Your Voice at MSU Board of Trustee Meetings

By Martin McDonough

Your Voice at MSU Board of Trustee Meeting 

The following are the speaking notes of APA President McDonough’s statement that was presented during the public participation portion of the February 10, 2023 MSU Board of Trustee meeting.  

Speaking Notes 

MSU Board of Trustee Meeting on 2/10/2023  

  1. Introduction – Martin McDonough – President of the MSU Administrative Professional Association, otherwise known as the MSU APA. 
  2. I would like to congratulate our newly elected, re-elected, and appointed Board positions 
    1. Chairperson Vassar 
    2. Vice Chairperson Kelley 
    3. Trustees Knake-Jefferson, Denno, and Pierce  
  3. I appreciate this opportunity to bring the voices of over 3,000 APA Support Staff Professionals before this body. 
  4. The 2030 Strategic Plan Executive Summary states that “We will focus on effective student support systems, … and providing holistic support for students’ physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.” We all agree that student success is the primary goal for everyone here. A critical element of their success is the work of our support staff professionals.  
  5. March 2020 changed the world for all of us. Please think about the importance of our support positions and what they mean not only to the university, but above all, student success. Our people are in: 
    1. Admissions   
    2. Housing and Culinary  
    3. Administrative 
    4. Research 
    5. Healthcare/Counseling 
    6. I.T  … and these are just some examples of the 350 support classifications whose voice we bring here today. 
  6. They exemplified their value to this university through their responses to the COVID crisis, a historic situation that tested the MSU support staff character. 
    1. When we say Spartans Will,  Well, our people did and they continue to do so every day. 
    2.  I could not be more proud of how these people met that challenge 
  7. Recently President Woodruf, you asked me how our people were doing. I responded that they were hurting and broken.  
    1. They are strained physically, emotionally, and especially financially.  
    2. These are the professionals who provide critical supports for our students and we need to invest in them accordingly. We cannot wait any longer. They are spent. 
  8. Looking at the 2030 Strategic Plan and understanding the importance of support staff to the success of our students and the University, the path is clear. The time to invest is now. 
  9. We succeed as a team and failure is not an option. Thank you.  

Go Green 

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