matters update

b. 2009 APA general raise and merit portion discussion

c. Annual APA member meeting reflection

d. 2009 APA Health Care survey follow-up

e. Health Care Bargaining Update

f. MSU APA Sparks

5. Announcements

MEA Fall RA November 7, 2009

6. Executive Session

7. Adjournment

8H Coordinating Council

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September 2009 Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
September 15, 2009

1. Call to Order
a. Welcome and introduction of members attending
b. Approval of agenda
c. Approval of minutes
d. Official guest(s)

2. Reports
a. President
b. Treasurer
i. Continue 2009/2010 Budget Discussion
c. Committee Reports
d. UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

4. Business and Discussion Items
a. Annual APA member meeting update
b. Use of MSU email for union matters
c. Health Care Bargaining Update

5. Announcements
a. October monthly meeting will take place immediately following the annual general membership meeting on October 20
b. Statewide MEA Presidents Summit will take place September 18-19
c. MEA Higher Ed conference will take place October 2-3

6. Executive Session

7. Adjournment

8. 8H Coordinating Council

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August Monthly Meeting Agenda

This months meeting will take place on Tuesday August 18th at 2:00pm located at 1480 Kendale Blvd. Suite 300 East Lansing, MI.

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA

Executive Board Meeting Agenda

August 18, 2009

Call to Order

Welcome and introduction of members attending

Approval of agenda

Approval of minutes

Official guest(s)

2:30pm presentation by StraighLine retirement services




2009/2010 Budget Discussion

Committee Reports

UniServ Report

Member Comments and Concerns

Business and Discussion Items

Annual APA member meeting update

Use of MSU email for union matters

Union Pride Campaign

Health Care Bargaining Update


MEA Money Matters training will take place on August 19

September monthly meeting will take place on September 15

Statewide MEA Presidents Summit will take place September 18-19

Executive Session


8H Coordinating Council

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July Monthly Meeting Agenda

Tentative meeting agenda for the July 2009 APA monthly meeting, set to commence at 2pm on Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at the APA office located at 1480 Kendale Blvd., Suite 300, East
Lansing, MI, 48823.

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
July 14, 2009

a. Welcome and introduction of members attending
b. Approval of agenda
c. Approval of minutes
d. Official guest(s)

a. President
b. Treasurer
c. Committee Reports
d. UniServ Report

a. 2009 APA election results challenge presentation
i. Presented at 3pm by Danny Layne

a. SPARKS recap and APA SPARKS update
b. Health care update
c. Annual APA member meeting discussion
d. Use of MSU email for union matters
e. Set September monthly meeting

a. MEA Summer Leadership Conference July 28-30 in Saginaw
b. August monthly meeting will take place on August 11




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May Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
May 19, 2009

1.    Call to Order

a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending
b.    Approval of agenda
c.    Approval of minutes
d.    Official guest(s)
e.    Election of APA Officers

2.    Reports
a.    President
b.    Treasurer
c.    Committee Reports
i.    Area Reps
1.    Next Training on Wednesday, May 20, 2009
ii.    New Member Orientation
1.    Update
iii.    Coalition of Labor Organizations Update
d.    UniServ Report

3.    Member Comments and Concerns

4.    Business and Discussion Items
a.    2009 MEA RA Spring Recap
b.    SPARKS Update
c.    Set July monthly meeting

5.    Announcements
a.    MEA Labor Relations Practicum June 15 -19 in Kalamazoo
b.    June monthly meeting will take place on June 9

6.    Executive Session

7.    Adjournment

8.    8H Coordinating Council

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March Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda

March 3, 2009

1.    Call to Order
a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending
b.    Approval of agenda
c.    Approval of minutes

2.    Reports
a.    President
b.    Treasurer
c.    Committee Reports
i.    Area Reps
ii.    New member orientation
iii.    Coalition of Labor Organizations update
d.    UniServ Report

3.    Member Comments and Concerns

4.   Business and Discussion Items
a.    Update regarding health care negotiations
b.    2009 MEA Board Election and APA Election update
c.    Lobby Day recap

5.    Announcements
a.    2009 ESP Statewide Conference March 20-21
b.    April monthly meeting will take place on April 14

6.    Executive Session

7.    Adjournment

8.    8H Coordinating Council

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February Monthly Meeting Agenda

Please find below the tentative agenda for the February APA Executive Board
meeting.  The meeting will commence on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at 2pm at
the APA Association office located at 1480 Kendale Blvd., Suite 300, East
Lansing, MI, 48823.  Also, this message is to serve as advance notice that
the March APA Executive Board meeting has been moved to March 3, 2009.

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
February 10, 2009

1.    Call to Order
a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending
b.    Approval of agenda
c.    Approval of minutes
d.    Executive Board member

2.    Reports
a.    President
i.    Presentation and discussion from Peggy McClellan, MEA Secretary/Treasurer
b.    Treasurer
c.    Committee Reports
d.    UniServ Report

3.    Member Comments and Concerns

4.    Business and Discussion Items
a.    Credentialing discussion for upcoming 2009 APA election
b.    TD Ameritrade update
c.    APA eNews Letter
d.    MEA Region election presentation
e.    Set date of April and May monthly meetings

5.    Announcements
a.    2009 ESP Statewide Conference March 20-21

6.    Executive Session

7.    Adjournment

8.    8H Coordinating Council

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2009 APA Elections

Per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the annual APA election shall be held
by March 31 of each year.  This announcement is to serve as the first notice
of the 2009 APA election which will be conducted March 23 to March 30.  At
this time, the 2009 Nominations and Elections Committee is soliciting
nominations for all openings.  For this upcoming election, there are:

5 APA Executive Board seats with three year terms ending in 2012
5 MEA/NEA delegate seats with terms ending in 2012

If you or anyone you know is interested in running for one of the
aforementioned positions, please submit the name of the nominee, department
where the nominee is employed, and complete contact information.  Upon
receipt of the nomination, the Committee Chair will confirm the desire of a
nominated candidate to run for the position and provide details and
timelines for the process.  All nominations must be submitted by 4:30pm on
February 13, 2009.  All nominations must be confirmed and candidate
biographies submitted by 4:30pm on February 17, 2009.

All nominations, comments, questions, or concerns must be directed to Deb
Porter ([email protected]), 2009 APA Nominations and Elections Chair.


2009 APA Nominations and Elections Committee

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