January Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
January 13, 2008

1.    Call to Order
a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending
b.    Approval of agenda
c.    Approval of minutes
d.    Appointment of 2009 Nominations and Election Committee

2.    Reports
a.    President
b.    Treasurer
c.    Committee Reports
d.    UniServ Report

3.    Member Comments and Concerns

4.    Business and Discussion Items
a.    Credentialing discussing/update for balloting
b.    TD Ameritrade
c.    Discussion of eBoard authorization of website content
d.    Campus crisis prevention policy at MSU
e.    Set date of February and March monthly meetings

5.    Announcements
a.    2009 MEA Scholarship is available
b.    Privatization Conference for Union Staff and Activists on Saturday,
January 24 at 9am
c.    MEA training and special presentation on Higher Ed Entrepreneurship
Coalition Project on January 28, 2009 at 7:30pm
d.    Bargaining, Political Action, and PR conference February 7-9 at COBO

6.    Executive Session

7.    Adjournment

8.    8H Coordinating Council

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December Monthly Meeting

The APA Monthly Meeting for December has been moved to December 16, 2008 at 2pm and will be held at the Association Office.

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Informal Lunch Announcement

This message serves as another reminder that I will be hosting the next
informal lunch conversation today at the MSU International Center food court
from 11:30am to 1pm.  Please feel free to drop by to get acquainted or
discuss any thoughts and concerns.

Also, please be aware that the appeal of Judge Manderfield’s ruling (which
concluded that the APA properly ratified our current APA contract) brought
against the APA by members Danny Layne et al. has been dismissed by the
Michigan Court of Appeals.

Furthermore, a decision was rendered by the MEA Board of Reference regarding
the charges brought by APA members Larry Farmer, Deborah Garland, Denise
Arnold, Therese Bunn, Lori Headley, and Danny Layne.  In the decision, the
hearing officer dismissed the allegation of conduct unbecoming of a member,
concurred with the previous ruling that electronic balloting complies with
the APA Constitution and Bylaws, and provided suggestions on possible
improvement to voter credentialing and candidate participation.

Therefore, as it stands today, the APA no longer has any lawsuits or MEA
Board of Reference allegations pending.  While all forums have consistently
upheld that the APA leadership is in compliance with the APA Constitution
and Bylaws, the APA Executive Board continues to assess the concerns raised
and encourages member participation and suggestions for the operation of our

I hope to see you today at the MSU International Center food court.



Maurice Koffman
MSU APA President/Chairperson
1480 Kendale Blvd., Suite 300
East Lansing, MI 48823

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November Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
November 11, 2008

1. Call to Order

a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending
b.    Approval of agenda
i.    Lisa Davidson will be speaking about EAP
c.    Approval of minutes

2. Reports

a.    President
i.    Review of written report
b.    Treasurer
c.    Committee Reports
d.    UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

4. Business and Discussion Items

a.    APA annual budget
b.    Review of new APA website
c.    Constitution and Bylaws

5. Announcements

a.    IPD conference December 4-6
b.    2009 MEA Scholarship
c.    Anti-Privatization Symposium on November 14

6. Executive Session

a.    Update on internal and external judicial matters

7. Adjournment

8. 8H Coordinating Council

**Executive Board meetings are normally held on the second Tuesday of each month commencing at 2:00 p.m. in the APA office located at 1480 Kendale, Suite 300, East Lansing. Visiting members should call in advance to verify the time and place.

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October Monthly Meeting Agenda

Please find below the tentative agenda for the October APA monthly meeting.

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
October 14, 2008

1. Call to Order
a. Welcome and introduction of members attending
b. Approval of agenda
c. Approval of minutes

2. Reports
a. President
i. Review of written report
b. Treasurer
c. Committee Reports
i. Communications
ii. Membership
1. Update on Area Representative Program
d. UniServ Report

3. Member Comments and Concerns

4. Business and Discussion Items
a. Overview of proposed new APA website
b. Official membership to the National Council of Education Support
Professionals (NCESP)
c. 2008/2009 APA budget discussion
d. Discussion of Association 990 form services
e. Revisit of member discussion forum
f. Participation on the Mid-Michigan chapter of the Labor and Employment
Relations Association

5. Announcements
a. IPD conference December 4-6
b. 2009 MEA Scholarship
c. Anti-Privatization Symposium on November 14

6. Executive Session
a. Update on internal and external judicial matters

7. Adjournment

8. 8H Coordinating Council

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September Monthly Meeting Agenda

MSU Administrative Professional Association MEA/NEA
Executive Board Meeting Agenda
September 16, 2008

1.    Call to Order

a.    Welcome and introduction of members attending
b.    Approval of agenda
i.    New CPA firm introduction

ii.    Kara from NEA to speak about 2008 election
iii.    Brent Bowditch, HR Assistant Vice President, introduction
c.    Approval of minutes

2.    Reports
a.    President
i.    Review of written report
b.    Treasurer
c.    Committee Reports
i.    Communications
ii.    Membership
1.    Update on Area Representative Program
d.    UniServ Report
3.    Member Comments and Concerns

4.    Business and Discussion Items
a.    Presentation of new APA website and functionality
i.    Presented by Sean Leahy
b.    Discussion of potential proposed APA Constitution and Bylaws change
c.    Participation on the Mid-Michigan chapter of the Labor and Employment Relations Association
d.    Official membership to the National Council of Education Support Professionals (NCESP)

5.    Announcements
a.    October APA monthly meeting will be preceded by the annual APA membership meeting held at the International Center Spartan rooms from 11:30 to 1pm.
b.    Registration of the MEA Higher Ed conference by October 3, 2008

6.    Executive Session
a.    Update on internal and external judicial matters

7.    Adjournment

8.    8H Coordinating Council

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New MSU APA Website Under Way!!!

Please be patient as we continue to develop the new MSU APA website. The site is currently under construction and will under go several changes over the next few days as the site is developed and content is added.

When the site is completed it will be officially announced via the MSU APA listserv.

Thank you for your patience.

-MSU APA Web Team

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