Your Fellow APAs

Meet Fellow APA Member Lilyan Talia

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communications Committee Member


What is your job title?            Administrative Business Professional 

How long have you been at MSU?
Three years 

Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?
No, my prior role was a Confidential position that did not offer union representation. As soon as I was in a union position, I decided to support my Union and fellow co-workers by becoming a member of the APA.  

What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?
Apple Developer Academy. I handle fiscal, HR, and operations at the Academy, which is in Detroit, MI.  

What brought you to your job at MSU?
A passion to want to help the under-served get much deserved resources.  

What do you like to do when you are not at work?
Hang out with my two Chihuahuas 

I have two pets 

I like industrial rock music 

My favorite area restaurant is Altu’s Ethopian and my favorite dish is SPICY BEEF STEW! 

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