A Word from the APA President July-August

When are you heard?

The last year and a half have proven that change is constant. We all know that dealing with uncertainty alone is isolating. Yet, it has provided us opportunities to communicate with our members around a wide range of deep concerns, that members never thought would happen to them.

The APA represents over 2,900 positions at MSU which is roughly 44% of the organized staff on campus. Together those voices hold more power than just a number. By being a full member of the APA, you secure the right to be heard. You are adding to the energy that takes us all forward. A great part of your investment brings valuable resources to our cause. Our alliance with the MEA and NEA prove to be a great benefit, both financially and in the strength, we can bring to bear during negotiations. I can personally attest, those resources made the difference at the critical point in the recent negotiations. Without that investment, the outcome would have been very bleak. MEA and NEA resources provided immense weight to your voice.

Engagement is critical for our APA family. We survey our members in good standing to ensure we are representing them in the best way. We also hold virtual town hall meetings to learn perspectives and to gain better understanding. Answering surveys and attending town hall meetings is essentially your voice coming to the table and also guides our negotiating strategy. Through the surveys for our recent Health Care &Wages negotiations along with the COVID Vaccination Mandate our members came forward to be heard. Often a part of the survey is an optional section to provide comments. Our latest survey had over 650 comments and we can assure our members that every comment was read. Our town hall meetings are essential so we can communicate important issues with members but more importantly, raise notice of new
ideas that are brought forward by our membership.
Those who choose not the become a full member forfeit a voice in their own futures.

We know our members are often asked why some get a notification of an informational session or town hall meeting and some don’t. The answer is simply, a benefit of membership. The Right to Work ruling controls only representation in contract issues and not all the other functions of how your union functions. Expecting to have free access to the advantage of resources that others provide is unconscionable. Our members support the resources that support them. They have earned the right to be heard through that support. The true question is what return on investment can be expected if you don’t put anything in your own account?

Our members in good standing continue to provide the essential guidance to help us all move forward, by investing in their own futures. Through emails, phone calls, responses to surveys, and attendance at town hall meetings, they light the path ahead. Please continue to invest in yourself and reach out to us. You are the APA.

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