An Update from our Legislative Chair

Dear Members, 


I want to thank all of you, who voted in last month’s election.  

Due to your participation, we had the highest number voters to participate in the voting process. If you did not participate, please note that your vote is your voice. Please think about the issues that are important to you and engage in the process, next time.  


Thank you & Happy Holidays! 

Tonya Jamison 

APA Legislative Chair 

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Annual Membership Meeting 

The APA held its Annual Membership Meeting the evening of November 10th. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic, we held this year’s meeting virtually and it was well attended by members. In addition to a report out from APA President Martin McDonough, members were able get an update from APA Committee Chairs on the behind the scenes work that APA does for its individual members and for the greater APA and MSU communities.  The annual meeting also provided a chance to meet members of the Executive Board and the APA Area Representatives as well as an opportunity for open Q & A.   

We know that sometimes work and home commitments prevent all members from attending, but we do thank those who were able to be there and extend a thank you to all members for choosing to be part of the APA.   


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New Committee within APA Union, Diversity Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) 

By Darius Bradley, Communications Chair 


The MSU APA union has created a new committee in which our members can participate and become engaged. We currently have two Co-Chairs for this group, they are Elbony Hawkins and Jeremy Romel. I have conducted a short interview with them both. In this month’s newsletter I will include the interview with Elbony Hawkins. 

 I will include the interview with Jeremy in the next newsletter. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, please reach out to either chair at [email protected] or [email protected] . 


 Elbony Hawkins – Co-Chair 

What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do?  

I currently work in Information Technology Services Application Services. I have been in this department for 3 years and have been employed in various departments (Purchasing, Study Abroad, Diagnostic Center, etc.). In my current role I serve as the Office Manager. This role is multifaceted and includes supporting the Director, Managers and being a resource in the areas of HR, administrative and financial functions for the unit.  

How long have you been at MSU? 

I have been with MSU for 14 years. 

Have you been a member of the APA the whole time?  

I started out in the CTU union and was promoted to report to the APA union in 2012. I am an advocate for unions and have been a faithful member my entire duration of employment at MSU.  

What drew you to wanting to be the chair for the new DEI committee? 

This is an issue that I feel deeply passionate about. In an ideal world all individuals would be treated the same regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, etc. So, I would like to be involved in identify those individuals that feel that they are not treated fairly or equally and work towards changing the culture. The DEI committee has provided this opportunity/platform and I hope to seek change for those individuals that are not treated fairly. 

What direction do you see the committee going in? 

This committee is all inclusive and we represent a wide array of staff. We hope to compile a list of initiatives and continuously advocate for change and communicate all issues for broad awareness. 

Please share any other comments you may have regarding the new committee. 

We are extremely eager to move forward with discussions. Although some discussions may be difficult, we hope to provide a safe place to work toward understanding and change. We are excited to promote and work towards equality for all. 


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APA Executive Board bids farewell to board member Laura Wise 

In November 2020, APA Executive Board member Laura Wise announced she had accepted a new position which would move her from her APA position. She joined the ranks of the APA in 2012 and took a position as an Area Representative in 2013. She was appointed to fill an Executive Board vacancy in February 2014. She was then successfully elected to not only her appointed board position but as a delegate to the MEA and NEA conferences.  


During her time with the Board, Laura was active the following committees. 

  • Community Based Events,  
  • Communications 
  • Bargaining 
  • Legislative 
  • D.E.I. 
  • Finance Committee.  


We are very happy for Laura and this great career opportunity. Her presence on the APA Executive Board will be missed. Best wishes Laura and thank you for all you have done for the members of the APA. 

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APA works to extend protections during pandemic 

On May 6, 2020, your Administrative Professional Association (APA), with the support of our partner the Michigan Education Association (MEA), signed a Furlough Letter of Agreement (LOA) with MSU which was a first for both parties. As the effects of the COVID-19 crisis began, the concept of furloughs was brought forward as an alternative to lay-offs. APA asked and was told that no amount of pay cuts would prevent any furloughs. The work had simply evaporated. Everyone hoped for a quick return, but the challenge was knowing when. In the early days, it was hoped the situation would run its course and the MSU community would be back to some sense of normal by the end of the calendar year. As the summer drew to a close, the University and the APA understood the original hopes were not a high probability. Efforts started to ensure the protections that started in May of 2020 would be extended to a future date.  


Based on experiences from the initial Furlough LOA, the two parties met and exchanged possible modifications. The primary intention of the original LOA was to maintain the fully funded healthcare benefit for furloughed members. The APA surveyed our members to have their experiences reflected in these discussions. Those results told us the original agreement worked fairly well. During the discussions, there were efforts which would have allowed the University to ignore the seniority rights of more experienced members. But APA/MEA pushed back. There were additional efforts to mandate rotating furloughs without any real boundaries, again APA/MEA pushed back.  


On November 9, 2020 your APA signed a furlough agreement extension to June 30, 2021. The new furlough LOA extension continues to provide the following protections: 


  • Fully funded healthcare for those on furlough 
  • An agreed sequence of how selection is made for furlough 
  • Accrual of University seniority towards longevity, educational assistance, course fee courtesy and, if the employee is eligible, time toward the University contribution for retirement healthcare 
  • Preventing staff outside the bargaining unit being used to replace furloughed members 
  • Personal leave time payout on return to work provided the return is no later than April 30, 2021 
  • Receiving anniversary/progression raises upon return  
  • Security against mandated rotating furloughs. Members can volunteer but being mandated as part of a rotation is not allowed by contract 
  • An extension of the RHS “bonus jobs” agreement to run concurrent with the new furlough LOA extension 


Other items 

  • A change in the extension agreement involved the University basic life insurance policy. If a member is on furlough longer than 180 days, the member will no longer have coverage through the university. However, the member will have the option to continue coverage by paying a premium directly to the insurance company. This is a rule from the insurance company and not the University. Affected members will receive communication from the insurance company providing details on continuing coverage. 


We are all working to navigate the new world before us. APA members who are sacrificing by being on furlough are always on our minds. The APA family is strong, and we work best when we work together. We will build a more safe and secure future. The intent is to build a steady bridge to a time when we have a sense of normalcy. Please be safe. 



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New COVID Information

MDHHS Epidemic Order 10 29 20 Social_Gathering_Guidance_Final_10 29 20 10-29_Epidemic_Order_Infographic_10 29 20

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The MEA Advantage


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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight

Tiffany Norwood, AR – In – Training


What is your job title? 

Executive Staff Assistant to the Senior Associate Vice President of Research and Innovation 


What area of campus (this refers to the area rep info on the APA website, like, East, South, North, etc.) building and department do you work in? 

I work in the Administration Building, Vice President of Research and Innovation Office 


How long have you been at MSU? 

19 years 


How long have you been an Area Representative? 

I’ve been an AR in training for 2 months. 


Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring? 

I believe there is strength in numbers. If you are able to bring together a group of people with common interests, they can make things happen, as we have seen during this pandemic.  


What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU? 

My advice to new hires would be to number one, join your union. Stay up-to-date with the benefits offered by the university and your union.  


What do you love about working at MSU? 

I love the beauty of the campus. I really miss taking walks along the Red Cedar River, the fall colors are beautiful this time of year. I also enjoy the opportunities for professional development. Since I have been on campus, I have completed my bachelor’s degree. I have taken numerous MSU professional development courses.  


What do you like to do when you are not at work? 

I love listening to music. I enjoy all genres. 

People would be surprised to know I am skilled at cooking.  

I have one pet, a dog. 

My favorite area restaurant is Texas Roadhouse and my favorite dish is the fried catfish filets. 

My hobbies include gardening. 

My favorite junk food is popcorn because it’s a versatile snack. You can make it sweet by adding caramel or savory by adding garlic and pepper. 



The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to 


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