Protect Our Jobs Campaign

Michigan citizens from all backgrounds who work hard and play by the rules are joining
together and taking a stand.

For more than a year, Lansing politicians and corporate special interests have made one
attack after another on Michigan workers: cutting middle-class families’ wages, health care benefits, retirement security and safety protections.

In fact, there are more than 100 bills currently pending in the Legislature that weaken
protections for APA/MEA members, and many other workers from nurses and firefighters
to construction and factory employees.

These political attacks on basic collective bargaining rights have done nothing to put
Michiganders back to work. Instead, all they’ve done is hurt middle-class families, small
businesses and local communities.

In March, a coalition of 23 Michigan labor unions, small businesses and community-based
groups launched the Protect Our Jobs campaign. Citizens across Michigan have been
collecting signatures to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot that will
enshrine into our state Constitution the basic right of every worker to collectively bargain.

Collective bargaining gives all workers a voice and the ability to come together to negotiate a fair contract. Without these protections, we have no true voice in our wages, hours of work, and conditions of employment.

Our state organization, the MEA, is proud to help lead this charge. But it won’t be easy.
We need to collect more than 322,000 valid signatures in less than four months to put this
critical issue on the November ballot.

To learn more about the campaign, please visit If you would like to
sign the petition to place the issue on the November ballot, contact the APA/MEA office at

Please sign up to get involved in the campaign — after all, this is about protecting your job, your wages, your benefits, your safety and your voice.

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