APA works to extend protections during pandemic 

On May 6, 2020, your Administrative Professional Association (APA), with the support of our partner the Michigan Education Association (MEA), signed a Furlough Letter of Agreement (LOA) with MSU which was a first for both parties. As the effects of the COVID-19 crisis began, the concept of furloughs was brought forward as an alternative to lay-offs. APA asked and was told that no amount of pay cuts would prevent any furloughs. The work had simply evaporated. Everyone hoped for a quick return, but the challenge was knowing when. In the early days, it was hoped the situation would run its course and the MSU community would be back to some sense of normal by the end of the calendar year. As the summer drew to a close, the University and the APA understood the original hopes were not a high probability. Efforts started to ensure the protections that started in May of 2020 would be extended to a future date.  


Based on experiences from the initial Furlough LOA, the two parties met and exchanged possible modifications. The primary intention of the original LOA was to maintain the fully funded healthcare benefit for furloughed members. The APA surveyed our members to have their experiences reflected in these discussions. Those results told us the original agreement worked fairly well. During the discussions, there were efforts which would have allowed the University to ignore the seniority rights of more experienced members. But APA/MEA pushed back. There were additional efforts to mandate rotating furloughs without any real boundaries, again APA/MEA pushed back.  


On November 9, 2020 your APA signed a furlough agreement extension to June 30, 2021. The new furlough LOA extension continues to provide the following protections: 


  • Fully funded healthcare for those on furlough 
  • An agreed sequence of how selection is made for furlough 
  • Accrual of University seniority towards longevity, educational assistance, course fee courtesy and, if the employee is eligible, time toward the University contribution for retirement healthcare 
  • Preventing staff outside the bargaining unit being used to replace furloughed members 
  • Personal leave time payout on return to work provided the return is no later than April 30, 2021 
  • Receiving anniversary/progression raises upon return  
  • Security against mandated rotating furloughs. Members can volunteer but being mandated as part of a rotation is not allowed by contract 
  • An extension of the RHS “bonus jobs” agreement to run concurrent with the new furlough LOA extension 


Other items 

  • A change in the extension agreement involved the University basic life insurance policy. If a member is on furlough longer than 180 days, the member will no longer have coverage through the university. However, the member will have the option to continue coverage by paying a premium directly to the insurance company. This is a rule from the insurance company and not the University. Affected members will receive communication from the insurance company providing details on continuing coverage. 


We are all working to navigate the new world before us. APA members who are sacrificing by being on furlough are always on our minds. The APA family is strong, and we work best when we work together. We will build a more safe and secure future. The intent is to build a steady bridge to a time when we have a sense of normalcy. Please be safe. 



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