Protect Our Jobs

During the week on March 5, 2012, a statewide campaign to protect our jobs and our voice at work will be launched — and our most important task for the coming year will begin.

A coalition representing Michigan workers, small business owners, clergy, unions and other organizations from across the state will announce the Protect Our Jobs campaign, which aims to amend the state constitution to protect the right to collectively bargain.

Over the past year, Lansing politicians have moved one anti-worker measure after another, doing nothing to help put Michigan back to work.

In fact, there are more than 100 bills currently pending in the Legislature that weaken protections for APA/MEA members, and many other workers from nurses and firefighters to construction and factory employees.

To rebuild our economy, we all need to work together to protect Michigan workers and strengthen the middle class to help small businesses create jobs.

Our state organization, the MEA, is proud to help lead this charge. But it won’t be easy. We need to collect more than 322,000 valid signatures in less than four months to put this important measure on the November ballot.

MEA has been working on a plan that involves all field offices, staff, leaders and members — working together, we can and will protect our work, our voice and our future.

Visit to volunteer with the campaign and help protect the middle class.

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