Getting Involved in Upcoming APA Contract Negotiations with MSU

Every four years the APA assembles a Negotiations Committee and a bargaining team to negotiate a successor APA contract. It is the APA contract that outlines all the elements of members employment besides base wage increases and our health care plan which is handled through a separate, joint health care coalition bargain with MSU.

The APA Negotiations Committee is the larger body of APA members that typically meets a couple times face-to-face and then facilitates the rest of the meetings virtually. The purpose of the committee is to identify member issues and concerns to be raised at the bargaining table, identify the methods and means to engage the APA membership around bargaining, and to select a subset to participate as one of the seven members that go to the table as part of the APA bargaining team.

If you have interest in becoming more involved or just want to learn more about the APA contract and our bargaining process, please send your interest to APA President, Maury Koffman, at [email protected]. As the Negotiations Committee chair, Maury will facilitate the appointment of Committee members, meetings, and the bargaining team.

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