Calling Advocates – Area Representatives Needed

Check all the qualities you believe you possess:

  • You are good at your job & respected by your colleagues
  • People ask for your advice
  • You have a strong sense of justice & clear principles
  • You are responsible
  • You are honest
  • You are compassionate
  • You are a good listener
  • You like solving problems as a team
  • You put interests of the whole first, ahead of your individual concerns
  • You respect group decisions
  • You are knowledgeable about MSU and your contract
  • You can stay cool under pressure
  • You handle stress well 

If you checked 5 or more of the above, your APA- Administrative Professional Association wants you!  

For more information on how to get started as an Area Representative (AR), Contact: Pat Hampton at [email protected]  

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Area Representative (AR) Spotlight

Area Representative (AR) Spotlight – Apa Danica Victory 

By John Resotko, Communication Committee Member 


What is your job title? 

  • Cryomodule Production Engineer/FRIB Project Coordinator 

What area of campus (this refers to the area rep info on the APA website, like, East, South, North, etc.) building and department do you work in? 

  • I am an AR in training for East Neighborhood 
  • I work for FRIB in the Superconducting Cryomodule and Magnet Department 

How long have you been at MSU? 

  • I have worked at MSU for 10 years, (4 years full time, and 6 years as a student) 

How long have you been an Area Representative? 

  • I am currently still in training but have joined since April of this year (2021) 

Why is being a member of the Union important to you and what value does it bring? 

  • I believe in representation and having your voice heard. I also believe that there is power in numbers. Being a part of the Union brings both of those beliefs together, advocating for the union members on campus. 

What words of advice do you have for the new hires at MSU? 

  • Join your Union and then go to the MSU Union for Ice Cream. But in all seriousness, join the union and stay up to date with your benefits, go to events on campus, and connect with other Spartans.  

What do you love about working at MSU? 

  • I love that I still learn something new after 10 years being on campus. Whether it’s a garden I haven’t explored or a new exhibit at the museum, things are always changing on campus. I also love being a part of a large global community. 

What do you like to do when you are not at work? 

  • I love to take up new hobbies or revisit old ones. I am a self-taught quilter, I am an avid baker, and I love to make jams to go with things I bake. Most of my time outside of work involves creating items that I can share with others. 

Additional thinks to know about you: 

I have one pet, a dog named Oliver after the Green Arrow’s Oliver Queen. 

I like alternative music and my favorite band is The Killers. 

My favorite area restaurant is The Soup Spoon Café and my favorite dish is the Voodoo Pasta. 

My hobbies include quilting, jamming, baking, woodworking, and photography. 


The AR’s are appointed by the Executive Board and their role is to assist with distributing APA materials and information and to serve as a resource for members. AR’s are assigned to a geographic area of campus, so if there is not an AR in your immediate building, you can find one nearby. For a list of AR’s go to 


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Your Fellow APAs

Fellow APA Marlee Sherrod  

By Gerlind Kiupel, Communication Committee Member  

  1. What is your job title?  Research Assistant 
  2. How long have you been at MSU? Working or as a student ha-ha? I went here for undergrad from August 2011 – December 2015, and as an employee since March 2021. So collectively, a little over 5 years. As an employee, 6 months. 
  3. Have you been a member of the APA the whole time? Except for the first month, I think, when I was getting my paperwork together. I have multiple family members who were members of the UAW and other unions, so I was excited to finally get the opportunity to join one! Unions do so much in making sure businesses don’t exploit or take advantage of their average, everyday employees. The way unions advocated for fair treatment was pivotal in building the middle class, and many of the protections that we have today would not be here without the unions of the past when they were at their strongest. I’ve always admired the collective strength of people coming together and supporting each other.
  4. What department do you work in, and can you tell me a little bit about what you do? I am a in the Division of Public Health. 
  5. What do you enjoy most about working at MSU?  I’m so thankful to work at the Flint Campus. I enjoyed East Lansing in undergrad, but for the work I want to do, working in Flint feels more like the real world, which I think is easier to forget about when living in a college town.
  6. What do you like to do when you are not at work? I enjoy practicing my Spanish with my tutor. I wish I had more time to devote to it. I enjoy going for a walk and catching up on sleep or watching Bob’s Burgers. It’s the best type of random, not-to-off-the-wall comedy that gets me out of my head and makes me laugh after a long day. It’s probably one of the only tv shows I watch consistently.
  7. In high school I was known for  Changing the color in my braids to match the feather plume on my marching band helmet. One year we had a show where each band member had a different color plume. My hairdresser had put colored yarn in my braids before, so I jumped at the chance to do it for this. Even after the show, I continued rocking this style, changing up the color every so often.
  8. People would be surprised to know I am skilled at  Directions: I’m good at spatial recognizing where I am and remember landmarks to navigate. It came in handy when I went studying abroad in Turkey:  a group of us students were out at night in Istanbul and the front of the group kept getting lost. I helped us find our way back to the apartment we were renting
  9. I have  no pets at the moment, but I would like to get one hopefully within the next 2 years or so. Growing up, we had a turtle, then 2 guinea pigs, and then most recently a German shepherd who I miss dearly.
  10. I like all types of music, but it really depends on my mood. Basically, if it has a beat that I like, I don’t care what type of music it is. I find listening to the same type of music to be boring.
  11. My favorite area restaurant is ______________ and my favorite dish is _______________.        Since I’ve been working for home since I started, I haven’t had too much of a chance to try the restaurants in Flint yet, but I’m excited too!
  12. My hobbies include working on my Spanish, walking, sleeping, talking to my friends and sister on the phone.
  13. My favorite junk food is French fries because it’s fried, crispy, and slightly salty on the outside with soft, warm potato on the inside. What’s not to love? Plus, it’s a finger food and easily transportable, so you can eat it anywhere! 
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Member Engagement Event

Member Engagement Event
By Kandy Slack – Membership Chair

On Tuesday, July 27th MSU-APA held an on-campus member engagement event in Lot #83 on Service Road from 11am-6pm. It was a hot one! This was an opportunity for members and prospective members attending to be entered into drawings for awesome MSU tailgating items, get information, meet APA officers, executive board members and area representatives in addition to some awesome APA and MEA Swag. Light refreshments were provided including sugar cookies with the APA logo from MSU Bakers!

See images below…


Martin, Kandy and Shannon
Kandy helping member
Pat helping member

Tuesdays big winners were….

HAIDA LOPEZ (Pictured)


Andrea Worful

Haida Lopez Winner
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UD’s Corner

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Ratification Vote on Tentative Agreement

Ratification Vote on Tentative Agreement on Wage & Health Care for 2022 – 2025
APA Election Committee

APA Member,

As you are aware, voting on whether to ratify the Tentative Agreement (TA) that sets forth the terms of the Wage & Health Care Letter of Agreement for 2022 – 2025 concluded today, August 30, 2021, at 4 pm.

In total, 796 members cast a ballot. 563 (70.73%) cast a ballot in favor of ratification with 233 (29.27%) in opposition. Therefore, the Tentative Agreement has officially been ratified by the APA membership.

However, we bargain this tentative agreement alongside the other unions in the Coalition of Labor Organization (CLO), so the agreement does not become effective until all the involved unions have completed the ratification process. At this time, some of the involved unions have failed to ratify the TA and it remains to be seen whether those unions will make additional attempts to ratify the TA as is and whether their failure to ratify will impact whether the TA will become the final agreement for those unions who have ratified.

We will keep you informed as information becomes available. If this TA does become the final agreement, a digital copy will be made available through the APA website. Additionally, we will provide members with information as to the start date of the reduction in retirement matching as soon as that date becomes available.

We appreciate the efforts of our APA Elections Committee. Thank you for casting your ballot in the ratification of the 2022 – 2025 APA Tentative Agreement.

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A Word from the APA President July-August

When are you heard?

The last year and a half have proven that change is constant. We all know that dealing with uncertainty alone is isolating. Yet, it has provided us opportunities to communicate with our members around a wide range of deep concerns, that members never thought would happen to them.

The APA represents over 2,900 positions at MSU which is roughly 44% of the organized staff on campus. Together those voices hold more power than just a number. By being a full member of the APA, you secure the right to be heard. You are adding to the energy that takes us all forward. A great part of your investment brings valuable resources to our cause. Our alliance with the MEA and NEA prove to be a great benefit, both financially and in the strength, we can bring to bear during negotiations. I can personally attest, those resources made the difference at the critical point in the recent negotiations. Without that investment, the outcome would have been very bleak. MEA and NEA resources provided immense weight to your voice.

Engagement is critical for our APA family. We survey our members in good standing to ensure we are representing them in the best way. We also hold virtual town hall meetings to learn perspectives and to gain better understanding. Answering surveys and attending town hall meetings is essentially your voice coming to the table and also guides our negotiating strategy. Through the surveys for our recent Health Care &Wages negotiations along with the COVID Vaccination Mandate our members came forward to be heard. Often a part of the survey is an optional section to provide comments. Our latest survey had over 650 comments and we can assure our members that every comment was read. Our town hall meetings are essential so we can communicate important issues with members but more importantly, raise notice of new
ideas that are brought forward by our membership.
Those who choose not the become a full member forfeit a voice in their own futures.

We know our members are often asked why some get a notification of an informational session or town hall meeting and some don’t. The answer is simply, a benefit of membership. The Right to Work ruling controls only representation in contract issues and not all the other functions of how your union functions. Expecting to have free access to the advantage of resources that others provide is unconscionable. Our members support the resources that support them. They have earned the right to be heard through that support. The true question is what return on investment can be expected if you don’t put anything in your own account?

Our members in good standing continue to provide the essential guidance to help us all move forward, by investing in their own futures. Through emails, phone calls, responses to surveys, and attendance at town hall meetings, they light the path ahead. Please continue to invest in yourself and reach out to us. You are the APA.

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MSU APA Trivia

APA-MSU Trivia Question of the Month 


On the MEA members only website found here , there is a coupon available for use at Office Depot/OfficeMax. What is the maximum percentage the coupon is worth? 


Please submit your answer by Wednesday August 25, 2021, at 5pm. 

There will be a random drawing from the entries with the correct answer, the person will win a giftbag from MSU-APA.   

Please send your answers to Darius Bradley at [email protected] 


**MSU-APA Board members and Area Reps are not eligible to participate in the contest.**

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