Legislative Chair Update

By Tonya Jamison, Legislative Committee Chair  


Dear All, 

I hope everyone is doing well. Many municipalities will hold elections on May 4th. 

I have had some questions about absentee voting. Therefore, I will briefly explain the process. 

If you have notified your cities or county/township’s election clerk that you would like to vote absentee in future elections, you should have received an application for an absentee ballot. Note, you must complete the application first, and return it to the clerk’s office before you receive the actual ballot. If you have not received your application, you should contact the clerk’s office via the phone or in-person for a status update.  You can now download a ballot application online. See the link below. 


If you have your application, I recommend mailing it back no later than the April 17th. After April 17th, I suggest that you take the application into the clerk’s office to obtain your ballot. Once you have the ballot, you can vote on the spot or return it to the city or township clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day. I have provided a link where you can review your voter information and information about absentee voting.  


Feel free to contact me if you have additional questions at [email protected]. Remember, your vote is your voice, and you should exercise this right every election. 


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