by Elias Lopez, Excecutive Board Member & Community Based Events Ad-Hoc Committee Chairperson
Michigan’s cold, icy weather can be a challenge, even for many individuals already accustomed to it at MSU. New students from warmer climates often quickly realize the need for several crucial additions to their wardrobes as the snow starts flying. However, the associated expenses are often beyond the means of some students, including many from migrant labor families coming to MSU for the dream of education, but with few funds and no experience with freezing temperatures.
Thanks to many APA members and supporters, winter has become a little easier for a number of at-need students. Over 300 coats and articles of winter apparel were donated during the 2014 APA Winter Coat Drive. Clothing contributions were collected by APA volunteers at several locations across campus during the December/January initiative.
Donations have been sorted and are being distributed to worthy student programs, including MSU Migrant Student Services, MSU Family Resource Center, and Lansing Public Schools. The APA Community Based Events Committee would like to thank all those individuals, groups, and departments joining in the drive. If you wish to donate any additional items, they can be dropped off at C249 Holden hall.