Per the APA Constitution and Bylaws, the annual APA Executive Board election shall be conducted by March 31 of each year. The 2015 election is scheduled to run from March 19 – March 31, 2015.
The 2015 election will include:
APA Executive Board
Five (5) seats on the APA Executive Board with terms ending in 2018
MEA/NEA/RA Delegate
Five (5) MEA/NEA/RA delegate positions with terms ending in 2018
This communication serves as notice of the election and the opening of candidate nominations. All nominations must be submitted via email to the chair of the APA 2015 Elections Committee, Sue Brandt, at [email protected] no later than 12:00pm (noon) on Thursday, February 12, 2015.
Individuals must be APA members in good standing to nominate or be nominated for office. After the close of nominations, properly nominated candidates will be contacted by the Elections Committee Chair to confirm their willingness to run for office.
The APA Elections Committee includes: Sue Brandt (Chair), Dave Graff, Carol Graysmith, Pat Hampton and Grimaldo Robles.
Each year, the APA Nominations and Elections Committee works diligently to operate an efficient, accurate and transparent election in compliance with the APA Constitution and Bylaws. Election results will be done on March 31, 2015 at 5:15pm at the APA Office. This public election event is open to full members of the APA. An election results announcement will be communicated with the membership March 31, 2015.
Further announcements around the election will be provided in future APA newsletters and via the official APA ListServ. Please watch your email for important election information.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sue Brandt, [email protected].