Ratification Vote on Tentative Agreement

Ratification Vote on Tentative Agreement on Wage & Health Care for 2022 – 2025
APA Election Committee

APA Member,

As you are aware, voting on whether to ratify the Tentative Agreement (TA) that sets forth the terms of the Wage & Health Care Letter of Agreement for 2022 – 2025 concluded today, August 30, 2021, at 4 pm.

In total, 796 members cast a ballot. 563 (70.73%) cast a ballot in favor of ratification with 233 (29.27%) in opposition. Therefore, the Tentative Agreement has officially been ratified by the APA membership.

However, we bargain this tentative agreement alongside the other unions in the Coalition of Labor Organization (CLO), so the agreement does not become effective until all the involved unions have completed the ratification process. At this time, some of the involved unions have failed to ratify the TA and it remains to be seen whether those unions will make additional attempts to ratify the TA as is and whether their failure to ratify will impact whether the TA will become the final agreement for those unions who have ratified.

We will keep you informed as information becomes available. If this TA does become the final agreement, a digital copy will be made available through the APA website. Additionally, we will provide members with information as to the start date of the reduction in retirement matching as soon as that date becomes available.

We appreciate the efforts of our APA Elections Committee. Thank you for casting your ballot in the ratification of the 2022 – 2025 APA Tentative Agreement.

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