STEM BUILDING 642 Red Cedar Rd,, E. Lansing, MI, United States

This event is for both members and prospects STEM Building

Executive Board Meeting

APA Office - Okemos 3474 Alaiedon Pkwy, Okemos, MI, United States

APA Office - Okemos

Executive Board Meeting

MEA HQ - East Lansing 1216 Kendale Ave, East Lansing, MI, United States

MEA HQ - East Lansing

APA Tailgate Party!

Lot 56 Red Cedar Rd, East Lansing, MI

APA Tailgate Party! MSU VS. Prairie View September 14th. Come on out and grab a hot dog or a snack and discover all the perks of being a part of the MSU-APA family! You can find us in lot 56 … Continue reading

Executive Board Meeting

MEA HQ - East Lansing 1216 Kendale Ave, East Lansing, MI, United States

MEA HQ - East Lansing

Executive Board Meeting

MEA HQ - East Lansing 1216 Kendale Ave, East Lansing, MI, United States

MEA HQ - East Lansing